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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker


    Lovely work...this is gonna be good methinks!
  2. Had a nice suprise when I opened up work today ....Not!

    CCTV m8.... Your only hope of it not happening again...little toerags
  3. dhm1682detail

    wow n8...where's that from?
  4. If you had to chose just one Lou...which one would it be?
  5. My Grandpa woulda loved one of these!

    people with way too much time on their hands!...lol
  6. Every OS Sucks

    excellent!..thanks for sharing
  7. OT a little victory

    I had an Acer laptop brought to me, after the customer had spilled a glass of Red Wine over the keyboard. I'm usually quite nervous of Laptops...damn fiddly things...but I got to work, stripped it down completely to it's component parts...and had a sh*tload of screws carefully placed in a little pot! The HDD was totally screwed...the wine having clogged it up completely (especially as the customer had held off bringing it for 4 weeks!!!) So, I put a new HDD in....re-assembled it all...and Bingo...it actually worked!....and not even one screw left over! Have to say...I'm pretty chuffed...and so is the customer. (not sure if it woulda been a happy ending, if it had been a sugery cup of tea however!) Give me a Desktop anyday!!!!
  8. OT a little victory

    Absolutely Shiloh..... Eat the Elephant chunk by chunk...usually works!
  9. OFF and Win 7 x64

    Ditto on all counts
  10. 100 years ago this week...

    More is the pity!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jBqgjBVAhA
  12. The Best Movie Signature Tune Of All Time

    ermm...It's Newcastle actually
  13. OT This cracked me up!...brilliant

    http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e77_1304465886 just for you Jarhead!
  14. Dear Citizens of America

    A testament to our American Friends, that they can also laugh at themselves!.....I salute you gents!
  15. Osama and Facebook...

    I saw a funny one...it was a Goldfish Food box, with a pic of OBL on the front. The writing on the box read: "Fish Food....WARNING...May contain traces of Lead"
  16. Skinning

    superb App, I use nothing else
  17. This cracked me up completely!

  18. This cracked me up completely!

    me too!..hahaha
  19. I was a big fan of XP Manager...and I was going to buy the Windows 7 version. Until I found this! http://download.cnet.com/Advanced-SystemCare-Free/3000-2086_4-10407614.html There is a payware version..but the free one is all you really need
  20. Skinning

    Good advice from Olham...unless you are doing a complete reskin, PS is a bit overkill!...certainly try paintnet as advised by Lou too
  21. OT: Wings of Prey beta patch

    Downloading now!...really hope they've improved the view on this patch...the glare is unbearable
  22. Skinning

    CS3 works for me
  23. OT Great free utility for all Windows Versions

    no, it's pretty self reliant!...there's a gaming bolt on, that I'm looking into too!...worked well with Oblivion on my W7 machine using it!...shuts down all the unnecessary windows crap
  24. Sony Hacked (yet again)


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