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Everything posted by Paladrian

  1. Me too, but I would add that the original readme file needs to be included in the mod
  2. No readme file It comes with a very basic pdf manual only... doesn't even have credits
  3. Wings over...

    I couldn't.... 5:04 AM here
  4. Ah, you discovered our secret base!! Now if you all please look here You didn't see anything ...
  5. Ha! You need to make another poll
  6. You have left out several features very important to me A. Good AI, it doesn't have to be the best out there, but it has to be believable: planes that should not dogfight not doing it, wingmen that do their job, groups of planes behaving as a group instead many individuals doing all the same thing, planes that run away if in disadvantage, etc, etc.. B. Avionics: making difference between different kind of radars (pulse, continuous wave...), ecm, awacs or ground control, etc With the addition of these 2, my ranking would be: 1. A 2. High moddability 3. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects 4. B 5. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology) 6. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven) 7. Detailed carrier ops 8. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft 9. Detailed comms and ATC 10. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic) 11. Good performance on older systems And that's assuming that realistic FM is an obvious feature :umnik2:
  7. Amazing!! :fan_1: this is the mod that I had been waiting for the most!
  8. Gunsight model sent, check your email Simon ;)
  9. Personally I can live without multiplayer, but it could attract more people, so I voted #3
  10. Have you considered that instead of having thirdwire do the work, maybe you can use the money to pay them a license, and form a team of volunteers to do the work? Maybe even hire TK as a consultant. It could be cheaper that way (although I admit that it could be a lot harder to accomplish). Just an idea I also like Lexx's idea, having 2 very different aircrafts modeled gives the game more potential for modding, just as the inclusion of F-15 and A-10 in WOE gave the game modern avionics that can be used for a lot of other aircraft
  11. You can always use the Super Etendard cockpit, they are very much alike TMF has one in the works too :moil:
  12. I recently edited Thirdwire's F-104G FM because I felt it too was underpowered The variables I changed were the following AltitudeTableData DryMachTableData WetMachTableData I believe the values in these variables represent a percentage of max thrust available at certain altitudes ( 1.0 = 100% ), so increasing them should give you more speed. My starfighter now really flies like a missile :)
  13. by Thirdwire: F-104G 3rd party: F/A-18 (I would say some I made, but they aren't exactly 3rd party for me )
  14. First 2 lines must be exactly as follows (no extra spaces, no nothing) [NationData] GenericNationName=Generic
  15. Are you sure you have the problems with the anti-ship missions only with 3rd party aircraft? Because if not, then the problem could be in your Nations.ini
  16. The easiest way would be installing the cockpits using the installer for Strike Fighters, it's basically the same. But easiest way is not the best way , you would still need to make several fixes not obvious to newcomers... well the files are somewhat old and were released before WOE!! To be safe follow the steps posted by Wrench, with the following addition: 4)copy/paste "Avionica_**.ini" as well!! And read the links provided, so that you get familiar with modding the game I know the files need to be updated, I may do it sometime in the future... after WOI is released
  17. I love it! I was having a hard time trying to hit small fighters (dozens of wasted rockets literally passing centimeters from the target!! ) so I made them converge at 300m as follows [LTip1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=11 StationGroupID=3 StationType=INTERNAL NumWeapons=26 AttachmentPosition001=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition002=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition003=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition004=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition005=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition006=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition007=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition008=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition009=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition010=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition011=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition012=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition013=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition014=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition015=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition016=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition017=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition018=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition019=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition020=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition021=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition022=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition023=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition024=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition025=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition026=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentAngles=1.595,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2500 AllowedWeaponClass=RCKT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=5 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= LaunchRailHeight=0.10 BombBayAnimationID=10 BombBayOpenTime=0.1 BombBayCloseTime=0.1 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName= AutomaticDoors=TRUE [RTip1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=3 StationType=INTERNAL NumWeapons=26 AttachmentPosition001=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition002=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition003=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition004=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition005=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition006=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition007=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition008=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition009=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition010=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition011=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition012=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition013=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition014=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition015=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition016=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition017=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition018=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition019=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition020=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition021=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition022=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition023=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition024=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition025=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition026=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentAngles=-1.595,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2500 AllowedWeaponClass=RCKT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=5 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= LaunchRailHeight=0.10 BombBayAnimationID=10 BombBayOpenTime=0.1 BombBayCloseTime=0.1 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName= AutomaticDoors=TRUE [LTip2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=4 StationType=INTERNAL NumWeapons=26 AttachmentPosition001=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition002=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition003=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition004=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition005=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition006=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition007=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition008=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition009=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition010=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition011=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition012=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition013=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition014=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition015=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition016=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition017=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition018=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition019=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition020=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition021=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition022=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition023=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition024=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition025=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition026=-8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentAngles=1.595,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000.6 AllowedWeaponClass=RCKT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=5 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= LaunchRailHeight=0.10 BombBayAnimationID=10 BombBayOpenTime=0.1 BombBayCloseTime=0.1 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName= AutomaticDoors=TRUE [RTip2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=14 StationGroupID=4 StationType=INTERNAL NumWeapons=26 AttachmentPosition001=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition002=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition003=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition004=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition005=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition006=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition007=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition008=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition009=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition010=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition011=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition012=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition013=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition014=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition015=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition016=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition017=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition018=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition019=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition020=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition021=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition022=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition023=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition024=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition025=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentPosition026=8.35,1.65, 0.172 AttachmentAngles=-1.595,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000.6 AllowedWeaponClass=RCKT AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=5 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= LaunchRailHeight=0.10 BombBayAnimationID=10 BombBayOpenTime=0.1 BombBayCloseTime=0.1 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName= AutomaticDoors=TRUE In fact I think the AI now has better hit rate than me
  18. I don't think you should take the entire thread down just because one guy reported problems. It could be that a rather obscure and unfortunate combination of factors cause a single guy to have a problem with a feature of some software (it has happened before: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3020 ) Better wait and see before you even consider taking such drastic measure BTW, the problem reported in the link above cured by itself, after several weeks of not playing the game in that PC
  19. Add this lines Instrument[121]=DeletePitot [DeletePitot] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=Pitot MovementType=Light Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=-20.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=20.0 I believe there is another entry with the same node name, the other one should be ignored by the game. If this don't deletes the pitot tube then replace that entry with this one
  20. That's correct, the latest version is needed

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