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Posts posted by LE~DINGO

  1. Just go to SHOCKWAVE and download the newest version 19.99USD. Has all the manuals, keyboard layout, and tons of other information.


    Sgt. Dingo


    Hi Chaps, Im trying to get a boxed copy of the above game including the manual and keycard. I know its got whiskers by now but has anyone got a copy lying around in their garrat-- willing to pay.


    Regards Patron

  2. OK with everything that is being said on other forums,and people wanting to cause trouble inside the community I am issuing this FINAL warning to anyone who even conciders starting a thread that is 1)flaming someone for any reason..no exceptions!2)takes away from the general purpose of this forum which is the mature and civil discussion of the sim First Eagles. If anyone has a problem let the staff here at Combatace know and we'll fix it.This site has not in the past and will not now or ever condone anyone flaming someone,or starting threads to just start an argument.If you notice theres now a warning bar under members names..IF start trouble you won't have to worry about that bar,I'll max it out and then you'll be gone.The staff here will not tolerate the things that are going on in other forums.IF you have a problem with these rules...don't come back.We want only mature and civil member who enjoy simming and helping others,NOT whiners,crybabies and trolls just wanting to start trouble,and that includes e-mails and PMs.The staff will not be spending all our time looking over threads here because some one thinks they are all knowing and have to have their say no matter who it hurts or what anybody else thinks.

    So the option is yours you can be a member of the community and get along or go away and not be welcome here.I for one am tired of the CRAP that this sim has caused and it has taken away from so many wanting to enjoy it..IT STOPS HERE AND NOW!!!


    Just wondering where you are in Virginia - me Virginia Beach. Concur with your email, no need for B.S., get enough of that in real life. :crazy:


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