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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Probably just as well!...As it was a colonial, stiff upper lip...that sent millions of young men to their deaths
  2. OT Deadly Cucumbers

    Can you get E-coli by performing a sex act...that's what the Vicar wants to know!?
  3. It's a strange way to keep up Morale...singing songs like that isnt it?
  4. OT - New Pilot asking for help!

    welcome to OFF and the Forum!...you've certainly come to the right place! I can't help you much personally...but the wealth of knowledge here knows no bounds! good luck with your studies...and enjoy the sim
  5. Got a Face Mask for my Pilot

    From pervy schoolmaster to psychotic Rapist!...and I thought these guys had 'Honour' (nice addition though Olham)
  6. Got a Face Mask for my Pilot

    I must be going blind!...have you got a link please??
  7. Got a Face Mask for my Pilot

    Excellent Olham...I agree re: the Pilot's face...he looks like an old Pervy Schoolmaster!
  8. OT Tom and Jerry

    I don't see how anyone could possibly be 'Offended' by this...can you?
  9. OT Tom and Jerry

    The same draconian views that banned Punk Rock, Heavy Metal and Dungeons and Dragons!...I bet most of the 'censors' are old Women!
  10. OT Tom and Jerry

    Can't help with the episode..but used to love the series!...poor old Tom!....you have to admire his staying power!
  11. I hope they string him up!

  12. Why cover wing struts in cloth?

    :lol: I can relate to that perfectly!
  13. I hope they string him up!

    I know the Dutch came in for some stick regarding the siege....but the UN really cocked it all up IMHO Only two bombs were ever dropped by UN Aircraft...and then you look at Libya! Sorry...but this was (once again) about Oil..(or lack thereof)..The Former Yugoslavia has no Oil...therefore it has no interest to our Governments! What went on in that conflict is a mark of shame on Western Governments...and a UN that has pussycat powers. The conflict also has had far reaching effects....It was a conflict that totally turned the Muslim world against the West. Abu Hamza lost his hand in the Bosnian conflict incidentally (shame it wasnt his head)
  14. I hope they string him up!

    Well said! I think when so many people come together, each feeling the same emotion, whether that be Grief, Joy, excitement, anger...or whatever...it draws in all around. Now...If only mankind could do what Jesus told us to do...and replace those emotions, with Love and Caring for each other..and all living things....maybe the World wouldn't be so f*cked up?
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13545386 I found this quite interesting
  16. For those who have rasied sons...

    God forgive me...But I shot Tommy Steele (the singer/performer) right in the chest with a firework Rocket when I was 13 Me and my friend walked up his driveway..propped open his mailbox..lit the rocket..rang the bell...and ran! (we read in the papers the following day, that it hit him...and scorched his bare chest...causing superficial burns...and he had to be treated for shock (a shameful claim to fame I know)
  17. Towel Day...

    "So long...and thanks for all the Fish"
  18. I hope they string him up!

    You have my heartfelt Sympathy xclusive. Perhaps his demise will be a closure to all he is guilty of!....there is no escape for the world's tyrants anymore!...they must surely know, that in a shrinking world...there are less and less places to hide!
  19. OT German V British Manners

    haha...fascinating insight Herr Olham!...I have to admit, merely chatting to you, and some other German Fellows here..I thought some of what was said in the article to be at best, slightly innacurate. I really couldn't believe that German's never indulge in any 'small talk'.....it's, like you say...the most usual way of opening a conversation! I have to point out, that the Brits are quite possibly TOO much into Small talk...and it gets a little boring...leaves me thinking "Why doesn't this person just spit it out..and say what he means!"
  20. OT: Birds of Steel announced

    I wonder if it will really ever see the light of Day on PC
  21. Your fantasy vs. the OFF reality?

    Mine would have to be the Pfalz...I like it, but it doesn't suit my style of Dogfighting at all!...it's a swooper rather than a turner...and I have lost more pilots flying this aircraft than any other!.....but then, a lot of German Pilot's slated it anyway!
  22. I have to be perfectly honest and say. I wouldn't upgrade specifically for OFF If I were to upgrade (which we all do from time to time)...It would have to be for more than one reason
  23. Towel Day...

    I'm off to celebrate with a Pan Galactic Gargle-Blaster!
  24. The rating thing is a bit hit and miss (imho) I formatted my PC...but didn't have any change of hardware...yet my rating went up!....nice gimmick...but I dont trust it's accuracy

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