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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. New Campaigns

    Actually 5.0 Will be in Verdun still but Im finishing up some last minute details and then on to the testing phase for the Flanders Plane Fest.
  2. Hey great plane! Very nice target and its catches fire so easy .... Kudos You all have been on fire with these new planes.
  3. Bort, when your through here next give me a PM if you dont mind about your planes and an Idea I had.
  4. I would say no, only because the last thing he posted before the blog went down was no to any kind of mods. Since that was his last wishes, I would stay away from doing mods on his work including paint. Some around here have his email addy and they may have a way for you to contact him directly and get permission. Bort drops in everynow and then so he may drop you a comment or PM as well. Im sure a CA moderator will post a comment today for you as well on their stance.
  5. I am working on a new version of the Fest and I would like to get some info/help from the community. 1st off ... I am getting alot of request for a bit more accuracy of the time frames and which planes are supposed to be going up against which other planes. So..... Below is a list of planes and if any of you can help please give me as an exact date on entry/exit in the war and what you think the planes were it would fly against. 2nd .... I am getting pretty bad feedback about problems with the bomber squadrons that flyable. Most of it stems from not being able to get bombs to work right on the planes in the fest. So there's a poll here to keep the bomber squads in or out and im going to go by that to keep or replace the squad with a fighter squad. Please put your choice if you dont mind... it will help me know which way to head. 3rd .... Some planes are being taken out of the fest and replaced with others so I can get things a bit closer on FMs and the plane match ups are not too lop sided. I have it now where you get almost every plane thats out there in game but that's causing a ton of problems with some planes just not holding their own enough and pilots cant get past them very well. When its closer to release date I will post the planes that will be included. If you disagree totally with my choices I am sorry but that's the way im heading... very sorry. I would suggest you try the 5.0 out and see if its not more fun than you thought it might be without these other planes. If your still not happy then I understand and hope you will come back as more planes get added. This release may be a while off so Im not talking this week or that soon. Im going to get quite a bit more info from some people here and try to get match ups that are closer to history but may not exact. Im history there may be a time where the Germans whipped the allieds 10000 to 1 but I dont see recreating that in a game. Who wants to get killed that many times to get past a certain point? Not me. I will have it where you may be fighting for your life at times but not unbeatable. Thanks in advance to all of you for any help you can throw my way.... Here are the planes I need help with dates of entry and exit from the war. You can respond here or msg me here at CA your call. If you have issues with which planes are listed please send me a priv msg and not in this open forum. thank you MSTypeH MSTypeL MSTypeAO MSTypeLAO Nieuport11 Nieuport17 N24 N24bis N28 SPAD7 (Ateam) SPAD12 (Conversion) SPAD13 F2B Br14 Dh2 Fe2B Pup Triplane Camel (Ateam) CamelF1 (Mike W) SE5a Dolphin BE-2A BE2 BE-2D Br14 Ca3 HP400 AlbatrosD1 (Conversion) AlbatrosD2 (Conversion) AlbatrosD.III (Ateam) AlbatrosD5a DR1 FokkerEIII (FM Conversion) FokkerEIV (FM Conversion) FokkerDVII FokkerDVIIF SchuckertD3 PfalzD3 PfalzEIIIO PfalzEI PfalzEIII PfalzEIIIAO HalberstadtDII Walfisch AviatikC2 DFWC5 GothaGIV Staaken
  6. Paint

    LOL Is it me or does everyone feel like they are downloading paint schemes all the time im here ... hahahah great work all. thank you for the new schemes
  7. Help a total beginner

    Welcome to the fun house friend. Grab a chute and get in a plane ... oh nm you dont get a chute just the plane 8)
  8. Let me Pm you and I will try and help although Im not an expert. I dont want to babble in open forum. Ok check your PMs now I left you a msg on this
  9. Ok im down to a few things that I want to play with but I don't understand the code layout, please help if you can. in the later section of the campaign data.ini is an area like this: [strategicNode047] Area=Récicourt ConnectTo[001].Target=La Harazee ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=102750.00,125750.00 ConnectTo[002].Target=Lachalade ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=106750.00,123750.00 ConnectTo[003].Target=Boureuilles ConnectTo[003].BasePoint=112250.00,127250.00 ConnectTo[004].Target=Vauquois ConnectTo[004].BasePoint=113750.00,127750.00 ConnectTo[005].Target=Avocourt ConnectTo[005].BasePoint=119750.00,126250.00 ConnectTo[006].Target=Esnes ConnectTo[006].BasePoint=123750.00,128250.00 ConnectTo[007].Target=Lisle-en-Barrois ConnectTo[007].BasePoint=118750.00, 94250.00 Can you explain what this is doing? Some entries are only 2 connects long and some are like this and have 7 or more. And also .... what defines a BasePoint ? It seems to be defining areas for something but im not seeing the picture yet. Thanks in advance for any help
  10. Very nice, thank you for the info. This is making it easier on the next project to understand this better. Doing some trial runs tomorrow to see if an idea works.
  11. Bort's Main Page is Back

    <put some dirt over the dead horse grave and packs it down firmly> STAY!
  12. This one's for Firecage

    Yea. I did a DL from the CA DL section to get my version to 4.0 (im already working 5.0 in the live game here) and I get a german plane each time. The problems you have sound like you using an old campaign save or you haven't done a complete remove and install of the new 4.0 version. Try and make a new campaign from scratch on a fresh install of my campaign and Im sure it will fix the problem your seeing. if not feel free to msg me or leave a msg here. Thanks for flying the plane fest 8)
  13. No more emails! Its under way

    Hmm whats this here on the ground ... hmm a request about some plane called the Halberstadt. Someone must have dropped it that was going to send to laton or something like that. Let me see if I can cram it in the mailbox ... damn its full.... I will just tape it here on the side of the mailbox
  14. Bort's Main Page is Back

    Ok well Im going to venture into the waters here very slowly and carefully.... Im going to point at Laton and that crew making the newest models real fast and point out that some of the best work has come from him and we have offered many constructive comments back and forth about different issues and no one has got bent out of shape(btw there are more amazing mod people here as well just picking on him cuz I know he won't mind ). To say that no one here can take any input is not at all what I see here. I have had many send me ideas and disagreements in priv msgs and none have been mean spirited. I feel some are just getting caught up in all the bad they can find and will not take a look at all the great stuff thats available to us here, right now! I have had some realy nasty things said about me on different Open Blogs and Open Forums over somethings I did in the campaign but I did not take anything nasty into open forums and make everyone suffer and have to look at it. I do have my opinions about this whole thing but I keep that in priviate msg's and not out here in the open forum. One thing I have seen is a few select people go off in forums before they even send a priv msg to the other person to get the real story from them first. There are a ton of planes available and, thanks to some amazing hard work from the Mod guys we have even more otw. This game is a ton of fun and will be as long as most of us can keep our eye on the game and not on the drama. Quite a few just don't say much unless it's negative in nature. It seems like all they wait for is a chance to down something and want to keep the pot stirred up as much as possible. If we all try changing the way we react then this forum will be an even better place to hang out than it already is. All it takes is taking a few breath's and think about what you write and how you would feel if it was pointed at you. Now Ateam planes.... I personally dont know of anyone who has been denied any access to the Ateam planes unless they made comments in the open bad mouthing Ateams way to letting planes out, sorry but its their choice and I can live with that and, I think many others are doing the same. This is yet another reason to keep things in private tells and not blurting things out in the open that you object to how they do it. I do feel theres a fine line between being constructive and destructive in a forum, its a VERY grey area and easy to step over if not thought out well. If it was that hard to get them I would feel bad about adding them to my campaigns for sure. I have not had ONE priv msg saying they were denied access to these planes and can't use the plane fest! No im not part of the Ateam in any aspect, just a flyer who happens to make a few campaigns here and there. I have even made a different mod of the DR1 FM for hard FM mode and capun was just as easy as anyone else to work with and I suffered no broken bones or any form of torture from the meeting... Last point..... written word in a forum is very hard to judge since no tone or inflection can be heard from who writes it. They can't include body language, gestures or any means other than the written words so please take that into consideration when reading someones post that sounds strange. I hope I didn't pick on anyone or seem out of line with anything I posted here. If the mods do feel this to be rude or destructive.... please remove my post and I totally understand. <steps down off the soap box and makes room for the next poster>
  15. No more emails! Its under way

    Well what kind of person would go and bug you about this plane .... man the kind of people here are just ..... oh wait a minute ... hmmm NM.
  16. Pfalz&Fokker

    I dont have much in the way of links or anything, you might try and msg bort and see if he has his links available from when he made the models. Sorry wish I could help ya more.
  17. Calling FireCage

    oppps Ok thank you I will correct and reload. Thought I got all those loose ends done and still missed that one hahaha
  18. Thats the MS combat add on right?
  19. I sent you a PM on this. Im trying to keep that part of the campaign (which planes are included) in priv msg so we dont get a flame posting started that all the players here dont have to endure. THanks for understanding.
  20. AI problems

    well im going to jump the gun and say its the add on craft mostly. And TK can't control how those planes work in the game alot since they were made by people outside the game mfg. The ini files have alot of the control factors on how the plane flies in game so each mod person makes up an FM for their plane. This is nothing against anyone but, If your flying on Hard FM and some of the planes that are available were designed for normal FM. When you fly on hard that planes at times don't fly correctly like they would on normal FM. I would find out which planes your seeing that are having problems and see if its not all from the same Mod person. More than likely it is on of the sets that were tuned to normal FM and not hard or vice versa. Some of the newer planes are tuned to Hard and not normal as well so it could be either way. As well as some FMs just dont hold up well when flown against others. I try and get a mindset of early war pilots were young and probably scared to death alot and I mark it up to pilot panic and try to let it fit in the game till some tweaks are done to them. And there are some FMs that just don't hold up well in the game compared to any other plane and just do steady drops from the start and theres not much you can do except tweak the FM ini code like alot of us do or just dont use those planes in your games. If you want to send me a priv msg I can talk you through some of the problems I have seen with certain planes and what I have done to help them slightly. Some people dont want posts of their FM inis on the forums in the open so I would like to keep that conversation in a priv msg format
  21. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1 Get it here • Sopwith Triplane added ! • Quite a few of Bortdafarm’s planes are back. There are new FM’s available at combatace. If you wish to fly the original FMs the campaign will fly just as well, its your choice • More variation on Bombers You may see in action. • 1 German squad that’s on a faster rate of plane upgrades in Jasta 6. This squad will be using a lot of Bortdafarm’s planes. There will be roughly 1 month intervals for the first year. • New upgrade tables for AI bombers. There have been a lot of bomber releases lately and I have added them all into the Fest. • As well there are many 2 seater bombers in action now such as the BE2, Be2A & BE2D, The Fish, Fokker BI, Pfalz DI, and the Halb. Most of these are in AI form but I am working to add them to flyable squads as I get time. • Make sure and read the plane list as there are many additions. Please read the squads_readme.txt in the zip as well for plane upgrade lists. HalberstadtDII FokkerBI FokkerBII FokkerDII FokkerDIII FokkerDIIIL FokkerEIII FokkerEIV PfalzBI Sopwith Triplane Fe2B Br14 Nieuport11 Nieuport17 N24 N24bis N28 SPAD7, 12, 13 conversion HP400 BE-2 BE-2A BE-2D Dh2 Pup Camel CamelF1 SE5a Dolphin Walfisch Staaken AviatikC2 DFWC5 GothaVI PfalzD3 AlbatrosD1, 2, 3 conversion AlbatrosD5a SchuckertD3 Dr1
  22. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    Check you PM box I sent you a PM on this
  23. Well Brandy we can't tell if your the queen or not ... you have to be able to do that cool little hand wave the royal family has before Im willing to believe ya 8) I Started to say something about proving to us your the queen by showing us a pic of you in a dress but ... im not sure I want to see that the more I think about it 8) j/k
  24. Ok I just attached the wwiCampFCPF_DATA.INI file if you know what your doing. It has the .txt extension just rename it and drop in the campaign folder and replace the one thats there. It adds the PfalzEIV and the PfalzEV Just rename to wwiCampFCPF_DATA.INI and drop in fest folder FCPF_4.01.txt
  25. Just an FYI.... I am close to releasing a new version of the Plane Fest (4.0). notes as follows: 1. All of the plane sets have been done to make room for the newest planes that the mod people have available. 2. I have moved the start dates back to October 5th 1915 to make more room for so many planes and still have time to enjoy and learn each one well. 3. I have redone all the upgrade plane dates so the planes match up as closely as I can. (this is whats taking up the time) 4. Bomber squads available for each of the 3 countries. (flyable) The full plane list that is needed for this Campaign (4.0) to work: MSTypeL MSTypeLAO MSTypeLO Avro504C Avro504D MartinsydeG100 Sopwith Triplane PfalzEIIIO PfalzEIIIAO PfalzEIII FokkerEIII FokkerEIV FokkerBII FokkerDII FokkerDIII FokkerDIIIL PfalzBI HalberstadtDII F2B Fe2B Br14 Nieuport11 Nieuport17 N24 N24bis N28 SPAD7 (Ateams) SPAD12 SPAD13 HP400 BE-2 BE-2A BE-2D Dh2 Pup Camel CamelF1 (Mikes) SE5a Dolphin Walfisch Staaken AviatikC2 DFWC5 GothaVI PfalzD3 AlbatrosD1 (Ateams) AlbatrosD1 AlbatrosD2 AlbatrosD3 AlbatrosD5a SchuckertD3 Dr1 --------------- I will post here when Its done.

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