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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. Ok since there is SOOO many people freakin out about skins and not giving credit and nasty emails and etc. I know I am not that amazing on the skins but I am pulling all the skins I made off the site. Too many nasty things going on and now everytime I post a skin I get an email about not giving credit to someone somewhere so I think its just best to stop doing skins till people settle down and quit having a problem with a community that is just trying to enjoy the game. It's just become too much like a job and I feel I have to exit the skin game or hire an HR/PR depatment just to pass a few skins around. I will keep working on the terrains tiles for the winter and summer sets if anyone still wants those they will be here. This is not pointed at anyone persay just doing this before I get in the middle of some dis war somewhere. This has zero to do with CA sites they have been nothing but great and have helped in every way they could on anything I needed. Great game TK.
  2. Ok just so I am a bit more clear ... No one has made any rude comments or any nasty problems at all. I just have a lot of messages about who to watch for and who to not make mad and its just ... well I have crap at work and I get paid there at least. hahaha Im not mad at anyone just feel its too hot of an issue on alot of things right now and its best for me to not be anywhere near the explosion that I see happening lately. I understand we all have opinions I just dont want in on some of it 8) For me its 3 things the game has : 1 fun to play 2: somewhat easy to mod and screw up 3: great escape from everyday life where I can fly in behind the guy who just cut me off and fill him full of lead ... hahahahah Just enjoy the game and have some fun.
  3. File Name: A 3 Pack of DR1 skins File Submitter: Firecage File Submitted: 22 Jan 2007 File Updated: 22 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft A 3 Pack of DR1 skins Click here to download this file
  4. RB1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  5. oneofthosedays1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  6. fireinthecabin.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  7. dh2.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  8. deadmanwalking1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  9. dawn1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  10. cold1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  11. camel1.jpg

    From the album FE Firecage History

  12. Dr1

  13. File Name: Dr1 Skins File Submitter: Firecage File Submitted: 21 Jan 2007 File Updated: 21 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Ok these skins are for the DR1 from Capun and crew. I just took what they had and did some weathering to them and made a (3) set. Hope that covers it.... If I missed someone then send me a msg and ill update. Add to your wwi/objests/aircraft/dr1 folder. all decals and numbering should be set up. Thanks to the SPF1 A-Team for the original Enjoy - Firecage Click here to download this file
  14. More Skins for the DR1

    Well I am making up a campaign and needed some extra skins to keep it looking real and I have 3 here in one zip file if you want them. They are faded and weathed skins but nice coloring. Thanks to the SPF1 A-Team for the originals I started with. Dr1 Skins Try those out and see if they help you some.
  15. Nieuport 28

    Yea you might want to look at the DR1 data file and see how they handled it. If I remember somewhere here there was an article about haveing to make 2 engine sets. one for graphics and one for the real info on the eng. I will try and see if I can hunt that article down for you. oh do we have the new FM from Tex yet? <slightly frothing at the gills for it? man I wish I had 3d max. I have an older version like 3.1 or something like that. I don't see much way to justify to myself a $3500 dollar expense for games. That's a few house payments Great work from all of you designers ... thank you .
  16. Need help on UpGrade Type= What are the options available here?
  17. Hey try and see if you get the same error I did. When I try and play the French in SPA 89 I get the program error thing. The other two french squads play fine. just an FYI. I have't seen anything wrong yet in the ini's
  18. Ok newest pics and the Winter Terrain pack should be available here in the next 20 mins. I am releasing a bit early and the buildings are not done but pretty much all the rest can be used well.
  19. Np at all. FE is my first and only Third wire sim... I don/t like the WWII stuff much and flew IL2 when I wanted that and I don't do Jet sims. TO boing for me. Im sure they are great games just not my bag of tea. If TK has it in the other sims then I'm sure It can be done here as well. I'm just using the external switcher till I see something better come along.
  20. Empty airfields

    Man I saw this and was like ... man Indio is teasing us again ..... hold back the info.... (just pulling ya leg) Now thanks for the post of the missions so we can take a look as well 8)
  21. Its not the fix but I put a utility at CA terrain area that will switch them all out in a button push... I use it all the time for the terrain swaps. Here
  22. File Name: Camel skin for Mikes F1 File Submitter: Firecage File Submitted: 14 Jan 2007 File Category: SF WW1 Aircraft Skins Enjoy a nice weathered and faded skins for the F1 the Mike has out now. Click here to download this file
  23. Woot man do I love waking up to this ... new planes Tex many thanks .... as usual you did an great job.

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