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Everything posted by Volksjager

  1. F-8 Crusader

    When I came in here earlier today I could not see a Post about it so I made one to inform people. Sorry for doing Such a bad thing Volks
  2. Hi Guys, I probably should have put this in the Mod forum insteat of the gneral forum so I put it in here as well If you havent seen this yet follow the Link to simhq http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...c;f=55;t=005048 Progress is being made, Looks Great ingame Volks
  3. I have finished the last of the weapons skins for the Su-15. At the time of release I had the AA-8 and the AA-1 completed. This Download has the AA-3R and AA-3IR re skined and the Upk-23-250 Gunpod Reskined. Here are the Pics: Download them on my site. Follow the Link below Also the Low Res skin stock skin for the Su-15 is up on my site.DOwnload if you are having display troubles with the original Hi res skin Volks
  4. Here is what Boopidoo posted at Simhq: Hi there! Now I'm letting it go. I've had huge help from alot of people. Almost too many since I'll forget someone if I try to remember all of them. To all of you thats helped me... (you know who you are) THANKS!!!! Now to the aircraft, it is currently hosted at my website (see below) but I'd very much like to have others host it since don't have much space left there. The FM isn't finished I know and if you can help me out then do but mail me the suggested changes in the .ini files since I really can't do that much ini editing for the moment. http://aerospace.boopidoo.com/ There is also a download like at My website: Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html I will get some more skins out alittle later on and if people want it, the templates for the Su-15F Hope people enjoy the aircraft Volks
  5. Good News! I spent tonight doing the last of the work on the Last skin and the templates and they are now complete. Download them both now at my website. Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html Enjoy Volks
  6. I have a couple of new Skins Up for the Flagon. These 2 skin where rumoured to exist but as yet I havent seen any Pictures. Anyhow I think they look Quite good on the aircraft :) I like the Black more than the red though Volks
  7. I would reply But I couldnt post before but It seems I can now. Anyhow I have used a Hi res skin on the flagon: Sorry about the image size but it shows the detail better. On the Flagon that texture map was done in a new Way, which you will see once released. Instead of 3 or 4 Texture maps with different parts on, we made one big map with most the parts on and the size of this map is 2048x2048. Is big but I get no slowdown what so ever and the detail is awsome. The trouble is if you increase the size of the map from a smaller one it will go blurry, so you would have to redraw all the panel line and rivets, which didnt really bother me with the flagon as I had to draw them in anyway :) Volks
  8. I just Posted some Pics in the About the Hi res skins Topic. Also the posts below were made when I kept getting an error message and nothing showed up in the last hour and then 4 posts came up! Whoops Volks
  9. Well here she is. After Boopidoo's Great work and getting the 'F' model completed, the skins are now also done and so I thought I would take her out on the Photo op :) There were a few Versions of the 'F' model that were camoflaged so I could not pass up the opertunity to do the Skin. Its aslo a good way of identifying the 'A' and 'F' Model in the sky. Enjoy! Volks
  10. Just Created an Su-15 page at my Website which contains a few new Pics of both the A and F versions of the aircraft. :) Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html Volks
  11. I Just had a reply from Boopidoo and hopefully it should be out in a week or so. Dont quote me on that untill he says it confirms it but its pretty much complete, and trust me you will enjoy it :) Volks
  12. Here is Boopidoo's Great Su-15 Flagon Model which I have been skinning for him I have just finished the Landing Gear so Basically all thats left now is to Paint in the Cockpit. Here Is what She was Like when I got Her: And what she Looks like after 2 days Straight of work: Now that the plane has been Mapped out I will start the next Skin Shortly, The Camo One :) Hope you Like The Pics! Volks
  13. Thanks Guys and yes Boopidoo is making a cockpit for it :D Volks
  14. Here she is: Tis a great looking skin and the green adds a nice effect to the blue. Ready to download at my site: Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html Enjoy! Volks
  15. I think She looks better in Blue :) As you can see I have finally got decals worked out and so now we can have some Great Skyraider skins. This is a typical scheme worn by skyraiders of the Period. Trust me she looks great in the Air Download at my site: http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html I am going to do a few more Dark blue skins so watch out for more ladies in Blue :D Enjoy! Volks
  16. put a reply on Simhq Volks
  17. New version of the Decal.ini has been uploaded to fix the error on the nose Volks
  18. Just PM you about that Template MJ Volks
  19. A new Weapons/ aircraft Mod for The Skyraider created by Lobo 78. Here is what it does: 1)The Weapons Stations have been divided into 5 groups and the weight limits for the outboard stations have been set to *550 lbs. 2)The hardpoints have been rearanged so that weapons release in the proper sequence.(outboard to inboard) 3)The MER's and TER's have been removed. According to my Data,the A-1H and J were capable of using MER's and TER's on the inboard stations(30in. lugs)But I am yet to find a picture or a referance of them being used. 4)The preset Loadouts are smaller to try and stay closer to the 25,000 Lbs. gross takeoff weight. Some loads overshoot the limit but can be brought back under 25,000 Lbs. by reducing the fuel load or removing some weapons 5)The Ripple Quantity and Ripple Interval have been changed to give a better selection. 6)The Tail wheel no longer 'sinks' into the runway. 7)I've added an A-4 sight reticule as it looks more like a picture I have seen of the sight in an A-1 8) I moved the center of gravity a bit forward. I am no Flight Data Guy, but it seems to help in level flight and hold steadier in attack runs. *500 Lbs. is the official weight limit, but I seen pic's where they loaded a tad more than that :) Its great work and Makes for a more realistic Skyradier ingame. Its up at my site for download right now: Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html Great work Lobo! Enjoy Volks
  20. Some Pics of the Mod from Lobo: loadout: tail Wheel: and the sight change: Enjoy! Volks Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html
  21. Some Pics of the Mod from Lobo: loadout: tail Wheel: and the sight change: Enjoy! Volks Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html
  22. its at my site right now: Http://jg4.homestead.com/sfp1.html (just put the jg4 site up then, thats the Il-2 one, whoops) but I can upload it to you if you like. I will get the Grey template out to you shortly, have to go out in about 10 min but I will foward it to you once I get back. Volks
  23. ok the Mod is up at the site and details of it has been Posted in the Mod section and MJ, which template would you like, Camo, Grey or the Dark Blue i have just done :) or just a template with Panel Line and rivets? (would have to create that one but it wont be long) Volks http://jg4.homestead.com
  24. I will be posting a Realistic Loadout Mod for the Syraider later today, Was created by Lobo 78, great mod :) also stops the tail wheel from digging into the ground. Volks

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