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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. Interested in MP

    Welcome to the online fun!! We will be getting together this Sunday for a run of missions as well if you want to join us.
  2. Dr1 info

    Hey all ... Been doing alot of Dr1 flying solo and im really seeing a few things that I wanted to share as well as ask for others to add their own info here as well. This will be kind of an on going online Plane data base perhaps. 1) The Dr1 drove me nuts for a while with the way its wants to twist into the ground or flip over and spin/tumble to your death. Very easy to have this happen when just starting on this plane as a new pilot. 2) I am finding its more the prolonged twisting that seems to cause this problem. I started flying the plane like a dirt race car and thrown it around real fast and let let up on the stick and the plane will not tend to stall. 3) I saw a show on A&E about the fight between Voss and the SE5 squad. I know for sure they had the CAD system set up to look cool but I saw the DR1 makes a few moves there and I always wanted to have a WWI game that would let me do them. Its a 180deg spin and return fire move. I have found the Dr1 to be able to do this and barely lose airspeed. Granted I can only get it to work when im really slow so it leads to dying alot if you dont do it right. it's a controlled turn and you want to the plane to stall in the spin. As soon as you see the spin let up on the stick and it will flip right around and stable to head right back at them. 4) Tail swimming seems to be an amazing way to treat this plane. I have been throwing th tail really hard to slide around and the plane wont hardly stall. it seems to work better for me than smooth turns were doing. It seems to be the prolonged use of control surfaces degrade more than I expected so I noticed they dont work as fast when used hard but very quick. 5) Always get above them before I fight.... If you get above an enemy in this plane theres not to many reasons to not go home alive. If I take my time and be methodical I can take almost any AI plane down. My rushing to kill and stupidy do me in 75% of the time. 6) Never try and dive for very long .... things fall off, the plane stops responding and you start floating like a leaf. I come down to about 500 above them and then go for the kill. Slow seems to be where this plane shines anyways. One thing bad I see... this plane will tumble end over end in a stall. it will floatstraight down if you DONT come out of your hammer head in time. This usually leads to dying. I have not found a way out from rev rudder and forwad stick or anything not even auto level helped. I know we all fly differently so if you see things differently I encourage you to thorw in some ideas on this plane as well. I am more than willing to look at new ideas. I also alot of you know this sim way better than I do so please speak up.
  3. Dr1 info

    If I am online just ask and we can go get er dun...
  4. Fly with the DiD group?

    I will fly anything you can get hold of from them. What ever planes and dates im down for. I as well im in retail and its retail hell right now at work ... ok well work is a strong word for my job but still its retail and I don't have time to convert but, I could see making a time during the week to try and fly. Wed is the only day that's not open at this point but scheduling at work this time of year is likely to change to more and more hours till the season is over. Only thing I fly right now at all is the Dr1 so I can be comfortable with it so a change of pace might be alot of fun. Let me know if anyone ha a time planned. I am home and ready to fly around 7-8pm cst. Even If I only hit the last fight It would be worth it for me at last to fly with you all.
  5. OT What Job do you do?

    Im a musician and between gig I work at a guitar center. Been playing guitar in bands for about 39 years now. Mostly Roadhouse stomp and blues stuff. I have done pretty much every style of music in those years. WHen I had to make ends meet here and there I was in the IT world doing Server Upgrades and Support for boring and the Feds at times... but only as long as I had to... hate the feds as a boss. If you want to hear some of the original work we do feel free to drop by and check it out http://www2.mixposure.com/MichaelLee/music.php I play the guitar, sings, write, produce and manage the band. I also have one of the strangest schedules and can be online at strange hours flying when im not writing , playing or at GC during the day.
  6. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    Not a problem.... I figure the allies will see him . Jump in between us I get the shot and we use Vasco as a .... err well whats the term .... hhmmm not bait, no... target...no... er oh yea! Forward scout.
  7. Very Impressive career.... Sorry to see one go down in thismanner after such a good run.
  8. Mission pic's from 8/11/17

    MORE PICS FROM SUNDAYS ONLINE MISSION's German Convoy Protecting our base. Taken as we came back for landing after a long mission sunday. Firecage DR1 after the 2nd mission on the home airfield. We seem to have a few more camels in the area than we were ready for.... this was during the fight when Vasco and myself were trying to stay alive and still get some kills in. Firecage coming in for the kill on the 2 leading planes. Firecage after the assult on the falling camel in the lower corner of the pic.... Anyone need a slightly damaged camel? Selling cheap... needs work. Sorry but you just can't have this kinda fun in single player missions. These missions are the same ones you are flying already ALONE.... come fly with other pilots and make your claim to fame here with us. We had many times where a human pilot came in to peel an enemy plane off one of our own. Somthing not seen in SP mode. Team killing is so much easier than those AI guys your flying with now. Anyone that wants to fly some missions needs to come fly with us and see what the game REALLY has to offer and have other human pilots in there with you. Get with ANY of us in this forum and we can get you up and running in a very short time and gain your ace skills in real time. SO your a great shot? Get in here and lets have some fun !!
  9. Great fraps on fire

    Most people in that are doing it at 1/2 size of your screen to it takes alot less memory and cycles to eat up what your game wants to use. run it at 1/2 size of screen and I think it will work better for you and looks great. As someone said above.... its an art thing. I have many pilots worried about the shotand crashed before many times.

    OK got this one installed... im out here on TS if someone wants to drop by and run a few tests.
  11. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    I think this is a great way to handel the extra pilots. I think also if someone needs a break for something RL they can hand over as well or just pass around the baton and let everyone get a chance. This idea has good pratical merit and makes you think more about what your going to do in a fight. MVR didn't get the kills by making bad survival choices *well till that last one anyways Im ready for Sunday's meyham.....
  12. Zip enclosed Firecage-Dr1.zip
  13. 94th Aero Online Campaign

    I will make sure im at the fight this coming sunday. Family health issue took me away this weekend. If you have an extra put me in a dr1
  14. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Sorry I missed the action today. Had a fast family emergency with my mom. I should be in for the next sunday run just fine. I would like to sign up for the DR1 next sunday if we have one open. That plane drives me crazy but I AM NOT going to give up till I learn it well. Firecage out
  15. How do your pilots die?

    Spins for sure... Over pushing the plane... Lucky stupidity wasn't an option ... I lose 80% or more to spins. 20% enemy fire when I did recover from those spins .... :yes:
  16. Immersion factor?

    Well maybe its old RB3 Online days but I feel bad if I jump in on a kill you have going and I didnt see it. I try to get out of the way when I notice.... im old and not as quick on the uptake. I really am trying to get more into the idea of staying alive and not a game setting on campaign missions. The weirdest things have happened to kill pilots I have ever seen. 90% of my pilot die tho to pushing to hard and not thinking ahead a bit more when im in the DF. . I really need to rethink my tactics alot.
  17. Immersion factor?

    Well I have a way that works for me. If I respawn and Im in an AI plane that I took over and can help, im probably going to jump in and help someone out. When its time to get the kill let the other guy grab the kill since he is still in original plane. If I spawn a long way off I tend to auto pilot and not join or race back unless they call for help. Now on other nights when we are flying for practice then by all means get a new planes and jump right back in.
  18. sun 10-4 session

    I didn't think it was that big a deal really. We tried a custom plane folder for beard and it didn't work out and we went back to the orig plan. I think it was all pretty easy and not that big of a deal. I would like ot get that part sorted out so the aces can wear the custom skins after the X amount of kills. Keep the idea heading this way. We need to try these kinda things and get them worked out. No biggie i nmy book at least.
  19. mp sun 10-4

    Well that was one amazing day of Dog Fighting guys !!!! GJ I think we had some great team play and team kills today. Everyone covered each other very well and I think that helped keep many of us alive and back to home base to finish. Thanks to Black Haze for the TS server use and Vasco for not laughing at us make fools of ourselves alot of the time... Oh yea ....... Who was that masked man at the end on the runway ..... let me think ... hmmmm Nah couldn't have been .... FOr those of you how haven't flown on Multi player ... get on the forum here and let any one know and you can be flying in a very short amount of time. We had alot of new faces today and its getting where there are 2 flights of us now. COme join the fun..
  20. If I lose one more (*&{_@#@ pilot to my dumb*** wingmen ramming me or shoulder shooting I am going to take up a friendly fire situation on them. I have lost 3 of my top pilots due to this. I would almost rather go it solo hunting than have these idiots with me. I have now lost more pilots to them than enemy fire... Sorry for the rants I love this game but something eeds to happen to get these guys inline....
  21. Peaved at wingmen

    Ok Some great tips I will try .... Thank you all for the ideas to try. I do tink I was in a elite squad. I can understand the ramming at times, its just crowded. Its the shooting THRU me that took 2 pilots in a row out.... Kinda makes me rethink the friendly fire idea. They can probably out shoot me as well so maybe thats a bad way to think I was all set to grab TIR this week and I got to reading up on the TIR5 and I think Im going to get it instead next week or so. I am seeing where thats going to change things quite a bit as far as SA. Ok back to killing ... er I mean flying another pilot.
  22. Assignments?

    Look in the main OFF folder for "devices.xml" and open it with notepad. the view and other settings are in there. Hope this helps ya some
  23. My New Camel Skin on a Balloon Mission
  24. Just testing a huge mission if any one is up jump on TS and have some fun.
  25. Want to test an Air Raid?

    Im sure I will be on later today. Got a few things I have to run out and do and I will be on later.

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