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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Graphics Card Woes

    Same card as you! (great minds think alike!) It's a great card for FSX too
  2. OT: Graphics Card Woes

    Well, you did better than me m8..I only got 14 months outta mine
  3. OT: Graphics Card Woes

    Exactly the same happened to me with my 8800
  4. Yeah, I'm a fan of FSWW1...I meant that with the sheer volume of Aircraft we have in OFF...plus it's unique campaign possibilities..there's nothing that approaches it really...which would mean a future developer couldn't get away with any less
  5. OT Scared s@#tless

    If the Zombie Apocolypse ever happens...I'm just gonna put dozens of outward facing treadmill machines outside my house!...that should keep me safe!!
  6. Maybe OFF will mark the end of WW1 flightsims (certainly for a while)...It's hard to imagine any other WW1 sim competing against P4......I bet the 'other' WW1 sim were really chuffed they had brought out an HP400.....
  7. The Snipe looks effing brilliant!!!....Hahaha...Who'd want to be a Hun?
  8. 360º Video

    Very Cool
  9. this will always be funny to me

    Neither do I m8
  10. OT: Strategic Command World War 1 game

    Fair play to you Sir...I couldn't cope with that myself
  11. OT: Strategic Command World War 1 game

    Dear god NO! I want to enjoy a game...not 'suffer' it
  12. OT Zulu Mod for NTW

    Just thought I'd post my little Video to give you an insight into this Superb Mod for Napoleon Total War Have always wanted a Zulu Wars mod, and this is the one!....brilliantly crafted Mod, on a piece of History, us Brits would rather forget. (the music from the film 'Zulu' is NOT part of the mod btw
  13. OT Zulu Mod for NTW

    Indeed Morris!...The Bravery shown by the Zulus is only matched by their ferocity!...I saw a documentary that suggests they took Magic Mushrooms before a battle...Do you know of any more on this?
  14. OT Zulu Mod for NTW

    Yes, thats a great video...I wonder how he got rid of all the flags and writing for the movie?
  15. Emergency Funding needed!

    Yeah, he's the pumping heart of the Forum...bless him! (still a Bloody Hun though)
  16. OT: Free Hugs

    Wonderful!...everyone needs a HUG!!!
  17. P4 update Please.......

    Patience is a Virtue...seldom found in women...never in Fighter Pilots
  18. erm...yeah.......erm...wtf?
  19. Grandmother lays into M/C Robbers

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8309524/Handbag-wielding-pensioner-saves-jeweller-from-sledgehammer-thugs.html way to go!!!
  20. Version 4.5 is already available
  21. OT: recent video posts

    You really should treat yourself Hellshade...It's a Bargain Bin now too...well worth it!
  22. OT: recent video posts

    I'm afraid I never much liked the Combat Mission series
  23. OT: recent video posts

    Each to their own I say. My personal interest lies in FPS and Military Strategy games, such as the Total War series. Now some people are bored to death by the Total War series..but I love 'em And the game that draws me back time and again is Company of Heroes
  24. The British Isles, of Britain, United Kingdom

    Thanks m8

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