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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. PC Dying? Need Help

    http://support.gateway.com/s/Servers/COMPO/MOTHERBD/WME859199/WME859199faq2.shtml this may help? (although it's a server mentioned..my first thought is always Memory or PSU)
  2. OT..Iv'e tried to hold it together

    It's interesting to note, that predatory animals have been witnessed, interacting and sometimes even playing with their usual prey. Man has become so removed from Nature now..we fail to understand Nature itself!...what goes on in the wild is so far removed now..everything surprises and shocks us!...we sometimes think that Animals are as sick and twisted as humans are..that Nature is a bloodbath...but Animals of course, derive no pleasure from torturing, maiming and killing in the way we as a species seem to 'get off on' A hungry Lion is of course, a very dangerous animal...and is when it has young, or territory to defend...but it doesnt kill without good reason...and this is clearly demonstrated in the Christian Video (I dont wish to watch the guy being killed..as I just feel it's voyeuristic) I'm equally split between feeling utterly ashamed to be a Human Being..and totally proud of the fact...I love nothing more, than to be as far away from the city as possible, and intend to live out my life, as close to Nature again as possible...I cant yet, as I have to earn enough of that revolting paper stuff as I can, to realise my dream!...but when that day comes..my hermit's address book will be VERY empty
  3. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    haha..superb names!..I love it!
  4. Unexpected in the extreme!

    http://www.break.com/index/effect_of_drugs_and_alcohol_on_spider_webs.html :rofl:
  5. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    Gentlemen...I believe we have each found a future Campaign Pilot!!!
  6. Sony PS3 customers watch out!

    Is it likely that the XBox could suffer the same fate?
  7. So, Was I Wrong To Post This....

    I dunno where people get the idea that Jesus didn't have a sense of Humour?...I bet if he saw Life of Brian..he'd laugh his head off!...I blame the Church!
  8. Lewie's Albatross image thread

    And there was me thinking I was the only person to do this!
  9. Three Cheers for RAF_Louvert

    I'm always very happy to give a rousing Hip Hip Horray for Mr Lou!
  10. Posted my first Youtube of OFF QC

    Nice first effort...but get rid of the labels and HUD would be my advice
  11. OT: Fraps

    this free program has a fraps type application..though I have never tried it..but may well be worth a look? The program itself is a must have anyway..so check it out http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/
  12. congrats...now the work starts!
  13. CFS3 Configuration won't save in Windows 7?

    Oh yes...Easy Transfer....nothing easy but the name!
  14. Those of us over a certain age, will remember the great divide between the cinematic style of the Wing Commander series..and the more action orientated X-Wing, and it's two camps of followers. (had many great discussions..sometimes quite heated in the pub in my youth, about which was the better)...it was similar to the Rolling Stones versus the Beatles. I always sided with Wing Commander (though played both to completion)...for it's more 'Playing a part in a movie' feel..and have kinda stuck to that ever since...for instance I prefer the 'Hells Highway' game to the 'Call of Duty' style. What are your views?
  15. Perhaps they should read the Manual?

  16. Were you Wing Commander or X-Wing?

    Thanks Javito..I've just 'stickied' your comments in my head!....off to see what happens re: W7...will let you know m8
  17. Olham's Porn

    I'm off to the Lavvy with a drum of baby Oil and a box of tissues!...later guys!
  18. Were you Wing Commander or X-Wing?

    wow!..I never knew about standoff!...gonna get that right now!..thanks m8 Is it playable with W7 64?...can't see it somehow..but Thought I'd ask?
  19. I wonder if we will still be able to play BHAH and the addon with P4 installed?...time will tell I guess
  20. Happy Birthday, MikeDixon!

    Thanks gents...but it's not my Birthday until December!..hahaha...you must have made a mistake Olham!..but hey..by all means send me some cash! oh..I see the mistake!...so I pass it onto Mike!..have a good one!
  21. Farewell MvR

    On this day in History.......
  22. I fly against my brother!...he's 300 miles away, and we talk using skype or MSN whilst flying...At least as much fun as being in the same room

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