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Everything posted by Maj_Jedi

  1. oh really, I did it on a fresh install and had no problems. can you delete the post then?
  2. huh? the code box isn't all run together. I must be missing something. does it strip out CRLF's?
  3. I don't see it, it's all run in one line, it's supposed to be: for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do ( ren "%%I.ini" *.txt stringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicode del "%%I.txt" )
  4. it shouldn't make any difference, but are they already unicode? try this: open a command prompt and run stringconverter.exe <old.ini file> <new ini file> /unicode and see if that makes any changes
  5. did you put both files in the root of the thirdwire folder?
  6. you might have to fiddle with it. i don't know where the XP version puts those files
  7. hmmm. on 2nd look the killerbees stuff didn't work. but re-installing killerbee worked. I tested it on win7 x64. what version are you running it on?
  8. OK, I think it is working. download stringconverter.exe and put it in the root of your saved games\thirdwire folder http://www.gbordier.com/gbtools/stringconverter.htm copy and paste this into a file called runme.cmd in the root of your saved games\thirdwire folder for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do ( ren "%%I.ini" *.txt stringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicode del "%%I.txt" ) this renames the ini file to .txt converts is to a unicode file called .ini and deletes the text file I've tested it (a little) with SF2, vietnam, and europe with the june 2009 update and killerbee's weapons pack. use at your own risk
  9. OK, I tried the script. for some reason my install hates unicode, no weapons, no controls, nothing time for a clean install
  10. nope it's a VBS script, (visual basic) basically it need to do a recoursive search through all the directories and fix them
  11. here's some basic code to turn ANSI into unicode, care to modify it to cover the rest? Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2") Set oFiles = oFolder.files For each file in oFiles If Right(file.Name, 3) = "ini" Then Set ANSIFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 1, False, False) ANSIContent = ANSIFile.ReadAll Set UNICODEFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 2, False, True) UNICODEFile.Write ANSIContent End If Next

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