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Posts posted by Firecage

  1. Just an FYI....


    I am close to releasing a new version of the Plane Fest (4.0). :clapping: notes as follows:


    1. All of the plane sets have been done to make room for the newest planes that the mod people have available.


    2. I have moved the start dates back to October 5th 1915 to make more room for so many planes and still have time to enjoy and learn each one well.


    3. I have redone all the upgrade plane dates so the planes match up as closely as I can. (this is whats taking up the time)


    4. Bomber squads available for each of the 3 countries. (flyable)



    The full plane list that is needed for this Campaign (4.0) to work:








    Sopwith Triplane




















    SPAD7 (Ateams)










    CamelF1 (Mikes)









    AlbatrosD1 (Ateams)










    I will post here when Its done. :cool:

  2. If you click on loadout you can assign skins to each plane in YOUR flight group in missions.


    In a campaign you can assign each AI squad to fly a certain scheme as a whole, and again you can assign each plane in YOUR flight group.


    Hope this helped you :rolleyes:

  3. Woot, man you all have made exactly what I was asking for a while back. These will be great for early war fights. I am DLing these now and will get them into the plane fest campaign and get a new version released this weekend if possible.


    Have you flown them against the other early war planes like the n11 and borts planes and the rest?


    I am also working on finishing the coding for a FC plane fest in the Flanders map that Edward did such a sweet job on.


    Great work people and thank you for all the effort. :clapping:

  4. I just downloaded the Albatros Missons pack put them in the missions folder,When I try to fly one of them I seem to end up halfway in the cockpit with the guns over my head on the inside of the aircraft.Anyone have any addvice?



    My first guess is going to be replace your Albatros Plane folder. save your skins off to a temp folder and replace the whole plane folder. I think that will solve your problem.

  5. I have to agree its hard to compare. I was also in RB community for years and I think RB3D has always been a measuring stick. It wasn't perfect but it had MANY great features.


    FE has the ability to let you customize the planes to fly the way you like so it can be tailored to fit what you think it should be. Problem is the open code makes it very hard to do MP without 2 seperate installs.... one clean and one tweaked.


    SO far the AI and colllsion detection, AI flying and shooting need more work. I would also say the makers of the game have been real good at addressing issues in a very timely manner. TK has also said this game was to shoot things down and have fun , not a Full Accuracy FM. But I do get the feel of flying in FE when im on a mission. The planes feel very nice and most of the third party planes are fitting together pretty well.


    One thing I have issue with is there are no spins like you would expect in this FM. Some of the players/mod people have found a way to make the planes spin with some fancy code work. Its not exactly what you might get from a full blown hard FM but it wasn't made to be that anyways.


    Bottom line tho is I would suggest it to anyone who like flying WWI sims. Even without some of the features its one hell of a sim and I enjoy it a ton. If Sierra would have listened as well as third wire has so far RB3D would be amazing. IMHO the player community is what kept RB alive not Sierra. This is a small company and they have been adressing the issues faster than most games for sure.



    BTW there are about 30+ planes now for FE even at this early stage of the games life. Not bad in my book.

  6. Ok there seems to be some pilots that can't play online but if you can get online with the game and have HL then read on


    I want to get a squad together to do some CO-op online missions. I am leaning very heavy to Co-op since that should cut down the need for using too much of a hacked FM to show off as much. I know we have all been tweaking some things but I am thinking we can do some Coop flights pretty well.


    I have got the game to play well for me using IP and HL both. All you need to get HL to work is make a copy of your exe and name it flightsim.exe and thats its.


    I will hang around in HL in the frist strije room and do more research to see whats possible if anyone feels like dropping by.

  7. Just curious why the Zeppelin Draken has not be incorporated? Was it such a rare bird you decided to keep it out?



    Do you mean the Staaken? The Drakens are the observation balloons in game I think and its controlled spawn by the game, or at least I haven't found a way to call them up from the campaign.

    As for the Staaken its in there in the AI bomber sections.


    If theres a model I dont know about please drop me a link for it in here.

  8. Hey pete... not sure if you can take a look at this but Im getting a bunch of EIII and EVI that nose into the ground and do not crash or any damage at all to them. They just take right back off, and I mean like very direct noce to the ground. I know there is an issue with soft landings and all but this is beyond what Im getting on any other plane in the game. If you can take a look at the damage nodes and see if they can be made ot detect a bit more on ground collisions.



  9. SRT: Ok I will run that squadron again tonight and see if I get that to happen. There are some campaign variables in the ini files you may wish to vary that could be keeping planes from getting to your squad.


    Just for your knowledge here is a section from the best resource I have been given about working the ini files.



    StartDate=09/01/1959 - This is the first day of the campaign.

    StartDateDeviation=30 - This entry randomizes the start date. Set it to 0 for the campaign to start

    at the same date every time.

    ForceWithInitiative=0 - I'm not sure exactly what it does. The entry will correspond to one of the

    "forces" defined below.

    MaxMissions=30 - Number of missions until the campaign automatically ends.

    NormalMissionRate=360 - The number of days between missions when no ground offensives are in


    NormalMissionRateDeviation=120 - Not sure. I think it randomizes the number of days between


    OffensiveMissionRate=45 - The number of days between missions when a ground offensive is in


    OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=30 - Same as NormalMissionRateDeviation.

    CampaignEndWinScreen=Winner1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the

    campaign is won.

    CampaignEndLoseScreen=Loser1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the

    campaign is lost.

    CampaignEndStallScreen=Loser1.bmp - The .bmp file within the same folder displayed when the

    campaign is a draw.

    CampaignEndWinText=Campaign1Win.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when

    the campaign is won.

    CampaignEndLoseText=Campaign1Lose.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when

    the campaign is lost.

    CampaignEndStallText=Campaign1Stall.txt - The .txt file within the same folder displayed when

    the campaign is a draw.



    and another one



    Morale=70 - I think it is the force's starting morale level.

    Supply=25 - I think it is the force's starting supply level.

    NormalSupplyRate=20 - Rate in which units are resupplied when no offensives are in progress.

    OffensiveSupplyRate=-20 - Rate in which a unit uses supplies when conducting a ground


    DefensiveSupplyRate=-5 - Rate in which a unit uses supplies while defending against a ground


    SupplyForOffensive=90 - Supply level required for a ground offensive to start. I don't know if this

    applies to the entire force or individual units.

    AircraftReplacementTime=240 - Number of days between aircraft replacements.

    AircraftReplacement=60 - percentage of planes replaced based on a 16 plane squadron

    GroundUnitReplacementTime=360 - Number of days between ground unit replacements.

    GroundUnitReplacement=100 - Something to do with the number of ground units received as

    replacements. Possibly the number of units replaced per replacement cycle

    RandomTransportType=ANY - No idea.

    WeaponResupplyTime=180 - Number of days between weapon resupply.




    I use this manual pretty much all the time when im designing. It may not be perfect since its for another thord wire sim but its so close I bet on it most every time.


    if you want the whole thing its at Charle's EAW and SF site at the very botto of the page is a link to the file. That is all his code and info from the doc in the link. All I can take credit for is leading ya there 8)

  10. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1


    Get it here


    • Sopwith Triplane added !

    • Quite a few of Bortdafarm’s planes are back. There are new FM’s available at combatace. If you wish to fly the original FMs the campaign will fly just as well, its your choice :dntknw:

    • More variation on Bombers You may see in action.

    • 1 German squad that’s on a faster rate of plane upgrades in Jasta 6. This squad will be using a lot of Bortdafarm’s planes. There will be roughly 1 month intervals for the first year.

    • New upgrade tables for AI bombers. There have been a lot of bomber releases lately and I have added them all into the Fest.

    • As well there are many 2 seater bombers in action now such as the BE2, Be2A & BE2D, The Fish, Fokker BI, Pfalz DI, and the Halb. Most of these are in AI form but I am working to add them to flyable squads as I get time.

    • Make sure and read the plane list as there are many additions.



    Please read the squads_readme.txt in the zip as well for plane upgrade lists. :biggrin:











    Sopwith Triplane








    SPAD7, 12, 13 conversion

















    AlbatrosD1, 2, 3 conversion




  11. Just an FYI, There will be a new version out tonight late or tomorrow that will include the new sopwith Triplane



    Also im glad to say that inclusion of Bort's planes will be available once again. I am going to include the link in the new download that will point to peter01's new FM files for these planes. Its up to you which FM you use.


    I am going to try for all of bort's planes to be included and I will set some squads to use them and some that won't. This will give everyone the option of starting germans on EIII's or Alb D1's.


    Any of the bomber planes WITH a cockpit will be added into the flyable german bomber squad so you can have every flyable german bomber type available through out the campaign as upgrades. IF there are no cockpits then they will be included as AI bomber squads.


    I am in the works of trying to get an allied bomber squad (flyable) so anyone who wants to take that path can have it available. I saw last night that Bort has some newer allied planes and I will get them included if I can with this release. I am hopeful this may give us the allied bomber squad I was wanting to include.


    In the new release I will also include a squads_readme.txt file that will list the upgrades on planes for each squad so you can see which upgrade lines are in the squadrons. I have had a few requests for this so people who want to see certain planes in the upgrade lines can pick the squad that gives them what they want. I hope this help's in choosing a path to follow.


    Thanks to TK, Ateam, Tex, GRViper, Peter01, Bortdafarm, Emld, Laton, MontyZ, & Aladar for all their fine work. IF i forgot someone im sorry I try to not miss anyone.


    If you have a mod or want something included in the plane fest contact me through CA msg center and Im always glad to hear good idea's


    Enjoy and have fun! :good:

  12. Firecage, did you get my PM??



    Yes, you should have the PM back. If any more info, just PM me, I try and get in at least once a day here. I did try to DL one of borts planes last nite and it worked so I can get to them looks like. I have to go lay down some tracks for a band tonight but I will try and get on late and see if I can get them all DL'd from Bort and see what I think on the planes vs the newer arrivals for the plane fest. Lots of new plane have entered the play field lately :)


    I am hopeful that Ateam will release the Sop Tripe soon and maybe we can see it and a return of borts planes to the fest. Still need to get his direct permission to have them included in the plane fest to keep everyone happy. If your through here bort please drop a yea or nay here so I can have your direct permission.


    Great work on the new FM's Pete

  13. Firecage, The new FM is much better!


    I'm new to FE and moding FM's. I've been trying to get a few planes to fly better but, can't seem to get enough rudder response on some. I even set the dampening to 0. There is other lines of info I do not know what they are or do, but noticed change from the original FM. Also I want to know where to adjust the in cockpit camera panning. I noticed the DR1 only looks about 90 degrees to the side.


    Could someone please send me a reference for the items to play with for modifing the FMs.


    Salute! Stachel



    go to this link and look at the very bottom of the page for SF reference note. DL that and its full of great info




    hope it helps

  14. Hey Pete thanks for the efforts on getting these planes ot be a bit more capable in the sim. If your done with the tweaking I will DL the newest FM sets and try them out this week as I can. I just released the newest plane fest campaign but If it works well I will do a new release of the fest with the Fokkers in there. Not sure just how I want to include them yet but there are a few options I can think of.


    I haven't got the newer of borts planes to test but I can do the EIII and the EVI. I tried to drop by Borts site and leave a msg in the blog but my msg's dont show up... I think I know why but.... if I can I will see if im allowed to DL the other planes he has or not.


    Again thanks for fixing these up for us. :clapping:

  15. Firecage Plane Fest 3.0



    1. As promised I now have German bomber squadrons that are playable. This is a hard way to go but I have a feeling some of you are just crazy enough to try it so here it is. I would be open to feedback on this release. I am trying to see if it’s feasible to work as a bomber pilot through a war like this.


    2. And I am begging for someone to get us some cockpits for the new allied bombers so I can get a flyable allied bomber squadron. If we don’t see something soon I will just make a bomber squad from the planes I know work with bombs well.


    3. I have decided to split up the camels between different RAF squadrons. Some of the Squads will upgrade to F1 (Mikes plane) and other will have the Camel (A team’s Plane). I was kind of waiting for the A team to release the Sopwith Triplane but I feel it was time to get all the new planes in and let everyone at them. I Promise the tripe is in as soon as it hits the market… if you know Capun and the team send them more women and wine and keep them motivated


    4. The good news is I have included all the newer bombers and planes that have come out recently. So there may be quite a few different bombers in the air at times for both allied and German. ** see list below. The bombers will now cycle through upgrades to plane just as the rest of the fighter squads, both AI and human


    5. The RAF now will have a choice between starting with the DH2 or the new Fe2B. I made about equal number of each available.


    6. EVERY fighter squad is now on a separate plane update date. This way all the planes will kind show up on a spread and not just all at once everywhere on the same days. There was some variance by the game and this just adds more.


    7. Peter01 is working on some FM changes to bort’s originals and I am going to try and get them in on the next run if it works well. I flew them this last weekend and tried to work it where they were up against some of the earliest planes available to me and it may be something that works. What I may do is just like with the German bomber squad I make just one German EIII squad start on them if you wish to use those as a starting point it will be available.


    8. I know Bort's planes being taken out has caused some hard feelings and none were intended at all. I won’t go off here just saying I’m fine with dropping it all and moving on, I hope everyone can do the same.


    The full plane list that is needed for this Campaign (3.0) to work:









    SPAD7, 12, 13 conversion

















    AlbatrosD1, 2, 3





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