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Everything posted by Piloto

  1. I think i saw a Wepons Guide in PDF somewhere...let me see if i can find it for you.
  2. I read you post and for me its a no harm done... sometimes we just get too eager in showing our point of view that we miss the bigger picture...i see that now. Keep fighting the good fight.
  3. One question.....had anybody created a WoE mission flying off carriers and returning to them?
  4. Yes i know....but as for the loadouts it as not very much to offer. Have you change yours to carry aam´s like underbely Skyflash for example ?
  5. And anyone as and ADV version of the Tornado .ini for me to modify it to CAP´s and Interdiction??
  6. Just when i tought things couldnt get any worse the sh** its the fan.... If i was kinda indiferent with the concept of payware this comment couldnt resent me more! It seems my 4y old nephew talking sh**...."i have it and you dont nananana"...now realy...this is getting truly a circus! If you have it and dont want to share it, hey it is your right someonelse has to make it or not but getting pissed at someone for using payware and menace with that kinda remarks...man that is truly disgusting.
  7. Well, i know ill problably hear "...its in the knowledge base..." but the real truth is that i need more explicit tips (aka modding for morons). Ive downloaded Digital Overload´s CVN 75 for install in my WoE but between all the readme´s and the knowledge base tips i kinda burn a fuse! How exactly do you install a carrier in WoE? Because im afraid of loosing all my instalations so far in a stupid mistake! And the zipfile contains at least 5 files with addon in it... The other question is regarding the Hymalaian terrain and Suez 2....in the Hymalaian the instalation instructions said to copy/paste the desert.cat file and change the name to hymalaian.cat...i did it with my stock German.cat and it worked but now when i use alt+n after taking off from the runway the plane crashes! Anybody had this problem??? In Suez2...both the inflight map and parts of the set appear kinda meshed with parts of the Hymalaian set...this is defenitivly not normal as i change the line in the .ini as instructed... Sorry for problably ask same old questions again but sometimes i just get all out off ideas in resolving problems...
  8. Well...thats what i did! Ive copied the germany.cat file and changed the name on it but it apears faulty and glitchy missing bits and mixing with hymalaian terrain!
  9. hummm, so if i get the desert terrain from SFP1 and add it to my WoE and then modify the Suez2 maybe it will work fine???
  10. Great Work!!! Great Quality as usual!!! Cant wait to fly it!!!
  11. Ok...i´ve been reading a couple more topics and in blood for oil (thaks fastcargo) i understood alittle more in adding the carriers...but it cant be flown in single missions right? And about the terrains, anybody have an ideia of whats wrong?
  12. Roger that! The real issue with this is that i think everybody took it personal because was lead to think it was freeware when in the reality it was not and it was backedup by a misleading publicity stunt.... I cant say that happened to me because i wasnt really expecting it, so i dont taked it personal. As i said before for me the concept is weird...not the charging thing but the way you convert it..... This is really kinda of a stupid problem....if payware=more quality i cant see why people shouldnt pay for a good product (hell i paid for the games) with good tech support.... if RAZ decided to make a photo high resolution terrain of Portugal i might even consider buying it for the kicks!
  13. Great! Hope to hear from both soon!
  14. Well....i´ve just uinstalled it but no weapons....got to spend some time checking it. Hey Wrench....care to share your loadout.ini?
  15. Well, in my readings today i saw this one and im impressed with all the mirage fans and modders, nobody came up in creating this ugly little fella
  16. Roll Call

    Choose a hell of a day to stop drinking.... Piloto got you back´s!
  17. Well...im kinda new around here but i think i can express my opinion....i started off (like many) with a .iso(shame on me ) version of WoE and WoV and soon realize that this was a game to spend money on. The real charisma of this game is that is suported by a enourmous community with great artists/designers and excellent modders. Thats what made me buy the copyright copie for SFP1 and WoE and still waiting for WoV. This is my opinion, when a game and its community work real hard to make it suitable for most of the tastes and opinions of other people for free, it really worths while because its all about seeing your work recognized and admired by others. If you liked it payed maybe should work for a label... The principle of the payware is kinda hard to compreend...is to grab the work hours, the time you didnt spend with your friends and family or doing something else and covert it into cash instead of public recognition of your talent...i just dont know how to "convert" hours spent into € so for me is hard to compreend, but if you guys understand...fine by me. That doesnt mean im "spitting" your high quality work or nothing like that.
  18. Well, as soon i try to "learn" how to skin, this is a nice one for me to try...in the mean time i would like to introduce you the Portuguese Navy Air Arm, the Westland Navy Super Lynx MK95
  19. Well....i think its "nousy" because is always messing with somoelse business... Realy...the long nose shoulb be the avionics/radar displacement. This is a South African venturo so.....i really dont know
  20. Maybe...let me explain the ship class is "Vasco da Gama" and the ones that operate the Super Lynx ara the NRP "Vasco da Gama", NRP "Pedro ALvares Cabral" and NRP "Corte Real" . Yes, here in Portugal they mount Torpedoes and Sea Skuas as well, but i saw one from the evaluation team with Harpoons as well.
  21. We need you.

    No, it cant! Just by the simple reason that we understand them, but they dont understand us! Portuguese, English, Spanish a little French and two very little Italian and German!
  22. Ive instaled the MICA Ir/EM and the IRIS-T in my WoE but they dont appear in any loadout i chose from. Ive tried to give it a diferent association with the weaponeditor and asssociate with USN/USAF/... and it still doesnt appear....any ideas? And las, and my seem a stupid question...does the planes from FE work in WoE?

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