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Posts posted by Firecage

  1. I thought that the paint from the factory was a blue/green streaked finish with sligh silver tones through out the paint.


    These pics were what I thought the factory did. I could be wrong but just checking







    Let me know what color changes you all think are close



  2. Great advice Peter, I have a storage folder inside every folder in FE for this kinda thing. I always take a copy of the one im about to mod and throw it in storage folders. In some of the sotrage areas there may be 2-6 versions in there so I can go back to many different points in a set of mod's to an INI file.


    I would suggest a good backout plan to anyone doing this stuff.


    BTW: some great info here and at TKs site I see you have been gathering. Keep up the good work :good:

  3. I love the idea but after 5 runs I have yet to see any planes on the Airfields. Did you stack planes at each field or only some of them? I may have just been un-lucky and didn't get to an airfield that had planes perhaps or something...


    edit: If I am seeing this right I think you may need to copy the XXXX.lod and some bmp files from the Flanders terrain and put them in your verdun floder so they can be called by your file you have available here. I could be wrong but I am just comparing the verdun to the flanders terrain.


    This si a great idea and keep on it, cant wait to get some planes on the fields !!

  4. :blink:


    I feel your pain .... I hate the gunners in some of the bombers. The best thing I have done so far is to attack from underneath, directly behind. Some of the bombers just have to have the rate of gun movement downed a bit (slower reaction time)and some need the angle's of fire changed (so they dont have has much of an instant chance of killing you).


    After that its just plain tough vs the gotha, I tend to try and take a wing out, trying ot get an Engine hit and a fire seems to be pretty hard.

  5. I knew about the AI types of rookie,vet,ace thing and changed all of mine to ace across the board just so the AI would be more agressive. The rest of this si great info and I need to do some tweaking on the AI sections and try your ideas out.


    I saw the posts to TK on his forum and I see what your after and i think you have a great idea going here. Are you working on certain planes right now or just in general?

  6. Ok I must say that's the most fun I have had in FE so far !!!


    That was great flying and good friends.


    Peter and Laton ... please get hold me when you can, we want to talk about FMs and plane matching a bit. (hint hint)


    All anyone needs is teamspeak and Hamachi. If you can get TS going we can help with the rest to get you flying. Today we had the Spad and the D7 going and it was a blast. This is the most fun I have had in FE bar none. THanks to Dread and Lother for gettign this idea going. There are very few problems I had getting in the games and its flying way better than it did in the past. If you like FE and love online play please get in on this.... we need more lead flying around !!!


    Watch for next post on times


    Here is the link to hamachi



    Here is the teamspeak link



    Here is how to set the multiplayer screen to see the games we are running. Lother is leaving his up for a while today if you want to come play.




    Comne on in and fill firecage's plane full of holes :)

  7. hmmmm ok I will check into this one a bit more. Im running 2 campaigns on it right now and im quite a few missions into both of them. I may have made the ground war to big or missed something in the pathing of the ground war. Please feel free to keep giving feedback and I will keep on the track and try to get it where it isnt as easy to win from the ground war as It is right now..



    Thanks for input all 8)

  8. Ok I played each side and did about 5 missions as RAF, French and German each. It kinda has the sound of a bad file or corrupt file. I had some problems gettting the file top upload and had to re do the upload about 6 times before it went good. Maybe you got hold of one of the incomplete files I had here for a bit.


    Try and re-DL the campaign and install again. Make sure and delete any of the 2 campaigns you have installed now so we get a clean install of the new DL.


    I can't get it to blow up here yet.


    Is there ANYONE else who is having this problem as well?

  9. Hey there...


    Hmm I just got home and did a Download on the files and installed them. I will try and see if I can find anything wrong and reply back tonight. Give me a bit to try a few missions from each side and see if I get the same thing.


    Thanks for the input, I need to know this kinda stuff, I fly the campaigns too 8)

  10. Firecage - Flanders Plane Fest Ver 1.0



    Welcome to Flanders !!!


    Please read the planesused.txt, the Planefest doc, and the installation.txt files for more info.



    1. The Fest is now split into (2) parts to make the campaign work properly.

    • One Campaign is RAF vs Germany

    • One Campaign isFrance vs Germany.


    2. Every Fighter Squadron will start from their own base. No base is shared between squads now. ** see the included .psp file for base locations.


    3. There may be bomber and fighter squads at same bases but not as a norm.


    4. This campaign uses a large amount of the Flanders Map. The squads are spread out quite a bit so I am hopeful all the squads will see different areas of the map in missions.


    5. There are no flyable bomber squads at this time.


    6. I have made a very intensive set of ground war paths so this should make for more ground realism in missions.


    7. For designing this campaign I used the following:


    • Firecage FM for the DR1

    • Peter01 FM’s for Bortdafarms Planes

    • Rotagen’s FM for Borts DIII

    • Ver 3.0 FMs for Latons Pfalz and Morane’s

    • Hard FM mode for the flight model

    • Flanders Terrain by Edward.


    You do not have to use these add-on FM’s at all, it’s your call. This is only information what I used to test and design with since I get asked a lot.


  11. post-21750-1180672269_thumb.jpg


    Welcome to Flanders !!!


    Flanders Plane Fest has been uploaded to CA campaigns area. May be a bit before its approved but It looks like I got it to upload.


    Get it here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4796



    1. The Fest is now split into (2) parts to make the campaign work properly.

    One Campaign is RAF vs Germany

    One Campaign is France vs Germany.


    2. Every Fighter Squadron will start from their own base. No base is shared between squads now. ** see the included .psp file for base locations.


    3. There may be bomber and fighter squads at same bases but not as a norm.


    4. This campaign uses a large amount of the Flanders Map. The squads are spread out quite a bit so I am hopeful all the squads will see different areas of the map in missions.


    5. There are no flyable bomber squads at this time.


    6. I have made a very intensive set of ground war paths so this should make for more ground realism in missions.


    7. For designing this campaign I used the following:


    Firecage FM for the DR1

    Peter01 FM’s for Bortdafarms Planes

    Rotagen’s FM for Borts DIII

    Ver 3.0 FMs for Latons Pfalz and Morane’s

    Hard FM mode for the flight model

    Flanders Terrain by Edward.


    You do not have to use these add-on FM’s at all, it’s your call. This is only information what I used to test and design with since I get asked a lot.

  12. I see that this site has over 20,000 members, well its time for a roll call i want to see this post with over 20,000 replies!





    <Yawn> Is it spring?

  13. File Name: Firecage - Flanders Plane Fest !

    File Submitter: Firecage

    File Submitted: 30 May 2007

    File Updated: 31 May 2007

    File Category: Missions/Campaigns




    1st off, thanks to Edward for the great Flanders Terrain !


    2nd thanks to B Bandy RFC ,raven-1, and triplethr3at for helping me on the testing.


    ** THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ORIG PLANE FEST ** do not mix the files.


    You MUST have the flanders map/terrain installed.


    I have added a layered .psp map so you can view which bases are going to be used in the campaign.


    Please see the planesused.txt for a list of planes needed to make this work.


    Please read the Flanders Fest .doc file for all info on the Campaign.


    Please read the installation.txt .... well for installation 8)


    This is a rough draft and will no doubt be upgraded soon with a few new planes that came out just as I finished up. Look for an update with in the week to add the EI and EIa and any others that may pop out soon.


    ENJOY !!!


    Click here to download this file

  14. As far as everyone providing input....I do think we can and should discuss this on the forums and not via. PM. Comparing ideas should be productive. I don't think anyone in this group is going to take it the wrong way.



    Ok im going to try and be very careful here. I think everyone is a bit gun shy on posting comments and not starting a flame war. Things have been VERY touchy lately in this forum area. I am guessing you all are like me and people are PMing and not saying much in open forums.


    The comparing of ideas and meeting on a common goal is the idea but It hasn't worked out that way quite often. I im totally guilty of putting stuff in PMs to make sure no one gets offended. The slightest thing has been blown way outta bounds and then some other things go un-noticed. I will try and do more about posting the idea out front and hopefully I wont get my head chopped off. I do think I have seen a few parties move towards more open approcach to downloads and sharing lately. I think its great that CA is providing the forum space ot let designers and such get a spot of their own. Great idea!


    We will just have to try and see if we can keep the ship on an even line and not let past things repeat.


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