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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. New FC Fest otw

    you can reach him at capun1950(at)yahoo(dot)com
  2. WIP -Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter

    Nice idea.... Man I used to use 3D max 3.0 and I wondered if everyone still used the 3D planes with outlines still. Can't wait for more planes... its starting to be an addiction
  3. Get it here The final list of planes in the fest is around 60 8) Enjoy MSTypeH MSTypeL MSTypeAO MSTypeLAO Farman MF11 Farman MF11b Farman MF11c Farman MF7 Farman SF11 RFC MF11 RFC SF11 Avro504C Avro504D Nieuport11 Nieuport17 N24 N24bis N28 SPAD7 (Ateam) SPAD12 (Conversion) SPAD13 F2B MartinsydeG100 Br14 Dh2 Fe2B Pup Triplane Camel (Ateam) CamelF1 (Mike W) SE5a Dolphin BE-2A BE2 BE-2D Br14 Ca3 HP400 AlbatrosD1 (Conversion) AlbatrosD2 (Conversion) AlbatrosD.III (Ateam) AlbatrosD5a DR1 FokkerEIII (FM Conversion) FokkerEIV (FM Conversion) FokkerBI FokkerDVII FokkerDVIIF SchuckertD3 PfalzD3 PfalzEIIIO PfalzEI PfalzEIII PfalzBI PfalzEIIIAO HalberstadtDII Walfisch AviatikC2 DFWC5 GothaGIV Staaken
  4. Need help working with tga files

    Ok, when you say corrupt does it not even open any more or does it just mess up the whole picture when it opens? If its messing up the pic then look at the color pallets and see if they are re-assigning the color pallet, or look at the color bit lvls from before you edit vs after you edit and see if its reducing the pallet or bit depth. If it won't open im at a loss not having the program to mess with. Maybe Sinbad has the scoop for you as well. GL
  5. Need help working with tga files

    Hello there. Ok I don't know anything about the programs your using but I know alot of us here use either adobe photoshop or paint shop pro. I use both for different effects im getting on paint schemes. Photoshop has more useful brushes and makes things look like real paint brushes were used. Paintshop pro its real ez to work with and it is easier to re-manipulate layers and such with. Are you sure that the .tga files didn't get corrupted during the download maybe? You might look under the preferences in those art programs and make sure .tga is supported. Try to DL some paint scheme files from CA here and see if the art prog can open them up. most of the template files are going to be in a psd (photoshop) format but most art programs can open them fine. Ill keep a look out for your repost to see if this helped.
  6. New FC Fest otw

    Yea I saw it there but didn't go looking for the temp folder link or where ever its hidden. Ill try and see where it is later if I have access to it. Just got home and I will get your new planes in there and get the new Plane fest released tonight if I can get all the line ups between planes fixed. Some of the planes just are not as good vs its counter parts as I had wanted. So I am narrowing down which planes stand a chance against which and should be releasing the fest tonight god willing and no more FM issues. You guys did one heck of a job S! And to Viper. I would sure like to see someone take a look at the DH2 file and see if the shadow detail is the FPS bleed. I like to keep the shadows on and its really hard when 12 or so DH2 come roaring across the screen .... an I am on a pretty stout PC.
  7. Great work guys... as soon as I get home I will add to the FC plane Fest and release it tonight. Nice to have all these early war planes showing up 8)
  8. S! new to FE

    Welcome to the fun <S!> FE has been a load of fun and glad to see more people getting onboard. Yea MP is the main thing I think alot of people are looking at. Its just the animal that happens when you have open source code. Its great to be able to mod the planes and have these amazing people make us new planes to enjoy but it comes with the price of problems on MP games. I miss the furballs in MP RB3 8( when we were all online and doing wars or just killing time... and each other. you will find a pretty ez going group here, as anywhere a few tend to tweak the forum at times but overall the mods here keep everthing even tempered and do a great job. make sure and get an account with Ateam. They do a nice job with add on planes, the DL here at CA has most of the rest and a few from Borts site. Most of this is easy to find. Glad to have ya aboard
  9. New FC Fest otw

    Good eye Gr, It will be in there. I just missed it on the listing here. I took a bunch of upgrade cut outs and weened them down to plane types and I probably missed one in the process. I think thats a sweet plane and well designed. Has a bit too many polygons on the model which can cause FPS issues if you fly with shadows and all on. I dont notice a ton of it but I can tell if ones in the area by the way the game is acting. Right now im trying to make up a few different squads with different planes in them so there are different choices to make on starting a campaign. Biggest thing is still making the match up fun to fly and exciting to be in. I hate it when one plane is just head above or below everything else in its era.
  10. New FC Fest otw

    Well you are correct its the Alb D3 not the D1. Here is the plane list after working most of tonight so far on it. This is darn near ever plane from TK, CA modders, Ateam, and bort's site. Mostly now im trying to play the campaign from alot of squads to make sure things play out correctly after this much change. The full plane list that is needed for this Campaign (4.0) to work: (SO FAR) ------------RAF Allied-------------------- MSTypeL Farman MF11 F2B Br14 MartinsydeG100 Fe2B Pup Triplane Camel CamelF1 SE5a Dolphin MSTypeLO Farman MF7 RFC SF11 Farman MF11b Farman MF11c BE2 BE-2A BE-2D Ca3 HP400 ---------- French ------------------ MSTypeL Farman MF11 RFC MF11 Nieuport11 Nieuport17 Avro504C Avro504D N24 N24bis N28 SPAD7 (ateam) SPAD12 (Conversion FM) SPAD13 MSTypeLAO RFC SF11 RFC MF11 F2B Salmson2A BE-2A BE2 BE-2d Br14 Ca3 HP400 ----------German-------------------- PfalzEIII FokkerBII FokkerDII FokkerEIII FokkerEIV FokkerDIIIL AlbatrosD1 (Conversion FM) PfalzD3 AlbatrosD2 (Conversion FM) AlbatrosD3 AlbatrosDIII (Ateam) AlbatrosD5a Dr1 FokkerDVII FokkerDVIIF SchuckertD3 HalberstadtDII Walfisch Staaken AviatikC2 DFWC5 GothaVI FokkerBI PfalzEIIIAO PfalzEIIIO There are planes from RAF in the ESC and vice versa but I was more worried about getting a chance to get all these new planes in a furball !! No matter which country you choose there will be lots of plane upgrades so you won't be stuck in a plane for anywhere near as long as before. I have been thinking of changing the time between missions even. Maybe making them closer to give a bit more time in each plane. I think right now im running 1 mission every 5 days. Planes are upgrading about every 2-4 months depening on variables. This should give anywhere from 12 to 24 missions per plane. Feel free to throw in ideas on that if you wish. Im guessing if the winds are smooth and the gods favor me this weekend it wont be much longer. The biggest thing so far is just flying each upgrades against its counterparts to see if my dates workout well and keep things interesting and not lop sided. Thank god for the mission builder for testing those ideas. More info as I can.
  11. New FC Fest otw

    Due to a few things that will become clear later I need a few extra days to do some tweaking on the new release still. Im still working on it as we speak and will have this as soon as I can. It will not be very much longer....
  12. planes and skins

    If you click on loadout you can assign skins to each plane in YOUR flight group in missions. In a campaign you can assign each AI squad to fly a certain scheme as a whole, and again you can assign each plane in YOUR flight group. Hope this helped you
  13. Woot, man you all have made exactly what I was asking for a while back. These will be great for early war fights. I am DLing these now and will get them into the plane fest campaign and get a new version released this weekend if possible. Have you flown them against the other early war planes like the n11 and borts planes and the rest? I am also working on finishing the coding for a FC plane fest in the Flanders map that Edward did such a sweet job on. Great work people and thank you for all the effort.
  14. Albatros Missions?

    My first guess is going to be replace your Albatros Plane folder. save your skins off to a temp folder and replace the whole plane folder. I think that will solve your problem.
  15. Thats interesting , every time my plane even touches another wingmate its broken parts going everywhere. But if its AI then they drift together like this all the time. The collision only seems to work on human planes or something.
  16. One of the best?

    I have to agree its hard to compare. I was also in RB community for years and I think RB3D has always been a measuring stick. It wasn't perfect but it had MANY great features. FE has the ability to let you customize the planes to fly the way you like so it can be tailored to fit what you think it should be. Problem is the open code makes it very hard to do MP without 2 seperate installs.... one clean and one tweaked. SO far the AI and colllsion detection, AI flying and shooting need more work. I would also say the makers of the game have been real good at addressing issues in a very timely manner. TK has also said this game was to shoot things down and have fun , not a Full Accuracy FM. But I do get the feel of flying in FE when im on a mission. The planes feel very nice and most of the third party planes are fitting together pretty well. One thing I have issue with is there are no spins like you would expect in this FM. Some of the players/mod people have found a way to make the planes spin with some fancy code work. Its not exactly what you might get from a full blown hard FM but it wasn't made to be that anyways. Bottom line tho is I would suggest it to anyone who like flying WWI sims. Even without some of the features its one hell of a sim and I enjoy it a ton. If Sierra would have listened as well as third wire has so far RB3D would be amazing. IMHO the player community is what kept RB alive not Sierra. This is a small company and they have been adressing the issues faster than most games for sure. BTW there are about 30+ planes now for FE even at this early stage of the games life. Not bad in my book.
  17. THeres a new stealth fighter on the scenes in Flanders I see
  18. Ok there seems to be some pilots that can't play online but if you can get online with the game and have HL then read on I want to get a squad together to do some CO-op online missions. I am leaning very heavy to Co-op since that should cut down the need for using too much of a hacked FM to show off as much. I know we have all been tweaking some things but I am thinking we can do some Coop flights pretty well. I have got the game to play well for me using IP and HL both. All you need to get HL to work is make a copy of your exe and name it flightsim.exe and thats its. I will hang around in HL in the frist strije room and do more research to see whats possible if anyone feels like dropping by.
  19. Excellent work as usual Edward. Been flying over the terrain all morning
  20. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    The Staaken should start showing up around mid April 1918. Its set into a few squads of AI bomber groups. My biggest problem so far is not dying of Flak before i can get to some of the planes. 90% of my deaths are in offensive missions and Flak nails me.
  21. EmlD and Tex Murhpy?

    It was Elvis that took them.....
  22. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    Do you mean the Staaken? The Drakens are the observation balloons in game I think and its controlled spawn by the game, or at least I haven't found a way to call them up from the campaign. As for the Staaken its in there in the AI bomber sections. If theres a model I dont know about please drop me a link for it in here.
  23. Well as far as shooting down planes in FE I tend to wait till the wingspan from the plane in front of me just about fills the screen and go for the pilot head shot kill.... less armor on that leather helm he is wearing.
  24. A bunch of Flight Models

    Hey pete... not sure if you can take a look at this but Im getting a bunch of EIII and EVI that nose into the ground and do not crash or any damage at all to them. They just take right back off, and I mean like very direct noce to the ground. I know there is an issue with soft landings and all but this is beyond what Im getting on any other plane in the game. If you can take a look at the damage nodes and see if they can be made ot detect a bit more on ground collisions. Thanks
  25. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    SRT: Ok I will run that squadron again tonight and see if I get that to happen. There are some campaign variables in the ini files you may wish to vary that could be keeping planes from getting to your squad. Just for your knowledge here is a section from the best resource I have been given about working the ini files. [CampaignData] StartDate=09/01/1959 - This is the first day of the campaign. StartDateDeviation=30 - This entry randomizes the start date. Set it to 0 for the campaign to start at the same date every time. ForceWithInitiative=0 - I'm not sure exactly what it does. The entry will correspond to one of the "forces" defined below. MaxMissions=30 - Number of missions until the campaign automatically ends. NormalMissionRate=360 - The number of days between missions when no ground offensives are in progress. NormalMissionRateDeviation=120 - Not sure. I think it randomizes the number of days between missions. OffensiveMissionRate=45 - The number of days between missions when a ground offensive is in progress. OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=30 - Same as NormalMissionRateDeviation. CampaignEndWinScreen=Winner1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is won. CampaignEndLoseScreen=Loser1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is lost. CampaignEndStallScreen=Loser1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is a draw. CampaignEndWinText=Campaign1Win.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is won. CampaignEndLoseText=Campaign1Lose.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is lost. CampaignEndStallText=Campaign1Stall.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when the campaign is a draw. and another one Morale=70 - I think it is the force's starting morale level. Supply=25 - I think it is the force's starting supply level. NormalSupplyRate=20 - Rate in which units are resupplied when no offensives are in progress. OffensiveSupplyRate=-20 - Rate in which a unit uses supplies when conducting a ground offensive. DefensiveSupplyRate=-5 - Rate in which a unit uses supplies while defending against a ground offensive. SupplyForOffensive=90 - Supply level required for a ground offensive to start. I don't know if this applies to the entire force or individual units. AircraftReplacementTime=240 - Number of days between aircraft replacements. AircraftReplacement=60 - percentage of planes replaced based on a 16 plane squadron GroundUnitReplacementTime=360 - Number of days between ground unit replacements. GroundUnitReplacement=100 - Something to do with the number of ground units received as replacements. Possibly the number of units replaced per replacement cycle RandomTransportType=ANY - No idea. WeaponResupplyTime=180 - Number of days between weapon resupply. I use this manual pretty much all the time when im designing. It may not be perfect since its for another thord wire sim but its so close I bet on it most every time. if you want the whole thing its at Charle's EAW and SF site at the very botto of the page is a link to the file. That is all his code and info from the doc in the link. All I can take credit for is leading ya there 8)

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