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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wootten Bassett is made Royal...

    Well, that should put the House Prices through the roof!
  2. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    It doesn't matter who he stabbed..there should be a mandatory Jail Sentence for ANYONE caught with a Knife in public
  3. To be honest..Not really. Games like this, are a bit like reading a book I guess.....If I'm not drawn in by chapter 2...it just doesn't happen for me. I might try again sometime though
  4. OT FSX Deluxe Install Issue

    Nice one Tsmoke!...enjoy
  5. Daft censorship you guys have in Germany...where you cant even view certain youtube clips
  6. Yes, but I didn't like it much sadly
  7. I agree...Amy MacDonald, Mumford and Sons to name just two
  8. I'm thoroughly enjoying FO3...super game!,,,best one of all
  9. another totally fantastic band...god, there are so many!!! (But none so far from the 21st Century!...Is that telling us something???)
  10. OT: What's In Your Night Sky?

    Proof that God is an Aussie!
  11. I've not seen one of those before!...Nice looking Aeroplane
  12. My Sister (and many like her) got Married with that tune in the Background..it is indeed a classic Olham..good choice
  13. Very difficult...but 'My' Song would be...I find the Harpsicord extremely haunting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDIDmbgh0-M
  14. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    I have trackir..and a webcam..I shall have a go with this proggy V4Friend (another guinea Pig wont hurt) Well done Sir!
  15. OT...pulling my hair out

    Yeah... LOMAC is fun, if you're a trained fighter pilot..I found it frustrating and too difficult too...it's supposed to be fun...this sim just wasnt for me
  16. OT FSX Deluxe Install Issue

    Have to agree with Parky...This has 'dodgy' RAM written all over it!
  17. OT - Another Disaster

    A lot of people poo poo the idea of Green Energy (mainly the Oil companies, cos they can see their big fat cat profits going out the Window)....But green technology is coming on in leaps and bounds these days...I foresee a World where there will be no Nuclear Power...or Oil.. Or Coal......It's still a long way off, and Nuclear will have to fill the gap when the Fossil Fuels run out....but it will happen. Sustainable energy is the future....Sooner rather than later I hope!.... A few years ago, the idea of Green Fuel was thought to be the Domain of Tree Hugging Hippy Types....But it is now a true Science
  18. OT: I'm Tired

    I reckon we can all relate to Lou's comments. I too, am having a pretty sh*t time at the minute...Got the Job at the Airport...but was shortly after told that they're not recruiting this season, due to a lost contract with Thomas Cook Airlines....it seems to be cold, wet and Windy every damn day too....But, I just take my Dogs for long walks..helps me get my mind back in order! It's all relative.... I could be living on the East Coast of Japan!
  19. OT FSX Deluxe Install Issue

    I have it running fine on W7 64bit....The Blue Screen worries me somewhat. You can make the blue screen stay...so you can read the error however, and I suggest you do so. To do this in W7 open Control Panel..click on System... on the left side of the screen you will see 'Advanced System Settings, ... click on that...and the 'System Properties' box will appear. select the 'Advanced' tab at the top (if it's not already selected) Third one down says 'Startup and recovery'.... click on the settings tab next to it Untick the 'Automatically restart box Try reinstalling FSX again..and when it hangs...you will be able to read the Blue Screen information. Post back here with the results, and we'll try to help get you sorted
  20. Windows small business server 2003

    Hi All Anyone work on Networks here please? Just found an unopened pack of the aforementioned software (DELL) It is complete, and has five CALS...just wondered if it's usable?..or has it been pre-installed, thus rendering the licences useless? thanks
  21. OT - Another Disaster

    Japan consumes half the content of the sea, now the sea has consumed half the content of Japan. Karma?
  22. ROF Announces Career Mode

    I havent felt this ripped off since I last bought a season ticket for St James's
  23. OT: Facebook?

    I tried that Twitter for a while What a load of Banal rubbish that is! "Taking a Dump" "Putting the Rubbish out" How about "Getting a Life?"
  24. It says "You are no longer logged into AOL" that in itself is a blessed relief!...who the hell would want to be??
  25. OT: Facebook?

    I joined quite a while ago..member of the OFF one too (though not much happens on it)..I really like it..have a couple of Combatace friends too

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