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Everything posted by Paladrian

  1. lol, what you see in my movie is not real VTOL After some patch (I don't remember which one exactly), the speed units were changed for the vessels. This resulted in incredibly fast vessels that had been done before that patch, the carrier in my video is one of them. This carrier in particular was faster than the landing speed, so what looks like VTOL in the video is actually plane and carrier going at the same speed. The video was not supposed to be serious stuff ;) On the other hand the harrier features real VTOL
  2. Cockpits for MiG-21 F/PF/PFM



    Cockpits for MiG-21F, MiG-21PFM (for SFP1 and WOV) and MiG-21PF (for WOV only). Only cockpit files are icnluded
  3. Alternatively you can use ExtractNow, at http://www.extractnow.com/ Last time I downloaded it was freeware (dont know if still is), it does not compress but it does extract .rar, .ace and others
  4. what am I doing now?

    How soon? I cannot wait! BTW the cockpit looks fantastic
  5. Dangerous Waters Contest

    I am going to win that copy of DW hehehe
  6. At least this place has plenty of emoticons, lol
  7. 6 GMail Accounts

    Thank you!! :)
  8. 6 GMail Accounts

    I would like to take one please Adrian Carrillo paladrian@hotmail.com Cheers :)
  9. MiG-21MFv07



    MiG-21MF Cockpit, Public Beta

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