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Everything posted by Shrikey

  1. Hi i made the jump and got strike fighters 2 a while back and installed NATO Fighters 5 for it, now i am quite enjoying the game so far, it's similar to IL-2 Sturmmovik in many respects, but with jets and a lower difficulty bar, but is the player squadron artificially advantaged in the campaigns ? i ask because last night playing the '53 scenario (Red Torch) i took a 12 ship squadron of RDAF Meteor F-8's up against a mixed bag of MIG-15 and MIG-15bis's and traded one Meteor for 12 MiG's, (the game suggested two versus 12, riight!) looking at the performance figures, and considering that the RDAF, at the time, was not the top of the line, the figures should have been much more even, granted we had a significant energy advantage in the initial merge, but the MIGs should have clawed in more than one Meteor. or is there something special about the Meteor F8 and AI tactics i dont see ? aside from the fact it seems to turns and rolls slightly faster it's inferior to the MIG in every way i have found so far, it's slower, accelerates slower, climbs slower and is somewhat less well armed, by rights the MIG's should have extended away and gone for the sun, and some did though the AI seems prone to getting into low-and-slow turning matches where they rapidly get blapped by 20mm cannonfire. it's pretty obvious the game was not designed with gun-fighting like this in mind, but rather with the guns as a supplement to the IRHM's, but i figured a gunfighter-jets campaign would be a nice place to start when i am used to propellers :) it also seems like NATO is losing the ground war regardless of what i do, i like that a lot actually, awesome as the player may be, no single dude in a high powered jet can win a war on their own. also, i have grapped a plane mod off this site and modified it a bit, i assume it's proper etiquette to talk to the original author if i ever wanted to post it up ? if you're curious it's the RDAF F-35 Draken pack, i modified the hardpoints to reflect what the plane could actually do and relocated the sidewinders to the outer wing stations, there's some "invisible pilot" way of attaching pylons that are missing, but i haven't gotten around to experimenting with it yet, so the front bombs are sort of attached by hanging in the air slightly and the sidewinder does not entirely align to the rail, i also stuffed it into the relevant NATO fighters campaigns and have been planning to toy with getting Pylons on. i also have a issue where the game will suddenly minimize to task bar and refuse to maximize again, it doesn't look like its possible to used windowed mode either. :(
  2. it's located at numlock *, i have it as the first pull on my Saitek X-52 Pro trigger, second pull is guns with ordinance launch under that big shiny launch button on top :)
  3. everything Hard except for fuel in the options (fuel is on normal) and normal for the campaign settings, even at normal fuel settings the meteor has amusingly short legs, fifteen minutes at military power and the tanks are running dry without drop-tanks, i only pull them off when the target is north of Hamburg to save on the supplies. :) does the KAW stuff slot neatly into the NATO Fighters stuff ?

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