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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Since using Google Chrome..a lot of these silly problems present with IE and FF seem to have vanished
  2. OT: I've Done It!

    Dont take this as a stupid question..but you did run as admin, and compatability mode?
  3. OT: I've Done It!

    You're gonna have to do something about the Grand Prix Legends Icon!!! (Hidden and Dangerous is a classic!!)
  4. Probably your Government trying to restrict you!
  5. OT Come fly with me

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C4ARuR_fLQ I have really enjoyed the latest offering from the Little Britain team...this is one of my favourite scenes! (all re-enactors are a 'bit' like this!) If you found this amusing..take a look at some of the other clips
  6. OT Come fly with me

    Glad you enjoyed it Olham..it's been a great series
  7. OT Come fly with me

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aO4uR94jGE&feature=player_embedded#at=12 Hilarious
  8. OT: Away for politics...

    Amen to that!...The World is changing...very rapidly. People in the Middle East especially!...looks like they've had enough of despots, Junta's and Religious idiots ruining their lives!
  9. OT: I've Done It!

    Captsopwith I am a big fan of FSWW1...and you can indeed play without SDOE! check out ArgonV...he's on the forum, and is the developer...lovely chaap..and he'll help you with it
  10. OT: Back for 9 Days

    Hello m8....welcome back..for a while at least
  11. OT: I've Done It!

    Thanks for all that info CaptSopwith. I'm gonna try that Under a Killing Moon....and I'd love to find the epic Strike Fighters. My first pc game was Wolf3d too.....Those days were just a revolution!..yes, games are great these days...but we felt like pioneers traversing a new mountain of exploration in those days!....wow
  12. OT: I've Done It!

    Well there's always the Korean addon for CFS3
  13. How Clean Is Your Screen?

    Good tips there Gents.....I'm fast approaching the need to do so myself!...the Air is so full of Hun Fighters....that Aren't Hun fighters...that its just getting silly now!!!
  14. Canadian's got their flag in 1965

    Good for you Rambler...I would be proud if I lived in Canada too!...I was lucky enough to spend two glorious weeks there in 2007....beautiful Country! Quebec?...well, they're ex-French....which is why they moan all the time about everything!!
  15. OT: I've Done It!

    Javito...This 'Gog' site...does it offer it's games as all working in Windows 7?...I would so love to play 'Under a Killing Moon' again (sigh)
  16. OT: I've Done It!

    Does RB3d run on W7 64 then?
  17. Americas hardest Prison

    Just been trawling through the Myriad of s**te that is Cable TV...and stumbled across this Gem of televisual feasting. Some skinheaded Nazi Thug...who has killed 4 inmates (presumably because they happened to be born a different colour...and god forbid..one was Gay!...yeuk!)..... and the Cameras follow him around, like he was some kind of celebrity...with P/O's talking about him like he's the most dangerous guy in the whole place.......and this geek then explains to the Glued masses, that "I only done and Killed those Niggers what deserved it...They probably raped someone anyways" Instead of filming detritus like this talking in a mono sylabic way...surely, it would be a much better use of our TV's...to see him Garroted live?....I would happily tune in with my Pizza and Beer to watch that!
  18. OT Prejudice is everywhere

    I think this was in Australia
  19. Searching a Se5a template

    Short answer...Nope
  20. Let us know how it goes m8...if you've had a problem, no doubt others will too at some point
  21. Canadian's got their flag in 1965

    Thanks Slarti....wow!...they've had a complex History of flags!
  22. cfs3 vs Hat in the Ring

    Doesnt seem to work for me...doesnt matter what I select...I get kicked straight out!
  23. So...forgive me if I'm wrong....this game was announced in 2006?....and apart from having NO Dynamic Campaign, No Dynamic Weather..and No Support for the latest Hardware...It's IL2 with a Battle of Britain theme?...which has already been done to death by The Modding Guys out there...and we're supposed to PAY for it as well??

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