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Everything posted by EmlD

  1. J18Dread, if you wont several planes to have equal speed... change give them the same motor, set same speed... check the EmptyInertia(x,y,z), mass etc. Be careful with other sections, sections declaring the behavior of plane parts (like [TopWingLeft] or [VertTail] etc. there are more then 10 in data ini), there are references ti the nodes (meshes) like RemoveNode[001]=Tail Wire L or RemoveNode[002]=Tail Wire R or just like ModelNodeName=Tail They refer to LOD mesh file and to meshes in it... so if you just replace the whole text from data.ini with one from another plane.... there is a problem that can occur, than another plane has another parts, or they carry other name.....like not every plane has VertTail Good luck. Please, community, what are You think about? I am not sure, if i am right. EmlD
  2. Maybe you have already seen this Notes...last update end of 2006... http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/charleseaw/zips/SFNotes.zip New notes specially for EP1.... do not know if there are any... EmlD
  3. hanriot hd.1

    Hi. LOD0 is done. In a few days there will be the camo template ready. I will draw only a single French camo for Hanriot. Do someone wont to start working on another camo.... before the plane is ready? I know, there is a lot camo experts and beginners here around.. .... write me a PM. So to the upload moment we will have already 2 camo-textures for the Hanriot HD-1 EmlD
  4. hanriot hd.1

    Hi! If someone is curious, here an update. EmlD
  5. hanriot hd.1

    Hi! Hanriot look like this: EmlD
  6. hanriot hd.1

    Hi, i compared a few Hanriot data... found in web Every new place gives different size data... So i will use this: I think the language does not matter ... it is easy to understand .. which value is where
  7. N28 upgraded

    Oh sorry chaps, thare is nothing new... i was messing around with screenshots... i couldnt see them...so i uploadet sceenshots again... Yes, you see..."updated" but there is all the same..... i would write it here...if i would change something.... Sorry again.. EmlD
  8. hanriot hd.1

    Very nice! Thank you!! EmlD
  9. Hi! Hanriot HD-1 is on my list EmlD
  10. Sorry, our fault :) Here the solution: [RudderPedals] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=Rudder_Pedals MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=1 Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0
  11. Few threads above i asked about wishes to make new camo for N27... i was ready to add it into upcoming model... Now i can only advise you, to upload it as a separate camo mod.... As for N24, .. send me ...i will look at them and maybe add to N24 megapack.. EmlD
  12. I think about deleting all N24 from download section and making an MEGAPACK with: N24 (N24bis) with different armament... so tell me which of them you wont!! Make it this way, for example: N24 - 2x Vickers N24bis - 1x Vickers ..... (like in N27 readme...) so on... :yes: EmlD
  13. Sorry my dear community... I had to update FMs by Nieuport 27 (the package reuploaded), i got new tunings from peter01 today... so sorry for that...there were already 50 downloads, .. So ..those who downloaded already can take this FM here in attachment... for those who wont to download Nieuport 27 now for first time...forget about this thread :) just download N27s from download section. EmlD Updated_Nieuport_FMs.zip
  14. Sorry, N17 isnt mine... MontyCZ modelled it...only he has a original 3d file of it...and only he can change it... EmlD
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5453 File Name: Nieuport 27 File Submitter: EmlD File Submitted: 2 Nov 2007 File Updated: 6 Nov 2007 File Category: Nieuport Nieuport 27 C.1 - Several variations for First Eagles EP1 October 2007 N27 - 1x Vickers, 1x Lewis N27_FAS - 1x Vickers N27_RFC - 1x Lewis N27_Dual - 2x Lewis Models by EmlD FMs by Peter01 Thanx Alligator Devil for new cockpit look Just extract the main folder to the Objects\Aircraft, or place each plane folder individually into the aircraft folder after extracting the contents of the zip file. Have fun! Click here to download this file
  16. Nieuport 27 with several modifications uploaded. for First Eagles EP1 N27 - 1x Vickers, 1x Lewis N27_FAS - 1x Vickers N27_RFC - 1x Lewis N27_Dual - 2x Lewis Models by EmlD FMs by Peter01 Thanx Alligator Devil for new cockpit look Have fun!
  17. Nieuport 27



    Nieuport 27 C.1 - Several variations for First Eagles EP1 October 2007 N27 - 1x Vickers, 1x Lewis N27_FAS - 1x Vickers N27_RFC - 1x Lewis N27_Dual - 2x Lewis Models by EmlD FMs by Peter01 Thanx Alligator Devil for new cockpit look Just extract the main folder to the Objects\Aircraft, or place each plane folder individually into the aircraft folder after extracting the contents of the zip file. Have fun!
  18. Hi! Nieports are ready, they are in beta testing now. N27 with 1 vickers and 1 Lewis on the wing N27_FAS with single vickers N27_RFC with single Lewis N27_Dual with two Lewis gund. I think, i will make an N27 mod_pack with all of them. EmlD EDIT: Sry, are there anyone interested to make some new skins for all thouse Nieuports?
  19. Good evening chaps! Today i modeled own Lewis gun, so i can put it into a *.lod if needed. Waiting for new FM from peter01, and decision about different armament. EmlD
  20. Hi, here we go... Nieport 27 is ready... it has wings like here And it has one Vickers on the right side. Texture and damage texture updated.... Waiting for FM (TexMurphy or peter01) The loadout (gunpod) question left... EmlD
  21. There were 2 from the beginning... N24bis and N24(rounded Horiz. Stab, Rounded Rudder, other FM) I, see...tips are not rounded by N27..they are even sharper.... EmlD EDIT: I will model N27 wings exactly as on the pic. And tell me : how should we solve the armament question, there were many different types.... to avoid 100 different N24's and N27's packs in download section, we should try to solve it through loadout as gunpods....
  22. Ok, Here Images of actual N24 and N24bis. Should Horiz. Stabs by N27 be rounded as they are by N24 (non bis)? Could you Paint...or show me how should the wing tips be rounded by N27? EmlD EDIT: due to Post #5, wing span and wing area are equal by N24 and N27
  23. Hi, i will try to help you http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...amp;#entry70819 Check this discussion.... Actually N27 looks as N24 (non bis) as Tailspin said - with rounded rudder like N28 So, that is only a loadout question, i tried it that time... it didnt work...that time it was a bug with loadouds.... or decide, which armament N27 should have, and i will export new LOD for N27,... oh, i remember what was the problem that time....i have no single Levis gun modelled by myself, thatswhy i tried to use one, taken from Montys Nieuports ....tried to install it through loadout, like a 'gunpod'..... i failed.... so...i have to model a Levis, if N27 needs it... and export new LOD EmlD
  24. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4466 File Name: Nieuport 24 Hanger picture for FEFile Submitter: EmlD File Submitted: 8 Apr 2007 File Category: Hanger/Menu Screens New rendered Hanger picture for Nieuport 24. EmlD Click here to download this file

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