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Nicholas Bell

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Everything posted by Nicholas Bell

  1. FYI, the HAWK batteries were not placed on active USAF airfields. Some were on inactive airfields used by the US Army - like Giebelstadt and Schweinfurt (not on the Germany CE map). Place your HAWK batteries on hills around 20 KM from the target to be protected and you are simulating actual doctrine. The radar and missile range in the sim is way too low. I want to see if I can locate some public data before revealing anything classified.
  2. What is the HawkL_stdalone object? I cannot get it to appear when I place it using Kreelin's Mission Editor. Must admit I'm a novice on this type of work.
  3. Wow... You are a fount of knowledge on this bird! Thanks - going to see how the old bird flies now
  4. I was an IHAWK TCO (Tactical Control Office) and Platoon Leader in the mid '80's. There were 2 configurations. A full battery would have the BCC (Battery Command Central), an ICC (Information Control Central (with the computers and IFF on top), the PAR (Pulse Acquisition Radar), ROR (Range only Radar), ICWAR (Improved Continuous Wave Radar), two HIPARS (High-Power Acquisition Radars) each with 3 (not 2) launchers (each with 3 missiles). The BCC was on 5 ton truck. The rest of the equipment was towed. There was also an AFP (Assault Fire Platoon) which consisted of the PCP (Platoon Command Post) with an IFF. The ICWAR and one firing section (1 HIPAR and 3 launchers). This equipment was taken away from the main battery - not additional. The PAR provided long-range high altitude detection, the ICWAR was shorter ranged but good down to ground level. When separated into 2 platoons they would be networked to share information. In theory the 4 batteries in battalion would be networked through the Bn TOC - mostly for C3. In theory one battery could detect and another "quiet" battery could stay in standbye, recieve remote data, come up quick and fire without using it's own detection radars. Never worked though. Please fire away with any questions - I've got a ton of information in my head. Would love to get the IHAWKs up and running in the sim. I would also like to place the units where they were - at least the battalion I was in while in Germany. I have information on others too.
  5. Squadron Editor

    Thanks! My minor contribution to the community. More difficult. I'll have to poke around the file and see if I can work it out. The catch is, of course, there is no way to confirm that this byte is this or that bit of information, since we have no access in game to the those squadrons. And the data structure is not identical to the player squadron. But I'll add it to the list of things I'd like to add.
  6. How does one add these to the terrain? I didn't spot anything in the Knowledge Base. I'd like to try putting my old IHAWK Bn on the Germany map, although I've catch the drift that there is a problem in getting NATO ADA assets to function?
  7. Would using the WW2 formation mod help?
  8. A question for the experts - is it possible within the framework of the sim engine to create stand-off jammers? Or is ECM modeled for the target only? If only the latter, wouldn't it be more realistic to reduce the effectiveness of the detection & lock capabilities of the weapon systems to represent the stand-off jamming? I was an ADA officer back in the 1980s and have "some" knowledge of US and foreign ADA systems. The lack of correct ECM/ECCM modeling in my flights has always bothered me. I don't think it is a lack of publicly available data, just a lack of understanding on the part of designers. Perhaps they can be forgiven. I was fortunate back then to participating in Red Flag exercises which forced the re-acquaintance between the USAF and a device called an "IFF" So even the players don't always pay attention to important details.
  9. Although not based on a novel that I know of, a modern version of the Battle of Britain would be interesting and doable since the basic map is available. Easy for me to volunteer someone else to do it
  10. New Halberstadt DII by Bortdafarm

    Interesting comments about the Halberstadt D2. Is there some confusion between the D2 and D3? I thought it interesting to compare Tucker Hatfield's (Red Baron 2) comments which I got from Cage's World: 4. The Halberstadt DII was a very poor plane. The engine did not develop sufficient power for its weight. The airfoil had poor AOA characteristics, and the undersized vertical stabilizer provided inadequate lateral stability. The center of lift was close to the center of gravity, and that gave the plane poor roll stability. There is an anecdotal report of Manfred Von Richtofen being saved by his seat belt while ferrying a DII when the plane suddenly rolled inverted unexpectedly from level flight. Only two Jasta's were equipped with the Halberstadt DII, and those planes were soon withdrawn from service. Note I'm not throwing stones, just looking for clarification or opinions.
  11. WoV Water FX

    Yes, very nice. And now the inevitable question.....when?
  12. Sounds excellent and I look forward to the updates. Thanks for your work on these!
  13. Sincere thanks to everyone who obviously put a lot of hard thought and work into this campaign package. Excellent stuff!
  14. Pfalz D.iii Released

    Just downloaded SFP1 Dev A-Team new Pfalz III. Beautiful model - thanks guys! Gave it a spin. Good visibility, decent acceleration and fairly speedy but climbs like a slug and manuevers...well, it makes the SPAD look nimble Not pleasant having 2 SPADS glued to my tail for five minutes. Could only break away for a short time before they were back on me. Eventually killed me. I think Allied flyers will be overjoyed to see this added to the German inventory. Many thanks to Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench!
  15. Flight

    Nevertheless the Allies lost hundreds (if not thousands - 5000+ Allied planes were lost in the war, most in the last 2 years) of aircraft well after Bloody April and before the introduction of the DVII - a period when all the Germans had were Alb DV's, Pfalz DIII,s and a handful of Dr-1s. And while lousy Allied pilot training and tactics may have had an impact on this, it doesn't explain it all. If the common German planes were so awful (as depicted in the game now) the Allied Airforces would have swept them from the skies. (this is of course merely my opinion based on my study of the subject)
  16. Flight

    One has to wonder if these are accurate depictions, how did the German's manage to shoot down as many Allied aircraft as they did? Seems a bit overdone IMO.
  17. Looks good, Firecage!

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