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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    It worked!!!...Now, just a case of seeing what can be tweaked...and what can't. I'll not allow D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC ...and see what happens
  2. E.T. Video Game Landfill apparently found

    Well, having never heard of this story, I was quite gobsmacked Caesar!.... wonder what possible reason they could of had for doing that?..unless it was decided at a dope smoking CEO meeting! madness
  3. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Good work Captain...I'll try that when i'm over there. Would be great if we could get it working well...thanks for you efforts and input
  4. Certainly brings it home. These guys were pioneers
  5. Chinese Fighter Pilot movie Eng. dub

    China are already a world power..and they don't need aircraft to prove it!...they're a non aggressive people generally
  6. Its A Peaceful Religion......

    First I've heard of this...it certainly didn't make the mainstream news as far as I saw
  7. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Hahaha..yes indeed Dave. Messing too much with FSX has caused me no end of pain in the past...Once you have everything installed and running nicely (I've learned through tears of frustration) LEAVE WELL ALONE!...it'll screw itself up on it's own in time, without any help!... P3d is a bit more forgiving :) AnKor..I agree with Dave. Your mod has changed WOFF from 'fantastic' into 'Unbelievable'
  8. What is your idea of a 'Hero?'

    This is mine. A young man, with Terminal Cancer, who has raised £1M for Cancer research. He probably has a matter of days to live, yet his strength and honesty is a lesson to us all "It's a final thumbs up from me! I've done well to blag things as well as I have up till now, but unfortunately I think this is just one hurdle too far. It's a shame the end has come so suddenly- there's so many people I haven't got round to properly thank or say goodbye too. Apologies for that. There was also so many exciting projects and things I didn't get to see out. Hopefully some will continue and if you want to carry on the fundraising please do (justgiving.com/stephen-sutton-TCT is the link to donate to). All future updates on this page will probably be from a family member. I hopefully may have the energy to write a few tweets (@_StephensStory). I will continue fighting for as long as I can, and whatever happens next I want you all to know I am currently in a good place mentally and at ease with the situation. That's it from me. But life has been good. Very good. Thank you to my mum and the rest of my family for everything. Thank you to my friends for being amazing. Thank you to my medical team for the hard work and effort they've continually they've put towards me. And thank you everyone else for sharing this wonderful journey with me. I love you all"
  9. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Didn't notice any difference in FSX m8...although I am running in DX10 mode... DX9 might be different..but as it's flying nicely..I'm not going to 'tinker' :)
  10. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Well, I just installed it into Prepar3d Baldric...and I (think) it's made a difference....certainly hasn't done any harm..I'll try it in FSX and let you know. Hi Rjw..yes, thanks..done that. We've kinda given up for now...He's looking at upgrading his PC and buying WOFF.. (suits me..I'm pissed off with going round there)
  11. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Working great in his CFS3....can't understand it
  12. Nice one RJW..that might get more people interested in Skinning :)
  13. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Nope..as soon as those two files go anywhere near OFF...it does this same crap..remove them..works fine. So weird!!
  14. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Cheers LIMA...I'll give it a go..his Card is 'getting on a bit' but we'll see how I get on :) Yes Corsaire..I figured that out cheers..it's a vanilla install, so no ENB :)
  15. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    I must be doing something wrong..works great in my WOFF
  16. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Well, I can't get it working in his OFF...everytime I install it..and run the Game (in QC) to test it...I get the 'Contact, Clear'...then it's like the mission ends...and I'm back to having to click 'Fly Now'..and the process is repeated :(
  17. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

  18. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Thanks Corsaire :)
  19. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Out for a spin over the English Channel
  20. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Thank you Skyviper..I'll pass it on :) Oh Hang on...that's WOFF...Sorry, I meant OFF :)
  21. My name is Jean-Marie Balestre

    Well, none of that made the slightest sense to me..sorry
  22. Another Rave About AnKor's Shadowing Mod

    The most important Mod..to bring the Sim into the 21st century
  23. R.I.P. Windows XP

    I'm really happy with 7 64. It seems to be very stable, and runs pretty much everything I want it to run. Will be a long time before I say goodbye to it...and I suspect Windows 9 will be every bit as shit as windows 8
  24. Maybe I'm just an old git

    But I so love it when cocky young turds get whats coming :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHgqHlkH21M

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