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Nicholas Bell

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Everything posted by Nicholas Bell

  1. Adding GroundObjects to Missions

    The tutorial should explain it all: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2679
  2. That's interesting, Nele. Will have to try that out. From what I understand spinning wasn't introduced into the flight engine until First Eagles, but maybe that's incorrect information? Would be nice to retrofit your "problem" into other aircraft. And thanks again for another interesting lesson on Soviet aircraft.
  3. Night Flying in WWI?

    You can always use ALT-C to change the time of day so you can at least see better.
  4. Albatross DIII wing tips?

    What would be nice is the straight edge rudder rather than the D V tail.
  5. Different airfield texture....

    Good idea!
  6. This joke has been around for many years. At least that is my professional opinion as a former Air Defense Artillery officer in an IHAWK unit. Iran is well known for these kind of propaganda stunts. There is nothing to gained by using the HAWK missile over the AIM-7 on the other Tomcat in the photo.
  7. My WOE Air Defense Mod adds the HAWK Belt to Germany. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4714
  8. I thought so too until I tried it... The problem is that vehicles modified to be used by the player blow up when moving across the ground because of the collision routines. And where you need collision routines (like vehicles running into buildings or trees) there are none. Whether intentional or not (he has mentioned wanting to do land-based wargames) TK has made it pretty tough to do a totally new game.
  9. The problem isn't offensive AI routines as much as the near non-existent defensive AI. You all know that the AI takes no action against SAMS, and that any plane on any strike mission simply flies the waypoints, bombs and flies back home, ignoring all threats. You can shoot them down like pigeons. Heck, I've flown in front of them to see if I could evoke a response. None, no matter what the pilot rating. I've even eliminated all blind zones just to check if that was the problem. It really irks the cr@p out of me to see friendlies with AIM-9s on the pylons getting slaughtered just because they had a bombing waypoint. Even the offensive AI fails when the target is armed with any sort of tail guns, as it merely attacks from the rear and gets nailed. You cannot defend the failure of the AI routines here. As a pure fighter vs fighter sim, the AI is pretty realistic. But that is rather ironic given the series theme is "strike fighters". Hopefully TK will address this in the next patch.
  10. Anyone experts know if there is a maximum number of squadrons allowed in a campaign. And is there perhaps a "dividing line" between friendly and enemy squadrons? That is, you cannot list friendly, enemy, then friendly squadrons? I've got 157 squadrons total in my latest WOE campaign, but not all are showing. Thanks for the help!
  11. Takes a lot of MiGs to do that in WOE even with the wingman as they are. In my recent campaigns (on hard AI) flight of four F-15's regularly comes home with dozen or more kills. The only casualties are to SAMs, or friendly fire (my wingman shot me down)
  12. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=4993 File Name: Radar Screen Relocation File Submitter: Nicholas Bell File Submitted: 20 Jul 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ini Edits File Version: No Information Website: No Information Radar Screen Relocation This tiny edit helps my tired old eyes see the radar screen by increasing it's size, making it non-transparent and putting in the lower middle of the screen where it doesn't interfere with seeing the outside world. If you like looking at your instrument panel closely or prefer to use the radar screen in the cockpit, this is not for you (and I envy your eyesight!). Unzip and copy the HUDDATA.INI file into your Flight Folder. If you already have one there because of other modifications, you can simply copy and paste the following section: [Display004] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.4 PosY=0.78 ;PosX=0.865 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;PosY=0.015 ;ORIGINAL VALUE Width=0.165 Height=0.22 ;Width=0.125 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;Height=0.16666667 ;ORIGINAL VALUE Alpha=1.00 InitTime=0.0 ;Alpha=0.60 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;InitTime=2.0 ;ORIGINAL VALUE If you don't like the modification, simply delete the HUDDATA.INI file. Enjoy being able to discern your radar returns! Nick Bell NicholasBell@verizon.net July 20, 2007 Click here to download this file
  13. Radar Screen Relocation



    Radar Screen Relocation This tiny edit helps my tired old eyes see the radar screen by increasing it's size, making it non-transparent and putting in the lower middle of the screen where it doesn't interfere with seeing the outside world. If you like looking at your instrument panel closely or prefer to use the radar screen in the cockpit, this is not for you (and I envy your eyesight!). Unzip and copy the HUDDATA.INI file into your Flight Folder. If you already have one there because of other modifications, you can simply copy and paste the following section: [Display004] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.4 PosY=0.78 ;PosX=0.865 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;PosY=0.015 ;ORIGINAL VALUE Width=0.165 Height=0.22 ;Width=0.125 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;Height=0.16666667 ;ORIGINAL VALUE Alpha=1.00 InitTime=0.0 ;Alpha=0.60 ;ORIGINAL VALUE ;InitTime=2.0 ;ORIGINAL VALUE If you don't like the modification, simply delete the HUDDATA.INI file. Enjoy being able to discern your radar returns! Nick Bell NicholasBell@verizon.net July 20, 2007
  14. Thank you for a job well done, Typhoid! Nele you are a fount of knowledge, and I always enjoy your posts! I just have to ask - how you know so much?
  15. Here's a good article on Constant Peg with some interesting information on the MiG's. >>Constant Peg Article<< In the mid-80's while stationed in Germany I got to touch and climb into a Flogger as part of my intro to 32nd AADCOM (I was in a IHAWK unit). The thing that really struck me was how poorly manufactured the plane was (as mentioned in the article above). I remember the rivets. I also remember a fuselage fuel tank which was integral with the aircraft skin. They told me it they leaked all the time and were not self-sealing. Tapping on it sounded like hitting an empty steel drum. The cockpit was pretty low tech. I saw a lot of Soviet equipment and was uttered shocked at how bad it was. Maybe it was all export stuff. The point of the program was to show incoming officers the reality of enemy - "that Soviets were not 10 feet tall" and that we could defeat them despite their supposed numerical superiority. Events a few years later seemed to prove that out. Now Typhoid, you must tell us a bit more of your combat experience! :yes:
  16. Anyone point me to where I can find the F-111 add-on aircraft? Can't find it - or am overlooking it. I know it's been done since it's listed as such and there are skins available. Thanks!
  17. F-111 Aardvark?

    Thanks - I must be more blind than I thought!
  18. Thanks for working on this, Timmy. Looks good and will be a great addition. Just what we need for attacking the Berlin Airlift
  19. In the air. It saves a few minutes. When I have time I prefer to fly the waypoints - or off the waypoints in order to have the "battle" develop differently. Usually compress time some to get closer, faster. I also like to use the map to see where the other flights are (using the modification to be able to zoom out far enough to see the entire map) and F6 to watch the action elsewhere. If you fly off the waypoints and use the map it is possible to catch the bad guys "out of sorts". Nothing like blasting them as they take off or as the move to where they think you are supposed to be. Or after a boring mission roaming around looking for guys low on fuel or odd transport shuttling parts between bases. When time is tight I ALT-N if flying a CAP or intercept mission if the range isn't too far (see below). Can't do this when I'm moving mud though because I like to hit the target after the friendly sweeps and SEAD flights have actually arrived on target. It's been discussed before and I know the "old timers" are aware, but it is worth repeating - the mission generator often (usually) has the player's flight on target before all others - no matter what the player's role is. So it makes sense to slow down or take a longer alternative route when you're carrying the bombs so your support flights can do their job. On a related note, isn't it frustrating on an intercept or CAP mission to "fail" even before engaging? A lot of those missions make it impossible to engage the enemy before they drop their bombs. When you see a long range CAP or intercept, it may make sense to drop the intermediate waypoints and fly as fast as you can (wing leveler and time compression help), not at cruise speed, to get to the target area before the enemy does. ALT-N doesn't help here, nor does "Near the target" setup.
  20. LOL! Yeah, a little busy Although I like the "immersion factor" of a campaign, nothing beats a fine handcrafted mission for realism. I used to not really understand this "for myself" aspect, thinking, well, why not share it with everyone? But now I understand...I'm got so many modifications and tweaks of my own and by others I'd have to post most of my WOE directory for anyone else to make heads or tails of it. Not to mention attempting to give credit to/get permission from all those who have "contributed" to my modified campaigns. Me too! And some of those planes deserve only to be flown once! Recently tried Boopidoo's absolutely stunning Su-15 Flagon and learned quickly that this plane (at least with me flying it) should stay away from the front and stick with intercepting unescorted bombers deep in the Motherland. Of course, that's what the plane was designed for!
  21. Definitely would remove any "fun" factor from the sim, since we don't have stand-off jamming capability to counter. Modern SAM's, Slammers, off-boresite AAM's etc take all the fun out of flying.
  22. I am slowly working on continuing the next version of my air defense mod, and have tweaked the SA-7 so that they at least fire. Have also created a Redeye unit, and tweaked the Stinger too. It's a little more dangerous, but not much of a threat for fast movers. The problem is that by the time any MANPADS unit acquires you, you're already moving out of optimal engagement range. If you use my HAWK air defense mod and fly for the Reds you will definitely "see" the missiles coming due to the smoke trail. Doing anything to dodge them is another matter, since many Soviet aircraft lack countermeasures of any sort. Dive fast and turn hard!
  23. Thanks Fubar! Wondering how I missed that, as I use your MiG21 FM
  24. Regarding why one can break up the Stuka formations but not the bomber formations may have something to do with AircraftRole. The Ju-87 has an ATTACK role and the others are BOMBERS. Might want to change that and see what happens. The waypoint "mission" problem will still be there. It's a real immersion killer when a flight of fighters or fighter-bombers flies straight and level after completed their bombing mission totally ignoring all threats. Like shooting clay pigeons.
  25. A hearty second to that request - these planes need a "reality check"

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