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Posts posted by Firecage

  1. Dr1 Faded/Worn Red

    Ok, In order to cut down on some email requests <snicker>....


    Here is the Dr1 from Ateam in a worn faded red suit. I keep getting people wanting this from the Pic in the Campaign so here it is again.


    Im really doing more on the Plane Fest campaigns right now. There are so many talented painters here so there are always a ton of skins here so get to DL'ing and enjoy.


    Thanks to God,mom,dad,all the apostles... my sis and the kids.... tk and ateam... the guy on the corner selling papers in the rain ...... :haha:


  2. Heh.. I just tried Wings of Honour: Battles of Red Baron. Believe me, in comparison to that FE is a really hardcore sim. In WoH, the planes collide head to head and keep bumping into each other mid-air like toy cars. There's no such thing as lift. And you have machine gun, guided missiles AND bombs. Even on Eindecker.


    LOL yea the WWI sims seem to run the entire gambit.... DOA which is kinda interesting but I hate their damage models and last I looked that fake looking 8bit smoke when somethings hit. Oh yea and everything explodes like a SAM rocket hit.


    Then you have the WoH and others that have an SE5 doing unlimited vertial climb at 90 deg. Im sure theres a market somewhere for all.


    I think Red Baron 3D was one of the great WWI sims but all of us from that era know it wasn't finished well and just kinda left unfinished. Thank god the community kept it alive and worked on the rest that Sierra just didnt care to address. It was close to mass online play and at least people could do a hack check on their servers for versions and such to keep it as equal as possible. I think the death of 3dfx didnt help RB3d much either, its a horrid scene in direct draw and wrappers just suck.


    I think TKs game is the 1st one since then that really drew my interest, and Im I am a real WWI fan just not seeing much from any other companies that I liked. I have some real hope for TKs game and the only thing I see in the way is doing anykind of online play where there is a system in place to check for equal FM in all planes and such. This is always a problem in open code games. And, as in real life, I am sad to say that there will always be a few who will cheat for the ego boost.


    I think the FMs needs to have a way to balance so it will scale from ez to normal to hard and fly well in all three. And see the AI fly them well in all three. The AI gunnery issue Im guessing is a pain in the backside, how do you tell an AI pilot when to lead by how much at how fast at what angle........ whew thank god its his problem :tongue:


    I have been trying to just keep things upbeat and not hound TK and his huge staff <snicker> with too many too do lists. I would hate to have his email inbox to read every day. :sorry:


    I hope we see this game moving forward for a long time to come.

  3. So far im pretty impressed with TK and thrid wires efforts. My biggest problem is I am trying to make it a more realistic flight sim and it wasn't designed to be that. TK has said it was a wwi game to go around and blow stuff up 8) which is always fun.



    I do however think its a great game and I am always looking forward to a new patch or planes as they release.

  4. What got cancelled was their use of the Il-2 engine. That has been replaced with I believe their own in-house engine.



    I think they have a great idea but im not seeing much info from them at all. They showed a few models a while back and haven't seen anything else. I can't tell if they are keeping it quiet or just don't have the resources to get it done.


    I have a feeling they have a huge effort and may not have the resources to pull it off.Personally I would rather see a new game engine as you have suggested.


    Lets hope they get this done soon so we can have a bunch of wwi sims and I can give up on what little time I have freee as it is :crazy:

  5. Nice work Pete... I have them both downloaded and I will try them out this weekend. Few clients had server crashes this week and im up to my ears in IT problems or I would do it sooner.


    This may solve some things for me in the plane fest... I will send ya a priv msg in CA in a few minutes. Gotta grab food and drinks for late nite of server rebuilding 8( ..... RL reallys gets in the way of my gaming :blink:


    Let me know which of borts planes your working on and I will set up a test folder for the plane fest and do some trials.

  6. Hmmmm .... didn't know there was any antagonism toward you FC nor any hidden agendas. I just appreciate you doing the plane fests regardless of A/C used and I cannot see any intention on your part to favour one A/C over another for anything other than improved gameplay. Some people perhaps have too much time or meat on their hands.



    No one has been nasty I just get PMs on different planes that are in or not in and I don't want any one to feel they were treated unfairly. I get alot of msg's on Bort's planes and I am going to dangle a carrot out there for someone to match the bort series of planes for the allies so we can have some good early war action going on.


    There are quite a few planes in the works from alot fo different places that are working on these idea's already.


    I would like to see someone even work out the idea of a 2 seater with one guy firing a rifle weapon! Give the area of coverage a good wide spot since he could bend around alot but, maybe make it 6-10 secs per single round shots.


    If I recall correctly some early planes used deflectors on the props so the bullets didn't eat the prop in two, this was before the sync gears were developed.


    Thats an area I would like to see as well as more adjustable balloons and such.

  7. Ok let me get this out there so I keep my intentions pure....



    99% of the reason I drop or add any planes from the campaign was lack of other planes that were it's equal. It had zero to do with any dark powers or special group of people I am in with.


    If there was a secret handshake meeting some where I musta missed it 8(


    I don't want a war at all. If you look at a recent post of mine whats killing me is lack of Early way planes that are available. I think too many games made too many of the late WWI era, and almost none of the early war stuff. Now I see capun and some others putting out the early stuff. And I had said all along if I can get planes that are fun to fly against each other then they go in. Fun is about 90 % of my selection process.


    If any one wants to msg me I have an acct here at CA and I answer any thing that gets sent, thats not just full of profanity... limit it too a few mean words and im cool, Im not darth Vader or anything 8)

  8. Just FYI if it's of any help.


    I can see where your coming from on permission, firestorms start too easy soemtimes.





    Borts site


    and also in one of his posts at his sight:


    "given that no permission is needed from me to edit the airfiles for my aircraft"



    I still say get it directly from him though... always safer that way.

  9. Hey peoples <wave>


    Ok heres how I want to solve this. I built a new PC this weekend and installed a fresh version of FE and I did fresh installs of all the planes. I took the camp3_data.ini and removed every reference to any skins being called up. Even the ones that may have been included with each plane, this was mostly all bombers. I have found this to be a number one cause of crashes from game is calling up a paint scheme thats not available or named wrong.


    After I got all the stuff installed I started the campaign and double checked that every french unit gets N11 to start, RAF gets DH2, Germans D1 alb. I tested each squad to make sure of plane types and what you saw on the screen is what you get in the air.


    On your end please delete the old wwicamp3 folder completly. Then place the one in the new new downloaded wwicamp3 folder in its place. THis avoids any chance of overwrite problems and names of things being different that I may have missed.


    THis will be what I have here on a fresh install of FE and planes.


    I also just finished reloading the files to CA so if you want to get this fresh made zip file its available as ver 2.1


    Please dont be shy about posting things going wrong, im not amazing talent at code and have made mistakes before and thats why we see new versions of the plane fest from time to time. I good at listening to any ideas you have and will use what I can in the next releases.


    ** Note I saw the post from Capun on planes that are otw out and I also saw someone posted a new FM for Borts planes. I am going to take a look at the new FM and see if we can get the early E models back in the campaign and also I am eager to get my hands on the early war planes I saw capun post as up coming plane releases.... ahhh its going to be a good year 8)


    Let me know if this helps and stops the DTDs :good:

  10. I've DL the file but I see that the N-24 and N-24b are listed as required aircraft. Where can we get them? They are not yet here at Combat Ace.


    Thanks again for the work you have done to make this sim more enjoyable.





    I think Montyz,Tex, EmlD, and the rest have them all up at Combat ace Download sections. You will now need the N11,17,24,24bis,28 while your there. read the .doc file in the zip and it will have links to the areas you will need to find all planes in my plane fest campaign.





  11. Yes its a download form MS and its just a current update to Direct X 9c.


    Alot of times there are upgrades to the DL and its not a version change. I usually hi there every few months to DL again to grab small changes they do.


    If thats the problem, which it has been for alot of new players, you should get a pop up window when you get dumped to the desktop with the error he described above.


    Another thing that can DTD is calling up a plane skin thats not available. I have heard of that one as well.


    If your still getting errors just post what error is saying and im sure one of us can help you 8)

  12. Im pretty sure the problem with the bridge is not the collision points on the plane but the bridge is a solid object from the top to the bottom of the 3d Model box. THis would make it where you could see under it and all but even the invisable parts on the bridge are still there.


    And yes If I see a bridge I have to try and fly under it as well. One of the old Flying corps gold and RB3 tricks 8)


    Would be nice to have the bridges where the under side is not a collision point and that would free up for the idea of maybe transport ships to be able to use the shipping channels and such......

  13. Gezzzz this is such a beautiful match vs the D1 and D2. Great job on all of it from the model to the FM. I Think this is one I will be flying alot of.


    Now whats really bugging me is being the ace shot that I am ...... Just as I finally get lined up and tweak that last little bit and ... S**t time to reload ... another blown shot :crazy:


    God Do I ever need to improve my aim.

  14. 1) The time between missions has been reduced to 5 normal and 4 if offensive is going on. This gives a bit longer in each plane than I had before.

    2) I am now including an additional mod that was originally from MontyCZ. I took a 2 man bunker with sandbags and made the one NPC firing the weapon to shoot rifle rounds. He will take pot shots at you if you are flying low and close enough. The game likes to set them at bases and towns so be warned. Install directions are included here as well..

    3) I have Gr. Viper permission to put his “Machine Gunner” Mod that he developed and I have it now included in this pack as well. Thank you Gr. Viper .


    These last two mod’s will now given you flak, machine guns and random rifle fire to the campaign and makes it where you just never know who is out to kill you. If you get down low to the ground don’t be surprised if some one in a sandbag bunker takes a pot shot or two and the machine gun nests are after you as well.


    The new plane list that is needed for this Campaign to work are:

    French :




    N11 ** New

    N24 ** New




    RAF :



    Pup ** New




    Dolphin ** New


    German :







    Dr1 **(needs my Firecage Hard FM pack if you fly on hard mode.)****


    All of these planes are available through the DL section of Combat Ace




    Through Capun and The A Team at


  15. Tex and EmlD thanks for some awesome work and nice planes.... :clapping:



    " Its a bit of a shame that there hasnt been more feedback on the N24"


    I have been flying the 24 and the 28 for a while but I was kind of waiting to get at least 3 of the NXX planes so I could get an over all idea of the progression from one model to the next. I am very glad you have had such a hand in the FM if not totally so at least the same brain is on all three planes. I think that makes a big difference! All of your planes have a certain feel to them so It tends to give me the effect of real time that the same company is upgrading ideas each time. Funny part is you did em backwards from the 28 down :tongue:


    This patch has thrown off a few of the planes alot and some weathered it fine. I just got home a bit ago and I got the Mug of coffee and dinner around me so I can fly them all and see how they feel being able to upgrade in line of production...


    Once again thanks to TK for a sweet patch in only a bit over a month from the last one. Nice work


    Same for Everyone and anyone I didn't mention on the nieuports !


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