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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Damn!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I bought Arma2...only to realise I need the combined ops version!!!!...to play the 1944 mod!! :mega_shok: Ok..so now I'm stuck with a boring Modern sh*t-Shooter...are there any mods for it for WW2??
  2. RIP Tim Hetherington

    The fact that these guys are unarmed too, speaks volumes about their bravery
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0CSlPhEA9A Back to the Training camp for these clowns!!
  4. OT.How not to fire a Mortar!

    Dunno if it's true or not..but they can send a package directly at you...which would make mortar use, an unenviable task if you were an insurgent
  5. http://developer.nvidia.com/legacy-texture-tools For those of you with 64bit Windows Vista/7 who used to use DDS Viewer (which doesnt work on 64 bit) Windows Texture Viewer (last in the list) is a brilliant, tiny app...for viewing DDS files in Windows 64bit
  6. Great, free W64bit DDS Viewer

    Thanks Lewie..yeah, there are some dodgy ones floating about!..this one checks out ok though
  7. OT: Cliffs of Dover Dev Diary

    Yes, especially after the millenia we waited for it to come out!..and at the moment it just seems like an unplayable version of IL2
  8. Super Constellation 07

  9. OT: Cliffs of Dover Dev Diary

    when you get low down to scenery...the game becomes unplayable!
  10. Great, free W64bit DDS Viewer

    I believe it works with any card Gaw
  11. OT.How not to fire a Mortar!

    one down 250,000 to go!
  12. Need advice about dds with mipmaps

    Is it still possible to get CFS3-ETO?...if so, have you a link please?
  13. it's too hardcore for me...If I cant start the engine by pressing 'E'...they've already lost me!
  14. Landing without wings

    Ive landed in FE minus wings too...it's a bit 'strange' to say the least
  15. TrackIR 'Sticks'

    No idea why..but since getting Windows 7...my TrackIR tends to stop for a couple of seconds, whenever I turn to the left. It's starting to get very irritating...I have tried several profiles (including some downloaded ones, which were great with WinXP)...but this problem persists. Its TR3, using TR4 software...just wondered if any TR users had any thoughts? thanks Chaps

    See Olham?...British Inginuity.... you wont find them on your German kites!!!
  17. Great, free W64bit DDS Viewer

    Yup...I just use this, because everytime I wanted to view a skin, it opened in Photoshop..which was a pain in the butt!
  18. IL-2: Cliffs of Dover - Tank Battle

    They seriously need to iron out the stuttering issues though
  19. Nvidia Plugin for Photoshop users

    Also, as further info..it doesnt work (at time of writing) with Windows 7 64 Use Windows texture viewer instead http://developer.nvidia.com/legacy-texture-tools

    Yes, she looks absolutely marvellous!.... I might stand a chance now against the Fokker EV...it's been tough going trying to get a bead on that think for so long!...Now I have a fighting chance!.....The whole P4 think is looking increasingly superb isnt it?...Like someone said...This is now FSX with guns!
  21. TrackIR 'Sticks'

    Hmm..yes..More experimenting needed methinks...cheers chaps
  22. All I can say is thank god we'll never know for real...and neither will our Children

    It was a compliment Olham my friend! (you should know me by now!)

    Olham once again proving that the German attention to detail is second to none!

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