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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. US Soldier rescues Puppy

    Thank you Storm...what was he gonna do?...eat it? Just because he's a Trooper...he doesn't have empathy?...Tell that to the SAS squad who risked their lives in a frontal assault on a cabin full of Taliban, rather than call an airstrike,,,because they didn't want the Donkey nearby to get killed! (true story)
  2. Does anyone here remember?

    There was a fantastic WW2 japanese CGI video doing the rounds a few years ago...with a small boy I believe looking up at some Mustangs flying overhead...and a dogfight (with rather bad voice acting) If anyone has the faintest idea what I'm talking about...a link would be gratefully recieved thanks
  3. OT I hope this sees the light of day

    Thats a shame...I didnt realise it was a short
  4. Does anyone here remember?

    thats the kiddy!...thank you warthog64
  6. OT A man after my own heart

    Wise words as usual Flypc
  7. It Can't get any worse.....it does!
  8. OT Info for Olham

    Hi Olham I think it was you who was interested as to whether CFS2 runs on Windows 7? Got it running no trouble on mine (64bit)....just had to ensure T&L was turned OFF in the graphics setting of the game. Really having a blast!.....takes me back...and well worth a look, if you need a break from the rigours of WW1 combat
  9. OT A man after my own heart

    We've probably just become accustomed to an 'easy life' 1/3 of the world's population doesnt have enough food to eat...or are suffering from horrible diseases or War... I guess we should all count our blessings
  10. OT Info for Olham

    No probs...I'll post if I find anything else of interest, mod or download wise
  11. il2 1946 and UP3

    I'm with Tsmoke on this one...yep, I have it installed...but the shortcut is rarely clicked on these days....and as for CLOD?....what a waste of time and money
  12. Flys like me

    That's very sad. I know it's an old saying, but she died doing what she loved I guess RIP
  13. OT Info for Olham

    I've even dug out my old Combat Aces cd...it's pretty lame of course, compared to other WW1 sims!!!
  14. New Member

    Hi m8..sorry I didnt notice you earlier..but welcome to OFF and the Forum....Nice models btw
  15. Flys like me

    I remember an airshow at Kenley back in the 80's where a similar 'stunt' was performed..had the crowd fooled for a while
  16. Skinning Etiquette

    Each to their own.....but I just feel that I don't have to make skins...and I don't have to share them...So, if I do..it's just a case of 'here you go guys..enjoy' When you give someone a gift, you expect a thank you...but not an announcement in the press about what a nice gift you've given, and how much effort you went to in order to bestow your generosity to the bearer surely?....dunno, but that just sounds pompous to me. I would always thank someone, and if I changed a skin..I wouldnt repost it...but if someone did that to me, it wouldnt bother me in the slightest. If someone used one of my skins..and added something, then announced the skin was theirs...so what?..If I felt that precious about it..I wouldnt post it, but, like I say...each to their own
  17. Skinning Etiquette

    I don't go along with this skinning Etiquette malarky personally. I always thank OBD for letting me use their skins, thats fair enough...but the whole issue just smacks of snobbery to me. If you release a skin for public consumption...thats the skinners choice...it's in the public domain, and therefore can be used by anyone to do with as they will. If someone wants to download one of my skins..thats fantastic!...it then becomes theirs to use as they wish....I don't want any credit...it's a free gift to the community.
  18. My 4000th Post!

    Amen to that!
  19. My 4000th Post!

    and at least 4,001 very good posts at that!
  20. My Memorial Day Tribute......

    In memory of my late Father. SOE operative in 'F' Section, occupied France, 1942-45
  21. OT Deadly Cucumbers

    http://uk.news.yahoo.com/germany-11-e-coli-deaths-worlds-worst-outbreak-141011094.html Spain and Germany at loggerheads......English Tea Party's RUINED!..... If we cannot have cucumber sandwiches...what shall we give the Vicar with his cup of Tea?
  22. OT Deadly Cucumbers

    Some interesting facts about it are: It mainly affects Women It 'glues' itself onto your intestines It is resistant to all usual Antibiotics It loves dirty people, who don't wash their hands after using the Lavvy
  23. OT Deadly Cucumbers

    Well, not exactly solved though is it?...they don't know where this strain has originated...and they have no cure
  24. OT Deadly Cucumbers

    Thankfully BH...no-one actually eats cucumber sandwiches anymore...mixed with other stuff..yes...but not on their own...that was very pre-war

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