Yes, you are right, and I apologize for not including it. Damn Newbies, huh? Anyway, here is the error:
Faulting application wov.exe, version, faulting module missileobject.dll, version, fault address 0x00007475. Event ID 1000
Other than verifying that dll did exist I had no clue as what to do about it, so I reinstalled the game from my CD and my Third Wire patches that I had backed up. Thanks for responding.
I download the weapons pack today and installed it in my WOV sim only to run into problems. Are there any prerequisite installations required that I overlooked? Are there any known issues with the installation and WOV? When I installed it, the installation ran smoothly and finished with a "successful installation" message. When I tried to start WOV I received a Windows application error message and the sim would not load. Here is a brief description of my computer system:
HP Pavilion 061 with Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+
NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE with 256Mram
I have spent most of my time flying in CFS3 and am fairly new to WOV and this forum, so if I could get pointed in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Thanks.