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About BattlerBritain

  1. Nice one Dood Thanks for this.
  2. 'Katrina Jane' was a Jag by the way.
  3. You got any piccies of 'Katrina Jane'? Friend of mine flew that one
  4. F-4B VF-111

    I don't know whether it's because an F-4 of VF-111 is on the front cover of Lou Drendel's '..And Kill Migs' or not, but I really love VF-111 F-4s :) Thanks.
  5. First Eagles download problems....

    Confirmed FIXED Thanks Dave
  6. Confirmed FIXED Thanks Dave
  7. Download problem

    Confirmed FIXED Thanks Dave
  8. Download problem

    Thanks - I've emailed Erik as well We'll see if something can be done.
  9. Download problem

    I've posted a Bug report in the 'Bug Reports' section. Hopefully someone can figure out what's going on. Link is here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=44357
  10. There seems to be a bit of a problem with some of the First Eagles downloads. They're described in these threads http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=44202 and http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42082 . We can download some, but not all, downloads. Keep getting an error along the lines of: We're sorry, but your last request produced the following error: ERROR:(DOWNLOAD-PERMCA01A) REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to download files. Guests please register an account to use this feature. Dave et al - can somebody check this out? Ta.
  11. Download problem

    I've been having the same problem and it's not on all downloads (see http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42082 ). I'm wondering if something got screwed up in the recent download pages move? I can download some things but not others.
  12. I'm having problems downloading this. It keeps saying I'm not logged in when I am and can download other files. Error is: We're sorry, but your last request produced the following error: ERROR:(DOWNLOAD-PERMCA01A) REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to download files. Guests please register an account to use this feature. Dave et al - can somebody check this out? Ta.
  13. Jasta 2 Alb DIII 8 pack

    Errrm - anybody else having a problem downloading this file? It keeps saying I'm not logged in or registered, when I am and can download other files: We're sorry, but your last request produced the following error: ERROR:(DOWNLOAD-PERMCA01A) REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to download files. Guests please register an account to use this feature.
  14. Crikey - quite a few responses to my original question. So far some pro's and con's. I think I might wait a little while longer before taking the plunge. At the moment all my WOX installs are working fine and if it ain't bust, don't fix it :) Thanks guys.
  15. Ok - for someone who hasn't yet taken the plunge, just what is the advantage of going to SF2? I'm on XP and so far I can't see too much of an advantage. Enlighten me guys :)

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