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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT This might be fun :)

    It's obviously a game rather than a sim...but, if it's fun..why not?
  2. Al Queda's new CEO

    Teras is certainly on the front line in the War against Al Queda..I honestly cannot imagine what day to day life in Iraq is like...we only hear dumbed down reports these days in the West, but it's guys like you who have to deal with all this sh*t on a daily basis. This is of course correct, we will never defeat Al Queda on the ground with Troops and Tanks...might as well forget that idea...it ain't gonna happen (sorry Flag Waving, gung-ho types...just a fact, gonna have to get used to it)...Like Teras says...you kill 1,000...and another 5,000 join the ranks....at best, all you can do is 'Hearts and Minds'.... And try and contain it
  3. ArgonV

    I just wanted to point out, a chap who, I sometimes feel, doesn't always get the praise he deserves in the WW1 flightsim community. He's a chap (who I don't know personally) who often comments favourably about other Sims. and yet..he took a very bland simulator (screaming demons over Europe) and transformed it into a very good WW1 simulator, for us all to enjoy...before the likes of ROF, First Eagles...and indeed our Glorious OFF. Without people like him, and the OBD guys....the WW1 sims world, would be at best bland. So, I raise my glass to you ArgonV...for all the great work you have done, and hope to continue to enjoy your art, for many years to come!
  4. Al Queda's new CEO

    He certainly looks the Part!...those soulless eyes give him away I rise in the east, and fall in the west. What am I? Al queda
  5. OT: A New Project Followed Me Home

    I'm passionate about Cars!...I hate the bloody things!!...they're the bane of my life
  6. I haven't played campaign for a while

    And hello to you Rickitycrate...we don't see anywhere near enough of you these days, you old Rapscallion!.....don't be a stranger Sir!
  7. I haven't played campaign for a while

    Great stuff m8...lovely to hear how other guys do their thing!
  8. 75% Brits...25% German. When I get hold of the Snipe..100% Brits
  9. Bang on the Money!

  10. P4 upgrade

    Hope you got plenty of cooling Morris...in that hot South African Sun! Don't matter what rig you got....The Snipe is gonna get ya!....bloody Alb Driver!
  11. The "Liberty Belle" Has Crashed

    What a shame...glad they got out in one piece (most Warbird pilots who crash dont)
  12. Say what you like about Bill Gates

    But you have to raise a glass to the guy for donating $3bn for Vaccines for the worlds poorest kids. nice one
  13. ArgonV

    Didn't notice it was your birthday ArgonV..or I would have mentioned it...hope you had a good 'un? Looking forward to any/all future developments
  14. A vid you may not have seen

    This is really good too (of special interest to LOU...LOTS of uniforms and medals
  15. Sooooo Much Better Here ...

    hahaha...so, it's 'traditional' then? "Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride" classic gaming!
  16. Sooooo Much Better Here ...

    yes,,,WOLF3D...Doom...even rise of the triad brings back great memories,,,I wonder what the new Duke Nukem will be like
  17. Sooooo Much Better Here ...

    I would +1 too (If I was a member...which thankfully...I'm not)
  18. Sooooo Much Better Here ...

    Nice to have you back in the fold Pips!...yup, my views on the unmentionable sim are well known I'm sure (not that I in any way wish to dampen others opinions..each to their own)...But yes...this is a very civilised forum...very well moderated, by a great team...and frequented by nice people. The odd squabble occurs...as it does in all families...there are many different people here, from all over the world...but, I rate my friends here, as I would my face to face friends..indeed, I have been lucky enough to meet a couple. It's just a nice place to hang out.
  19. WTMF! Woman still breasting feeding an eight year old

    I think the Motherly bond has just got a bit f*****d up...Kinda feel sorry for her
  20. WTMF! Woman still breasting feeding an eight year old

    Yes I remember watching a documentary about it here in the UK Poor woman is obviously in need of help
  21. US Soldier rescues Puppy

    Call me an old Softie....but I was genuinely moved by this picture, of a Trooper falling behind from his squad in Iraq (I think)...to rescue a little Pup. Well done that man!
  22. It's been three years in the making (so far)
  23. Best. Practical joke. EVER!

    Brilliant!...I love kids with imagination!...there's hope yet
  24. OT I hope this sees the light of day

    He's got me going about 'Hell in the Pacific' now too!...just had to order a copy from Amazon

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