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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Post random things thread

  2. Post random things thread

  3. Staff Sergeant William J. Guarnere

    RIP I firmly believe, that young men today, WOULD do the same... I think we tarnish them too easily, because we're old farts!
  4. Any F/A-18 sims?

    "7 Combat missions, with varying degrees of difficulty" Starting with Impossible, and working up to monolithic improbability if I remember correctly
  5. Here is a pilot with some SERIOUS skills!

    They seldom fail to impress these guys and gals, thats for sure!
  6. Saving Fuel

    Very interesting https://www.upworthy.com/every-day-people-spend-16-minutes-doing-this-thing-they-think-is-good-for-the-planet-it-aint-2?c=ufb2
  7. I have nothing but admiration for those who gave their lives in WW1 But, us Brits do 'bang on' about it a bit don't we? Yes, 'lest we forget' is a very apt saying, as history can and does repeat itself. No-one who fought is alive today.... I just think it's time we moved on from it...it was a century ago after all
  8. You're not alone!..I've been flying FSX since it came out...and only discovered the flyby view yesterday!!!!!
  9. Kiev.. photo's

    Some fairly iconic (in the making) photo's from the Riots in Kiev http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10651803/Ukraine-riots-in-pictures-Telegraph-photographer-David-Rose-in-Kiev.html
  10. Post random things thread

  11. Add the guy who almost killed you to FB

    You beat me to it :)
  12. Does WOFF ever go on sale?

    Well, when WOFF goes on sale, tell me...so i can buy it again! :)
  13. I made a note of my altitude when I took this shot...see if you can guess at what height I'm flying :)
  14. Guess the Height Contest

    I used to work for a company that hired out projectors... I flew CFS1 on it...awesome
  15. Guess the Height Contest

    Don't think I can change the title Olham (unless someone knows how?)
  16. I shouldn't laugh...but

  17. Guess the Height Contest

    Snailman was 'almost' bang on... 9,800 ft!...well done!
  18. Guess the Height Contest

    Would be good to do that Olham.. no..higher than 5,000 :)
  19. Sochi Olympic Games....

    Well, they can get stuffed as far as I'm concerned!
  20. Simbox Mancave Flightsim best name wins

    Fabulous!!!! I'd love a pit, with working switches etc (especially for FSX) this is great!
  21. Sochi Olympic Games....

    I wouldn't watch this LOLympics shit if you paid me!...but don't take my word for it. Here's TEN reason's for not watching it The Russian's have bastardized everything the Olympics stand for..they've displaced Families, they're Killing Dog's en masse..the whole Gay issue is a disgrace. They have proved, beyong reasonable doubt..that they have changed little since the days of CCCP..I despise them, and everything they stand for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJF7PY1bxR4#t=230
  22. Where is everybody ?

    I've kinda moved away from Forum Life these days. The 'Old Days' here were great...but since the move to SimHQ... I've kinda lost interest. I'm much more into Facebook.
  23. My first skin...

    Very Nice m8
  24. Made me Chuckle :)

  25. Called 'Sophie' after my Collie Dog :)

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