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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT "NO WAY am I sniffin' those!"

    The Dog refused, which meant Officer Cowley had to sniff them instead??
  2. Shooting at Frankfurt airport

    Although he was from Kosovo..that doesn't mean there was a political motive...He might just be a nutjob
  3. Windows 7 question please?

    Hello Gang Please have a quick look at my screenshot...you will see I have 75mb of unnalocated space which I wanted to allocate to 'Steam' on the right...as it's getting full...can't work out how to...when i right clicked on the Steam section, the option to extend was greyed out (not enough room) so I shrank C:\ by 75mb in the hope it would go over to Steam? If anyone knows how to sort this..or has a link to any free partition software (Norton Partition manager wont work with W7 64)..I'd be very grateful
  4. Windows 7 question please?

    Thank you gentlemen!...really appreciated
  5. Fateful Morn

    The dirt and weathering is fantastic!...wish I could get my skins to look that good!!
  6. Fateful Morn

    Beautiful work Sir!
  7. Amazing Lion-Man

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOtu3z84jxU Btw...In my opinion, any asshole who shoots Lions for sport in this day and age..Should themselves be Shot dead
  8. Did you ever let your opponent go?

    Tell ya what!..If that is the beginning of a 'New World Order'...bring it on! Good luck with the Course...I know you've had a sh*t time of it recently!...all the best m8
  9. Did you ever let your opponent go?

    Like I said mate..true socialism is a fantastic Ideal..If I thought for one minute, it would work in practice, I would grab my Broadsword and lead the charge at Westminster!..really I would!! But Socialism in it's true sense, would only work if we were all Ants!...there would, in a very short space of time, be fat cats at the top, taking advantage of everyone else!..it's simple Greed...Humans do greed extremely well...and If I had the choice of becoming a fat cat..or living on a breadline, like all my 'Brothers'..I know what I would chose! (and I can guess which you would chose too Si) I know that Capitalism is as far from ideal as it's possible to get...I don't even begin to pretend to have any answers that will move mankind forward, for the good of all.. Whatever it is, Human Beings are going to have to change VERY significantly, or NO political ideal will be any better than another. Still waiting to hear about the Job, thanks for asking
  10. Did you ever let your opponent go?

    Socialism is a fantastic Ideal...just doesn't work in practice that's all.
  11. Gratuitous Puppy Picture

    Collie man myself..but that is one cute Pup
  12. OT... Mrs Browns Boys

    You have a point Davy!
  13. The Museum of Diseased Imaginings

    They must have been on the Magic Mushrooms this lot!
  14. OT... Mrs Browns Boys

    I just couldn't understand the Accent!...Irish is a hard to fathom accent at the best of times!...Father Ted was understandable...but this just annoyed me within five minutes
  15. Never seen this kite before

    When you look at what we have today, in a little over the period required for a person's lifetime..it's quite staggering!
  16. Securom-- How to get rid of it?

    Thats useful m8..thanks
  17. Securom-- How to get rid of it?

    Are you trying to install on Windows 7?..If so, you'll have problems,,,Securom doesn't like W7 or vice Versa Securom puts hidden files on your PC...it can be a pain to find them, and you can only remove them in safe mode. Also, if you are installing the game on W7 64bit..DO NOT use 'setup exe'...browse to the contents of the DVD..and run the file simply called 'a' Also, DO NOT allow it to install to the default directory ie: C:\program files(86)...just install to C:\ Dunno if any of this is relevant to you...it's the one time I would recommend the dreaded 'Crack' option
  18. Sick and Tired

    Hang in there mate!..remember, what doesn't kill you. makes you stronger!
  19. Scramble!?

    hear hear...I've lost too many good pilots to go out on Scrambles!...I'll just hide under this chair 'til they've gone!
  20. Certainly looks like they'll improve the combat!...Oblivion's combat was just soooooo lame!
  21. I cannot comment on GMAX at all, except to say that anyone who uses it has my utmost respect!...the models already look good!

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