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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Old Dinnerjacket is being mad again...

    I cannot understand, how despots like this ever get into a position of power?....why do people give idiots like this the time of day?
  2. A tiny Spandau sound mod

    nice one...I'm often playing around with sounds in OFF...I've even used FE sounds sometimes..which a quite cool too
  3. Charlie Bit me!

    I know it's quite an old viral...but funny if you aint seen it! (anyone with a little Brother will relate to this)
  4. Excellent WWI Documentary

    Nice one m8...I'll watch it during tea breaks!
  5. Texting for the elderly

    ATD -at the doctor. BFF -best friend fell. BTW -bring the wheelchair. BYOT -bring your own teeth. FWIW -forgot where I was. GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low. GHA -got heartburn again. IMHO -is my hearing aid on? LMDO -laughing my dentures out. OMMR -on my massage recliner. ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up. TTYL -talk to you louder!

    British Cars tend to have a Steering Wheel Lou!
  7. Another Natural Mushroom Cloud...

    Well, one of my friends departed NCL Airport this morning...It looks like another friend going on Thursday may not be so lucky
  8. Audio Visual Torture...

    I only made it to 54 seconds...before I lost the will to live
  9. I'm Armoured up...Armed to the teeth...and have enough Baked Beans to last me until 2033! (I also have plenty of Toilet Paper) Funnily though...My Wife said (Before I shot her, and froze her to eat later)...that she found Clint Eastwood to be more Sexy in a GI Helmet than me! Bitch!
  10. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    I'm the one with fur...dunno who the other twat is

    I don't fancy chasing that twin gunned Bristol!!!!
  12. New basic Jasta 2 skin uploaded

    I hope you dont think I was being rude Olham...I actually meant it's a very nice looking Skin (but, yes...as is the Widows way...I will rough her up a bit!)
  13. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    I have no doubt VP...that under the right circumstances...she'd eat me!
  14. New basic Jasta 2 skin uploaded

    Nice clean lines Olham
  15. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    In case I frightened you.....this is me when I'm 'Sane'...hahahahahaha
  16. Gotta Love Those Nutjobs

    Well, as he is no doubt still here..maybe he should do the honourable thing, and top himself? (say "HI" to Saddam and Osama for us)
  17. http://www.wimp.com/crashlanding/ nothing 'Crash' about this!...just a professional at the very top of his game!...wonderful
  18. Perfect 'crash?' landing?

    During the last war..my old man was in SOE...and was always amazed at the short takeoff and landings of the Lysander too
  19. The Internet Is A Poor Babysitter

    brilliant....with a serious message too
  20. Missing Wife

    Two blokes are pushing their shopping trolleys around a supermarket when they collide. The first bloke says to the second bloke, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going". The second bloke says, "That's OK. It's a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate". The first bloke says, "Well, maybe we can help each other. What does your wife look like"? The second bloke says, "Well, she is 27 yrs old, 5 feet 11 inches tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes, big jubblies, long legs and is wearing tiny little shorts and a crop top. What does your wife look like?" The first bloke says, "Who gives a f**k? Let's look for yours."
  21. Great site for military videos

    We often forget the part played by Horses in WW1...they were absolutely essential
  22. Flightsim addon software

    ....................can really ruin your day!
  23. Just a bit of fun..... You have just invented a Time Machine....you can go to any period...past or Future...but can only observe...nothing you do will affect Past or future History. And it's a once only trip...when you get back...it's all over for good!...the machine is set to return you after 2 days!...and you're aware that it's your only trip...so think about it....one chance people....and be careful what you wish for!! where you gonna go?.... (remember...you cannot affect anything...so forget lottery numbers)
  24. Mother giving her 8 year old daughter botox

    It is The Sun newspaper of course...which probably means she did it once by accident...then sold the story!

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