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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Brilliant...and shared!
  2. OT - Another Disaster

    The Planet fights back
  3. Hussah!...a Fighter Pilot after my own heart!...put the fear of death in the Bastards
  4. OT: Facebook?

    Yeah, Im on there...it's great for having a good rant!.....lol
  5. 10 year old joins army

    Made me cry...poor little lad Well done to the US Army!
  6. Can't access homepage!

    Working Fine for me now on Chrome...very nice too!
  7. Thank god for that Olham my friend!
  8. ROF Announces Career Mode

    I don't feel like we're fighting..each sim has it's merits... I was just passing comment, that I feel ripped off. I would have felt a little better about it. if they had included an SE5a or Camel in the vanilla version...but a Noop and a Spad?...nah!..there's something just not right about that!
  9. combatace upgrade

    Chrome is a no go too
  10. I'm just a dumbass when it comes to stuff like this!
  11. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8335934/Libya-protests-140-massacred-as-Gaddafi-sends-in-snipers-to-crush-dissent.html Dear Mr Gadaffi You're an impotent, sadistic asshole...everyone on the planet hates you, and wishes you were dead. Your grip on power, like many other monstrosities in the Middle East and beyond, grows more tentative each day. May i take this opportunity to welcome you from the 11th century, into the 21st. You may find the world a slightly different place today than what you're used to. It's now a much smaller world, where people are sick of being repressed, crushed and victimized...you may find yourself hanged before too long...though we would all prefer to see you fall on your own sword before that. You may also find that the use of snipers to kill innocent people will be a very effective deterent...for a short time at least. However, the World is changing..and it's changing too fast for the likes of you! Regretably, you will no doubt find yourself in very worrying times ahead. On a personal note, may I extent my heartfelt wish, that you and all the other despots like you, have a slow, lingering and painful demise. Say "HI" to Saddam from me... Regards UK_Widowmaker I'm sure you will be most disappointed to find, there is no happy afterlife, full of virgin children for you to molest...and if you berlieve that sh*t..well, sorry for your ignorance.
  12. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    And with respect to you Sir..I agree with what you say. I don't think I was advocating 'Going into' Libya?...If that came across, I need to point out, that is not my view. It's their issue to sort out....and would hardly make the News if it wasn't for their Oil....Civil Wars, Violence and inhumanity are widespread throughout the World..but we only ever get bombarded by it..if we have something to lose! Who cares if loads of African's get wiped out in Civil Wars?...such as happens in that continent all the time?...Not Western Politicians that's for sure!!...No Money to be had there....So f*** 'em
  13. I don't quite understand you Hellshade. Is it modders who would download this?... I can't see the point,as there are no unreal 3 games available yet? (confused)
  14. Goodness only knows what our Kids will be playing when they get to our age
  15. ROF Announces Career Mode

    If it wasn't for the fact that my copy wasn't hung around my neck by the DRM ...you could have it free of charge Olham...In fact, I might even go as far as to pay you to get rid of it!
  16. This was one of the first albums I ever bought...sadly lost a long time ago...thank goodness for youtube!!
  17. OT,,Some Monty Python you 'may not' have heard

    Glad you enjoyed it Tranquillo
  18. OT - IL2 giveaway

    Very kind offer..and Like Olham, I'd happily take them off your hands, but for my 1946 DVD Hope they find a good home
  19. Windows small business server 2003

    Yeah, thats what I thought Fubar...thanks m8
  20. ROF Announces Career Mode

    I AM knocking the Sim...And I'm allowed to...I spent good money on it..I don't like it..I feel I was ripped off...that's all there is to it
  21. What will they think of next?..(I'm still in the 20th Century I'm afraid!...haven't got an iphone...pretty cool though)
  22. Two Hero's to be repatriated together

  23. And I for one, don't blame him!...His face is a picture!
  24. Smaller TAC - softer Label colours

    Nice one Olham...I dont use anything except labels..which I have programmed into my Joystick...I just hit it..have a quick look..then turn it off again...so these softer colours will be very useful..thank you
  25. Didn't he once say "I am a Hunter...My Brother Lothar is a Butcher?"

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