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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. Firecage Plane Fest ver 2.0

    Look in the camp03 folder. IF not try to re download it.
  2. Firecage Plane Fest ver 2.0

    Not sure what happened. Here are the data and the regular INI . just copy the info out of these into the ones you have and you wont have to DL the whole thing again. Mine is working fine but I DL'd the one from CA and it had the same problem as you described. THis one should be fine. I have been flying the DH2 in it. wwiCamp3_DATA.txt wwiCamp3.txt
  3. Well with patch 2 out, its a real possibility of going down in flames nowdays 8)
  4. Firecage Plane Fest ver 2.0

    I think Montyz,Tex, EmlD, and the rest have them all up at Combat ace Download sections. You will now need the N11,17,24,24bis,28 while your there. read the .doc file in the zip and it will have links to the areas you will need to find all planes in my plane fest campaign. Enjoy
  5. Yes its a download form MS and its just a current update to Direct X 9c. Alot of times there are upgrades to the DL and its not a version change. I usually hi there every few months to DL again to grab small changes they do. If thats the problem, which it has been for alot of new players, you should get a pop up window when you get dumped to the desktop with the error he described above. Another thing that can DTD is calling up a plane skin thats not available. I have heard of that one as well. If your still getting errors just post what error is saying and im sure one of us can help you 8)
  6. Vogesen Terrain

    Im pretty sure the problem with the bridge is not the collision points on the plane but the bridge is a solid object from the top to the bottom of the 3d Model box. THis would make it where you could see under it and all but even the invisable parts on the bridge are still there. And yes If I see a bridge I have to try and fly under it as well. One of the old Flying corps gold and RB3 tricks 8) Would be nice to have the bridges where the under side is not a collision point and that would free up for the idea of maybe transport ships to be able to use the shipping channels and such......
  7. Personally I suggest this route Third Wire Store This is Third wires store. ALso likely that more of the money goes to TK since its directly from his company. I went this route and then burned the DL to CD for back up and was playing in a short time.
  8. Nieuport 11

    Gezzzz this is such a beautiful match vs the D1 and D2. Great job on all of it from the model to the FM. I Think this is one I will be flying alot of. Now whats really bugging me is being the ace shot that I am ...... Just as I finally get lined up and tweak that last little bit and ... S**t time to reload ... another blown shot God Do I ever need to improve my aim.
  9. 1) The time between missions has been reduced to 5 normal and 4 if offensive is going on. This gives a bit longer in each plane than I had before. 2) I am now including an additional mod that was originally from MontyCZ. I took a 2 man bunker with sandbags and made the one NPC firing the weapon to shoot rifle rounds. He will take pot shots at you if you are flying low and close enough. The game likes to set them at bases and towns so be warned. Install directions are included here as well.. 3) I have Gr. Viper permission to put his “Machine Gunner” Mod that he developed and I have it now included in this pack as well. Thank you Gr. Viper . These last two mod’s will now given you flak, machine guns and random rifle fire to the campaign and makes it where you just never know who is out to kill you. If you get down low to the ground don’t be surprised if some one in a sandbag bunker takes a pot shot or two and the machine gun nests are after you as well. The new plane list that is needed for this Campaign to work are: French : SPAD7 SPAD12 SPAD13 N11 ** New N24 ** New N28 RAF : Dh2 SPAD7 Pup ** New Camel CamelF1 SE5a Dolphin ** New German : PfalzD3 AlbatrosD1 AlbatrosD2 AlbatrosD3 AlbatrosD5a SchuckertD3 Dr1 **(needs my Firecage Hard FM pack if you fly on hard mode.)**** All of these planes are available through the DL section of Combat Ace http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...s&showcat=2 Or Through Capun and The A Team at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html
  10. Nieuport 28 Patch 2 update

    Tex and EmlD thanks for some awesome work and nice planes.... " Its a bit of a shame that there hasnt been more feedback on the N24" I have been flying the 24 and the 28 for a while but I was kind of waiting to get at least 3 of the NXX planes so I could get an over all idea of the progression from one model to the next. I am very glad you have had such a hand in the FM if not totally so at least the same brain is on all three planes. I think that makes a big difference! All of your planes have a certain feel to them so It tends to give me the effect of real time that the same company is upgrading ideas each time. Funny part is you did em backwards from the 28 down This patch has thrown off a few of the planes alot and some weathered it fine. I just got home a bit ago and I got the Mug of coffee and dinner around me so I can fly them all and see how they feel being able to upgrade in line of production... Once again thanks to TK for a sweet patch in only a bit over a month from the last one. Nice work Same for Everyone and anyone I didn't mention on the nieuports !
  11. The campaigns will auto save after each mission when you hit accept. IF you dont hit accept then it will revert to the last mission you did. Hope this helps ya some
  12. New patch released..

    Eddie R. I understand the game takes some getting used to. Its not RB3 or DOA at all. What seems to make the game for me is alot of the people here in the forums who have been bz making up mods and terrains and plaens and all that extra stuff. I think with just a bit more time TK will have even more goodies for us. Look at the improvement in AI in just a month or so since last patch.... no its not perfect but wow what a giant step forward. Kudos to TK and the rest of the modders here for making this game a ton of fun.
  13. woot! ok im at work right now but as soon as Im home I will DL this. Can't wait to get the N11,17,24,28 all on board. I am going to update the Plane fest campaign tonight and give the french side their own planes now. After talking with Tex a bit we have found a few things on how to make campaigns work better now so there should be more planable plane upgrades on our campaigns in the next version. Great Job all on the new planes... thank you.
  14. Update Ver 1.4 Here it is 1) Took out the EIII and the EVI . They are not close enough to really let the German side stand much of a chance in a DF. Germans will now start with the Alb D1. 2) There may be times now that you get a downgrade in planes for a short time till supply lines open back up. 3) The time between missions has been reduced to 5 normal and 4 if offensive is going on. This gives a bit longer in each plane than I had before. 4) I am now including an additional mod that was originally from MontyCZ. I took a 2 man bunker with sandbags and made the one firing the weapon to shoot rifle rounds. He will take pot shots at you if you are flying low and close enough. The game likes to set them at bases and towns so be warned. Install directions are included here as well. The new plane list that is needed for this Campaign to work are as follows : French : DH2 SPAD7 SPAD12 N24 This was so close to being done I included it here N28 SPAD13 RAF : SPAD7 Camel CamelF1 BristolM1C SE5a Dolphin ** New German : PfalzD3 AlbatrosD1 AlbatrosD2 AlbatrosD3 Dr1 ****(needs my firecage Hard FM pack if you fly on hard mode.)**** I am trying to work this next bit on adding the SchuckertD3 to the mix. I am flying it against the other allied planes to see what date to bring it into the game. Also next update will be (1) bomber squadron that you can choose for each nation. Now we all know what weird things happen on bombing missions so I’m trying to sort out how to make it work well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver 1.3 (updated) I have added the bmps for the start screens the campaign makes calls to. No change in install. These missions are just for giving the pilot a chance to fly pretty much ever plane against it's counterparts over the time span of the campaign. There will be times where you are in the lead for planes and some times your country will be on the bad end of the stick and it will be hard to stay alive. There is no promise you will get every plane in the sequence. According to TK you will not receive new planes if your area is under attack or in battle, which makes perfect sense. AS in real war things don't get shipped like the HQ scheduler planned every time 8) Note ***** The spad7 and Spad12 have the same entry dates. I suggest staggering them slightly so the plane mix comes in a bit more even. if left alone it's just a toss up with of the 2 you may be upgraded with. It WILL work great even if you don't change a thing.
  15. I cleared the cache and re Downloaded it and it installed fine for me. If anyone has problems still let me know.
  16. Hi Erik, Man that's strange. I even installed a different Zip program so it wouldn't be the old program. Do I need to re do anything?
  17. I have heard that from a few people now. I uninstalled my aip programa nd installed a new one so please try and let me know if it works ok or not. I have also done another update today to add the Sopwith Pup to the RAF plane selection. Also added Gr. Vipers Machinegun mod as well as my bunker riflemen mod. Please see the .doc file and the installation txt file
  18. Nieuport 24

    No problem, EmlD should be around soon and I can hit him up for it when he is online again.
  19. Nieuport 24

    Hey Tex, man I know you just need one more thing on your plate but ...... Would it be possible to get a complete skin layout so I can start working on skins for the 24? Reach me through CA msg if ya want or here.
  20. Balloons with no explosions-

    [burningDebrisMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE IgnoreRenderOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=2.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA_ADD_SRC NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=explosion1.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE
  21. Dr1 Hard FM - Firecage

    Which planes are you having trouble with on turns?
  22. File Name: Dr1 HARD FM - Firecage File Submitter: Firecage File Submitted: 8 Feb 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft The A - Team has given me permission to release this to the forums and combat ace but that doesn't mean they endorse it yet. They may be sitting back laughing to hard to speak yet. Ya just never know. Enough on that... its tuned for hard FM, Its a freak show to fly, its like riding on glass at times.... but if you work with it some you will find its a mean machine IMHO. After being shown some articles from people who have been in the cockpits of a dr1, I tried to make the plane have the results they described. The plane seem to be washy and tends to be a bit un ruley but, if you can get hold of the reigns it's a blast. This FM blows on normal, sorry This is only version 1.0 trial runs. I have an account on CA and you can msg any useful info to me there for FM suggestions. Installation :Go to wwi>objects>aircraft>dr1 Back up your dr1_Data.ini somewhere and drop this one in its place. Firecage Click here to download this file
  23. Email Capun here -- > capun1950 (at) yahoo (dot) com replacing the (at) and the (dot) for the obvious things. If I remember right he asked me for a username and password and he will email you the rest of what you need. I Highly reccomend all of thier planes.
  24. Dr1 Hard FM - Firecage

    Hey Brandy, Thanks for the input. Ok here's what I was trying to do for the vertical stalls. The plane should go up untill you hit the stall speed. Then In my mind the gravity and the weight would take over mostly. Since alot of the weight was in the nose/eng area I would assume it would be trying to pull the nose down and head back the way it came towards the ground. One thing I DO NOT like in some of the planes that get to that stall point and just start doing wierd flinches and things an airplane would NOT do. One thing I been trying to do is watch alot of the airshows footage of biplanes and see how they react, I have yet to see one do the twiching thing like some of the FMs do. The ones I see go up hang theres a sec or so and then gravity and weight take over. I do realize I don't get to see them in trouble and go 'hey thats what a flat spin to the earth looks like' <snicker>. Most of the shows only show the good light unless something goes wrong. Now that being said what I miss is being able to get the plane to spin into a hard flat spin for a bit but we don't have that yet or at least I haven't found it. Most of what I look for is a fluid motion as certain forces recede and other come into play. SO as the Engine and lift of the wings starts to fail the weight of the nose area and gravity take over. One thing I was reading from a site of pilots who have replica planes was the DR1 lost control hard when it got slow and the rudder was kinda useless. If you notice the Dr1 at the top of the loop looses the control untill it speeds back up. Now thats what was trying to do but, can you explain which part your seeing in the flight that needs work? IF you can help me on more specific places along the stall. I use the hammerhead attack alot in german planes here because they have a good throw on the plane when you hit the rudders in a certain way. The Dr1 can do that as well but not at lower speeds, it can throw into a skid almost and then hit the rudder and hold on 8) . Now right there is where I wish we had spins because when you pop it to hard it SHOULD spin the plane and put you in harms ways. I think thats the part thats missing the most, SPINS. IT's like another counter weight to use to keep things in check. IF you want take pics and show me what your seeing. Im looking for this info 8) Oh and the sliding on glass is something I saw in videos of the FM I took so I could just watch the plane fly. THe Dr1 has a tendancy to slide around alot. One more note again.... I took what A team had and tweaked it to what I thought was a good plane to fly on hard FM. Alot of the FM model is what they had and I did some things to it. So credit to both sides. And thanks again.
  25. Dr1 Hard FM - Firecage

    Yes , Just back yours up somewhere and replace it with this one. If you need the Dr1 files that go with it you have to DL it from http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html My agreement was to only offer the data file on the plane. The rest still comes through their server and their DL system. Email Capun here -- > capun1950 (at) yahoo (dot) com replacing the (at) and the (dot) for the obvious things. If I remember right he asked me for a username and password and he will email you the rest of what you need. I Highly reccomend all of thier planes.

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