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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Don't believe it!...Been working on a new Pfalz skin for about 2 weeks (very off and on)...I just went to open it in CS3...and it's saying it's corrupt. Never had this problem before...it's clearly in DDS...and I can view it in a DDS viewer...but I can't open it in Photoshop! Any other skinners have any ideas please?
  2. Looks bloody good actually
  3. Skinning Woes

    can we sticky this in the paintshop section?
  4. Ok post your thoughts of RoF here

    Yeah, fair point m8...I dont know what the P4 spec will be..but I suspect quite high
  5. wow!..I dont have Arma2...but I'm gonna get it, just to play that mod!!! I never bought it, cos I have no interest in post 1945 combat...all this COD and MOH modern stuff is just pants (imho)
  6. Entente face lifts

    Classic Sandbagger skinning, that we've come to love!..spot on m8!
  7. Hello Just putting a few personal skins together for my FE...it's a nice easy format to skin in Just a quick question please? I am using a template skin to work off...and although I change the folder name..it still appears as the original folder name in the Loadout screen...how can i change it please?....many thanks Here's my first 'work in progress'...nearly finished the business end..now just the tail to do
  8. Help with FE Skinning please?

    Thanks Quack...I have a reasonable grounding now, thanks to you! (love you're work BTW...Stunning!)
  9. Ok post your thoughts of RoF here

    Might be worth you holding fire until P4 comes out...have a look at the screenshots on their website!...NO cfs3 there!

    I agree totally Javito!...Although it's nice to see a pristine aircraft...I don't want my fighting machines to look like they spend most of their time being waxed and polished personally...there's a war on after all! WEATHERING IS KING!!!
  11. Ok post your thoughts of RoF here

    Well, I kinda slagged off FE at one time...but I am really getting into it now....try as I might though..ROF doesnt really float my boat. Yes, the flight Dynamics and damage modelling is superb...but after a few flights, I just feel really uninspired by it. This, coupled with the feeling of being ripped off having to buy any aircraft worth flying, and lack of Campaign (yes, I know ones coming..but doubt it will be free...you'll probably have to buy Trees or a Hanger!)...just takes away any short lived pleasure the good points have. That said...ROF has great potential...I'd be interested to see what the ICE version is like...though as I have the original, yet again, I would feel ripped off (edit) oh I see...New people get some decent planes thrown in..and f*ck the rest of us...hmmm...and it plays crap on a Dual Core...but thats Microsofts fault too?...not looking good from where I'm sitting. And there was me thinking of giving them the benefit of the doubt. Nope...It's OFF and FE for me!
  12. Help with FE Skinning please?

    Thanks Quack...one more question if you dont mind? I dont understand the 'Decals' thing..... If you want to put roundals or crosses etc direct onto the skin..would you just delete any reference to the Decals?...I notice that the default aircraft obviously have seperate decals, to allow a wide variety of options in the loadout...but I assume it's not necessary for custom personal skins?...many thanks m8
  13. Help with FE Skinning please?

    Ah...Ive sussed it.....here's the finished pic
  14. Without doubt, one of it's major strengths

    Nice little bit of Prose there Herr Olham! (lets hope the train explodes!?)
  16. Skinning Woes

    reinstalled the DDS plugin...all works now

    Those hun razor's are just SO gonna get whats coming to them!

    As Blackadder's George once said "I hope I snuff it right now, to preserve this moment forever"
  19. Skinning Woes

    Thanks Pol....I never knew about the DDS corruption thing!....I'll add that to the Skinners section!

    What can I say?....The Cockpits are just incredible!... and the new towns and buildings! Love the Ground Fire tracers...not seen that before!...The HP looks incredible...and is that an Aviatik??? I've already commented on the Sky texturing in the past..but it's worth noting again!.....this will be the sim to end all sims!.....cannot wait for it's release! You have done me proud with the Snipe...thank you all for taking on board my constant pushing! Have you flown her yet Pol?...what's she like?...is she gonna make the Huns fill their Britches with a watery mess?
  21. Skinning Woes

    Thanks Soulfreak...but I've been skinning for a while..so have the DDS plugin...but maybe it's corrupt?...I'll try reinstalling it
  22. You should try flying the Pfalz...that sorts the men from the boys!..jeez!
  23. No Pilot

    Joined the A-team group, and downloaded a couple of aircraft...but the pilot's seem to be missing...flown by ghosts!..lol There appears to be 4 pilot files sitting in the aircraft folder..Not sure if they should be somewhere else? sorry guys..real noob stuff...but I'm used to OFF
  24. No Pilot

    All sorted now..planes all super..thank you...and no more CTD's either! (needed the Nov2008 patch!)...now all running great!

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