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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Sony Hacked (yet again)

    Absolutely!...I decided to veto all Sony Products years ago
  2. RIP 'Chuckles'

    Rest in Peace. Ironic that the last to go is a pacifist...little wonder after living through the darkest days in European History
  3. Either Lord or Lady followed by one of your Grandparents name, your first pet and the first road you lived on. I'm Lord Cecil-Sammy Dysart
  4. The Postman musta been a bit dumb

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1382937/Yvette-Vickers-Ex-Playboy-model-mummified-Beverly-Hills-home.html Why would you keep putting letters through the door for a year without wondering why they were never collected?...dumb assed fool!
  5. My Multiplayer FSX

    Someone's been videoing my FSX MP sessions with my Brother!
  6. Yes...I recommend a daily dose of Python...it get's me through the Day.....one of my favourite clips (especially as my nickname is 'Squiffy')
  7. Hi - Just Back

    Welcome back Beanie old Chap!....have a shot of Scotch...patrol at Dawn! (so dont drink too much)
  8. Sony Hacked (yet again)

    Never mind apologising...how about doing the Traditional Japanese apology...with a Katana?
  9. Bye Bye Osama

    you cannot have too many threads about him being eaten by the Fishes!
  10. Bye Bye Osama

    Good Riddance, to Bad Rubbish
  11. Bye Bye Osama

    They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life...
  12. Bye Bye Osama

    Well, not before time...the best thing is the loss of earnings for Al Queda. I dont think we can blame the Pakistanis..after all, they would have shared information with the CIA
  13. Olham's Porn

    I was certainly sad when my 8800 O/C'd Graphics Card gave up the ghost when I upgraded to Win7...but all is fine now...what a pain that period was...a day without a PC, is like losing both your arms..a week, and you're nearly at your wits end!
  14. OT..Iv'e tried to hold it together

    Absolutely no offence taken by me either flypc...and I certainly agree with you about the dangers of thinking animals have the same thought processes as us. I'm a Dog Fan...yes, cat's are ok..I have a very old one, but for me..Dogs are where it's at
  15. It's Time To Play, "Who's Paint Is This" !

    May i wish the contestants all the best...I'm bloody hopeless at quizzes, so I'll take a back seat...but it will be fun to spectate
  16. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    I went Fishing....that said, I wish them well (he is a flyboy after all)
  17. Sony PS3 customers watch out!

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13206004 I havent got a console..waste of money (imho)...but just goes to show, how vulnerable we all are!
  18. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    Only bit worth watching
  19. Nothing Better Than A Game Console

    I agree with uncleal...besides which, the damn controllers knacker your thumbs after 1/2 hrs play....stupid bloody idea that
  20. The "I'm not going to watch the wedding" thread

    Perhaps I was punished for being a Traitor to the Crown...I went Fishing instead...and caught bugger all
  21. Hi Skinners Any advice on the best technique for paintchip effects on the Wooden frame of an Albatross?
  22. Paint Chipping

    Sorry BH..just noticed your reply. Havent tried it yet..not skinning at the moment..due to nice weather, and BIG Fish!....will let you know when i next try a skin..thanks m8
  23. PC Dying? Need Help

    well, at least the PSU is 'reasonably' cheap and easy to replace

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