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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Amazed by High-res Skin

    I think I'm gonna start flying High Res too...for that very reason
  2. Hope you were high enough to recover from the inevitable stall at that angle of attack Tsmoke!?
  3. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    Well Nix...I guess when you see the cruelty Humans can inflict on each other...it's little wonder they would make no exception for an animal (that said...the Dog buggered off anyhow!...heehee) And on a lighter note... My brother said on his Facebook page...."well if he was a lawyer 20 years ago he had it coming...."
  4. Hello :) Thank you for the nice compliment. Regarding Battlefront 2...hmmm......thats got me thinking!....although I havent played the game online myself (I used to play COD and MOHAA using the UK_Widowmaker handle)...My Son often plays BF2...and uses my handle....though he's only 13...but a damn good shot!...I shall ask him if he's been on. How long ago are we talking about m8?
  5. Well, after three sorties since dawn...it's finally stand down..So, Ive brought the Kite in for an overnight overhaul...same again tomorrow
  6. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    Fair enough..I apologise Nesher...my bad
  7. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    Nesher...c'mon man...this is straight out of the 12th Century! A reincarnated Lawyer in a Dogs body?....and I suppose it would be ok, if it was a Palestinian court to post it? Israel can't have it's cake and eat it!
  8. Classic vid Olham.....Can't see the Red Arrows flying like they did in the Knat these days!...They'd never be allowed to
  9. Al Queda's new CEO

  10. Al Queda's new CEO

    I have read that the US is in negotiations with Taliban leaders?...a possible breakthrough perhaps?...we live in hope
  11. Liberty Belle

    I remember having a long discussion about this very subject at Sim-outhouse, when the Spitfire crashed at Biggin Hill, claiming the pilots life. At the time, I argued the point that these old girls shouldn't fly anymore...but I have since changed my opinion somewhat. This incident however could easily have claimed 7 lives. Time for another rethink I guess
  12. Al Queda's new CEO

    I think it is safe to say Teras, that everyone has great respect for a Soldier like you!...It's one thing to go to War against a foreign enemy..that takes courage on an individual level...but to stand up and fight evil in your own land, knowing as you do, what the consequences could be at times....that Sir, takes courage to a whole new level! I salute you
  13. I dunno about you guys, but sometimes OFF can be so immersive, that one needs to take a break, and focus on other things. About a month ago, maybe two...I began to realise, that life was passing me by a bit...and OFF (either playing or skinning) was starting to get a little too much...which led me to think, that this must be 200% more so for the Devs. I assume, they all hold down a job...and have families and friends...and I wonder how much sleep they get? Although, with my work being quiet at the moment...recession and all that...I have more time to play OFF...but I feel really guilty using my PC for amusement during the working day...just my ethos I guess....and there are more constraints of a different nature, which have suddenly appeared. So, I got to thinking...how long do YOU guys spend playing OFF...and if you find it difficult to play as much as you'd like? Do you find that computer time takes up TOO much time?...do you get bitched at by loved ones?......Do you have enough time to go out and live a bit? Just a thought
  14. I thought it was all third person...but from the video..there is a cockpit view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q1pbwHnhbY
  15. OT This might be fun :)

    Still an unplayable POS sadly
  16. Al Queda's new CEO

    At the end of the day...it's the brave residents of Iraq and afghanistan who will finish Al Queda. We in the West, have NO IDEA when it comes to this form of extremism...all we can do is support the sentient, free thinkers in the Arab world...of which there are many! It is no good, when a Western Government move in...they are (quite rightly) seen as aggressors...damn, if American Troops invaded England...I'd kill as many as I possibly could!..or Chinese...or Afghans!... or anyone...who wouldnt? We have to (and are) working with the people in these countries....Al Queda will be defeated from within...never from outside
  17. I haven't played campaign for a while

    Amen to that!
  18. OT This might be fun :)

    well, I bit the bullet and got it!...it's an absolute blast...you can use Joystick, and the graphics are top notch! You can turn off all the labels (except the bomb crosshair, which is a shame)...the dogfight mode where you can choose an Alb or a Camel, is great fun. OFF it most certainly isn't!...but for a good blast
  19. Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson, bring the grand game down to base level
  20. OT Game of Chess get's nasty!

    indeed!..a bit of slapstick Violence hurts no-one
  21. OT This might be fun :)

    Every game would be better with you writing the Score Matt!...cannot tell you how pleased we all are, that you're involved in P4 m8
  22. I haven't played campaign for a while

    haha Shiloh. Yes indeed!...I remember showing my Son how to play various PC games, which he has gone on to whip my ass at on the LAN!...my reactions must have slowed over the years, and he is a crack shot with a Rifle in the likes of COD!...it's VERY frustrating...the pupil is now better than the teacher!! I raise my glass to you Sir...raise them well, you get but one chance!....but just reading what you write, shows me that you're a good un m8
  23. Favorite Music Genre?

    I love the old classics like Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, Black Sabbath...but I'm also into Blues and some Punk stuff. Classical?...a little....but I really can't cope with Thrash Metal. Love Songs just make me wanna reach for the Puke Bucket I'm afraid
  24. I haven't played campaign for a while

    wow Shiloh...reading your post just sent me back 10 yrs, to when my Son was 3. My wife worked full time, and I was part time...so looked after him a lot...hardest damn job in the world!...but great fun too....He used to have a sleep in the afternoons (most times)...so I would get an hour or so on 1942 Pacific Air War....it used to save my sanity!..lol Enjoy every minute...it goes so fast Now he's 13...I get even less time on the PC...cos he's on it!

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