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Everything posted by Vasco

  1. Would these include fixing the Nieuport 17 Lewis and both versions of the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter that are porked in MP? Vasco (attempting to look angelic)
  2. OFF aircraft web page

    Nice work Homeboy, Some suggestions for some very useful additions to the information: 1. Include max rate of climb and the speed required to obtain it 2. Add the amount of ammunition carried per gun and the various ordnance loadouts available in game 3. Give some indication of the maneuverability of the aircraft (I remember playing a WWI wargame with aircraft minatures many years ago and the aircraft were given alphabetical ratings based on their maximum level turn rate - it made for a very useful comparison as to whether to engage in a turn fight or boom and zoom the opponent)
  3. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    GaryR, Not that I've found, but as that's how I'm creating the online campaigns I'll tell you how I do it: 1. Start offline campaign in OFF 2. Fly mission (or start the mission up and exit while still on the ground 3. Exit OFF 4. Locate the file entitled "OFF_Camp_Mission.xml" in the OBDSoftware/CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields/missions/historical folder 5. Copy file and paste it into the OBDSoftware/CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields/missions/training folder 6. Rename file using any format you like - I use <Squadron Name><Date/Time>. For the date and time I open the OFF_Camp_Mission.xml file with Notepad and copy the date/time from the header text 7. Open the file in the Over Flanders Fields Mission Builder 8. The opening screen should show the players flight - make any tweaks you want to make to the mission here. I usually enable all the aircraft on the players side flyable by choosing the version with the '*' at the end of its name (these aircraft have cockpits) 9. Save mission, invite friends and run it in MP You can create an entire MP campaign in this fashion by flying missions in an offline campaign and editing the mission file as described above. Simple!
  4. Last Blast of the Summer

    Try any German squadron driving Albatrosses at the beginning of Bloody April- and crank the settings in workshop up to give maximum air activity. If you're lucky you may not run out of ammo during the missions! :yes:
  5. Guys, Is there a manual for the mission builder? I'm designing missions for online campaigns and the mission use the "OffDynamicWeather.xml" which is effected by the date of the active pilot used by the participants during the mission. This has lead to some interesting anomalies e.g. most of the formation are flying in beautiful June weather and one poor sod in is having his own wings rammed up his jacksy in the middle of a thunderstorm! Is there a way of inserting the weather conditions into the mission file so everybody sees and experiences the exact same conditions and cloud formations, etc?
  6. Hi guys, This may be one for the Developers. I'm designing an online co-operative capaign for the attendees of the 'Winston's Early Birds' multiplayer sessions on Sundays. The issue I'm having is ensuring that all online participants see exactly the same wheather conditions as each other. The missions I'm generating use the 'DynamicMissionWeather.xml' file to ensure that the conditions are correct for the date and area in which the mission takes place. As the file is not downloaded from the host's PC, the weather conditions are dependant upon the career date of the individual's active pilot. Although this can be overridden in the individual settings in multiplayer before joining the game, there seems to be some variation in what the pilots see in game. This is especially frustrating when the formation is attempting to navigate its way through clouds and each member of the flight does not see the clouds in the same place. Is there a method of ensuring that the weather conditions are exactly the same for each participant? Regards,
  7. Don't worry about it Winston - The Neuiport 17 with the Lewis gun is so screwed in multiplayer that Sitting Duck couldn't even get into the mission when we tested it online today. I've had to change the bird to a Neuiport 17 with a Vickers gun. I'm now scatching my head over how we can change the skins because the default for this bird is French markings!
  8. Guys, I'd like to get some idea of the number of European OFF enthusiasts who'd be willing to fly together during the week in order to present our American cousins with a force worth fighting at the weekends. Who'd be up for online practice to hone our combat skills?
  9. Jump onto the Outlaws Team Speak server any evening - you'll find me there (Server details are in the Multiplayer stickies at the top of the forum).
  10. Hasse Wind, The 97-round drum magazine WAS the bigger drum magazine and was reputed to cause stoppages because of its size - the alternative was to use the stadard 47-round drum magazine used on the infantry version of the Lewis.
  11. Multiplayer Missions

    Further to Axgrinder's request to post the Jasta 10 missions that were flown during Sunday's 'Winston's Early Birds' session please find the files attached. I have made all aircraft flyable on both sides but I recommend that the individuals select positions in the first and second available flights to play these the way they were designed. Please note that the weather is set to 'Historical' so you need to ensure that you overide the mission date for your active pilot to reflect this before heading into multiplayer.
  12. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    I can set up campaign missions for any period you like, Do you all fancy flying for the British over two days during Bloody April next Sunday? Let me know.
  13. Olham, The 'Breeze Vertical' was an alternative expression used by British aircrew during the period for 'Getting the wind up' i.e. suffering from combat stress.
  14. LOL! Great flight Olham, I'm running the DiD settings in my campaigns and for my first week (RT) of flyings I was throwing myself at anything that came my way, whether or not the rest of my flight were with me. As a result I died regularly with plenty of claims filled but few confirmed. This time around I'm flying with Jasta 4 during February 1917 and I've been more circumspect about engaging hostiles as soon as I see them, especially in the s**tty historical weather! I've now amassed about 15 flying hours, 19 confirmed kills and another 4 awaiting confirmation with this pilot, but for me the immersion factor has manifested itself as fretting about taking him up again - I've had some really lucky escapes and now I'm suffering from the breeze vertical!
  15. New Noop anyone?

    This is excellent. Does anyone have a complete list of what's being produced yet? I rather keen to fly some of the more obscure types and see those gaps in the equipment schedules of various squadrons during the campaign filled.
  16. SCR, Winston's running his 'Early Birds' session at that time so you may as well jump on with us then. The details are on the calendar here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=c...amp;event_id=31 If you need a hand getting the connections and the multiplayer settings sorted beforehand, jump on to Team Speak at around 18:00 and we'll run through it togerther. Is that OK?
  17. SRC, No problems. Sitting Duck kindly coached me through the multiplayer setting up process so I can do the same for you. What evening/time would be best for you?
  18. 2 wrong - I thought that the CC interuptor gear pre-dated Fokker's mechanical version - and as to who declared war on both Germany AND Serbia, I didn't have a clue!
  19. 6-23 mp afternoon

    I can - especially in your afternoon - I'm 6 hours ahead of you. I'll keep TS up. Yell out if you need me.
  20. Rabu, I agree to some extent but then question asked was what to read whilst flying OFF. I have an extensive library of historical references regarding The Great Air War. The first book I was ever given on the subject was from my grandfather who salvaged it from the paper recycling plant where he worked back in 1968; it was called the The Great Air War by Aaron Norman. I was 11 years old and I'd never read a book that thick before. I couldn't put it down and it filled me with a passion for this period of aviation history I have pursued from that point forward. I went on to join the British Army and fly in the Army Air Corps and wore an observers and air gunners half wing on my flight suit that was of the same design of those worn by the RFC. To my mind the memoirs and remembered experiences of the aircrew who survived to write such works sticks in my mind when I'm out of altitude and energy, but never out of ideas in a flight sim as glorious as the one the OFF team put together. When my palms are slick with sweat on the controllers and my aircraft's riding the stall, it's the writings of McCudden and Lewis that spring to mind, not those of the historians who attempted to rationalise the strategies of Trenchard and Haig long after the event.
  21. I prefer the accounts of the men who actually flew in the conflict. I have a couple in my collection that are definately worth reading: Saggitarius Rising by Cecil Lewis Flying Fury by James McCudden VC The research and theorising of any published historian pales beside the recolections of the men who flew in the conflict. If you want to experience the war in the air during The Great War, read these books.
  22. OK, I'm home and on TS. give me a shout when you're ready. P.S. Where's the link for this new damage model?
  23. Count me in Sitting Duck. I'm at the airshow at Kemble airfield ATM. I should be back for an 8PM (that's 2PM for you) take off.
  24. Hi Guys, Sitting Duck suggested I post in this forum regarding a game killer of a problem. In all other flight sims I use a full CH flight control rig consisting of a Flightstick or Combatstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals. I also use a TrackIR4. The problem I am having is I am unable to use this rig in OFF as the controls lock up in flight inside the first three minutes. In fact when leaving the sim and checking calibration in the CH Control Manager afterwards I find all three controllers are unrecognised by the programme requiring computer reboot. I have tried all the corrective action suggested in the FAQs, these forums and those over at Sim-Outhouse to no effect, but most of them just deal with the use of rudder pedals in addition to a joystick. Is anybody else using a similar rig and if so, how did you get it to work? I'd also appreciate a copy of your 'Mine.xca' file if at all possible. P.S. My PC's running Vista

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