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Everything posted by Piloto

  1. Sorry to disagree but some are. And it doesnt matter because its fine though. Everybody should get the thank yous and the compliments because your/their work are simply amazing. I just think its plain stupid to be egobruised with plain old boffunery (learn this word with hornetfixr )
  2. Yes and No. When you release something to public you must accept the good with the bad or dont release anything at all!!! Its life! If you dont like it dont release it. Simple as that. Im not im favour of criticism but i dont like seing people that dont bother to make a better work effort just to launch a bunch of "low quality" (still better than the ones i make ) models just to say their modders, in detriment off some hard working fellows over there! Its just plain old semantics. The No is in the part of some rivet count whiners that make averybody sick over here. Criticism is good in a constructive kinda way. Relesing a note in the read-me" this is a as-it-is mod, dont like it dont play it" would work too. (i think)
  3. Well, i think i was misunderstood. What i meant was that you modders work for yourselfs and for the joy and apreciation of the community, right?!? If some of you modders are sick entired of repeating youselfs with the same things and with criticism (i know i am!) its your choice to stop producing models. But i think its not coerent to threat stop making models just because i dont like the critics. Youre modders for the compliments and for the critics, dont forget that. In spite i realize that some critics are made from somebody that could try and do better....if they could. When i dont like some model...the delete button is there. no critics because i know i cant do better. Hell, im sick entired of waiting for the Gripen and you dont see me opening posts requesting it!!
  4. Nice point! Children see, children do. Its not a nice attitude to be a gimmegimme but its even worse to threat and menace to quit working or not "supply" new models into the community because of that.
  5. Good Post! BTW 10% warn for "stirring the pot" !!!
  6. Well, you will also have the Hip from Marcelo, the OH-6 if someone could tune it with some capable weapon stations "Blue Thunder" style, and the ALouette III from vrkuboy.... All you need is to check some availabilites.... BTW nice idea!!! :fan_1:
  7. O que é que estão jogando?

    A expansao BoB pro SFP1
  8. Suddently from nowhere.....bam!! a Scooter!!! Great work Fracture! Now wheres the other skin you tease...
  9. Well ive just accquired a couple of games from Interactive Vision called Search and Rescue 4 and Vietnam Medevac and im quite amazed with this series! Alright its an old game, i know, but i liked especially the chopper control and the variety of missions (in spite of boring if you play a lot)... Did anbody play these games? and what did you think of it? Ps- Is it modding friedly?
  10. Does anybody knows Search&Rescue series?

    Yes, i have the apache also but it lacks of depth in the weapons though... Ive also got in the package "REd JEts"...nice enviromental (clouds etc...) but a very weak game... The S&D is really appealing because its diferent.
  11. Rules of the Air

    No Rules. Great Scotch.
  12. Para quem desconhecia, existe em Montélimar o "Musée Européen de l'Aviation de Chasse" - Museu Europeu de Aviação de Caça. É uma ideia engraçada, visto que é privado e não sendo um grande museu (nomeadamente o estado de conservação das aeronaves é fraco) sempre atrai bastantes visitantes (que são a fonte de receita da qual vivem) e pode-se tomar contacto de perto com alguns aviões, e acessórios e ainda assistir à recuperação dos aparelhos que lá é feita. Algumas das aeronaves estão a voar, por exemplo um interessante "Bronco" e a sua participação em festivais também ajuda a pagar as despesas. Quando for por essas bandas não me posso esquecer de fazer uma visita e voces tb nao... Fotos: http://www.meacmtl.com/musee/navion/sa318.html http://aeropaixao.fortunecity.com/FotosMEAC.htm
  13. Musée Européen de l'Aviation de Chasse

    Lool!! os falecidos! Eu tb n por isso tamos no mesmo barco...
  14. Tucano

    Demais!!!! Isso agora é moda pintarem os trainers de preto?
  15. Pinturas / Skins Espetaculares!

    O Mirage EBR tá muito bonito! Mas esses suiços n ficam atras... Mas acho q linda linda tá uns Hunters q vi noutro sitio...mais tarde ponho aki... Edit: Cá estão os Hunters q tinha falado... o primeiro parece q saiu do Wiki
  16. Musée Européen de l'Aviation de Chasse

    Não precisa ter pena....precisa é de ir lá. Com o dinheiro das visitas e de aishows eles tão recuperando os aviões peça a peça...naturalmente q n é facil e ser de privados é ainda mais de louvar! :yes:
  17. FV107 Scimitar

    Great details Marcelo!

    Very nice, as usual!!!
  19. FX-2!

    Eu tava a brincar além de que os nossos são sempre em SEACAMO O Rafale é um dos falados pra substituir os AlphaJet, juntamente com os Gripen....mas isso vai dar muito pano pra mangas...
  20. FX-2!

    Boas noticias! Para nós podem sair 20 aparelhos com Ghost ou European Scheme.....
  21. Sweet, Craig!! Excellent work!!
  22. Try here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=54

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