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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT I've got an Interview

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement
  2. OT I've got an Interview

    Thank you very much Gents...will let you know how it goes
  3. N17-Bis Campaign

    Just started a campaign in the N17. I've never really taken the aircraft seriously...but I'm getting Kills...and avoiding the Germans too...very nimble fighter!
  4. Tax inspector with a glimmer of Humour

    Subject: Tax Return Apparently, this is a real reply from the Inland Revenue. The Guardian newspaper had to ask for special permission to print it. The funniest part of this is imagining the content of the letter sent to the Tax Office which prompted this reply! Dear Mr Addison, I am writing to you to express our thanks for your more than prompt reply to our latest communication, and also to answer some of the points you raise. I will address them, as ever, in order. Firstly, I must take issue with your description of our last as a "begging letter". It might perhaps more properly be referred to as a "tax demand". This is how we at the Inland Revenue have always, for reasons of accuracy, traditionally referred to such documents. Secondly, your frustration at our adding to the "endless stream of crapulent whining and panhandling vomited daily through the letterbox on to the doormat" has been noted. However, whilst I have naturally not seen the other letters to which you refer I would cautiously suggest that their being from "pauper councils, Lombardy pirate banking houses and pissant gas-mongerers" might indicate that your decision to "file them next to the toilet in case of emergencies" is at best a little ill-advised. In common with my own organisation, it is unlikely that the senders of these letters do see you as a "lackwit bumpkin" or, come to that, a "sodding charity". More likely they see you as a citizen of Great Britain, with a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of the nation as a whole. Which brings me to my next point. Whilst there may be some spirit of truth in your assertion that the taxes you pay "go to shore up the canker-blighted, toppling folly that is the Public Services", a moment's rudimentary calculation ought to disabuse you of the notion that the government in any way expects you to "stump up for the whole damned party" yourself. The estimates you provide for the Chancellor's disbursement of the funds levied by taxation, whilst colourful, are, in fairness, a little off the mark. Less than you seem to imagine is spent on "junkets for Bunterish lickspittles" and "dancing whores" whilst far more than you have accounted for is allocated to, for example, "that box-ticking facade of a university system." A couple of technical points arising from direct queries: 1. The reason we don't simply write "Muggins" on the envelope has to do with the vagaries of the postal system; 2. You can rest assured that "sucking the very marrow of those with nothing else to give" has never been considered as a practice because even if the Personal Allowance didn't render it irrelevant, the sheer medical logistics involved would make it financially unviable. I trust this has helped. In the meantime, whilst I would not in any way wish to influence your decision one way or the other, I ought to point out that even if you did choose to "give the whole foul jamboree up and go and live in India" you would still owe us the money. Please send it to us by Friday. Yours sincerely, H J Lee Customer Relations Inland Revenue
  5. OT I've got an Interview

    Thank you guys...with you behind me, I feel new empowerment!!
  6. N17-Bis Campaign

    I'm not sure really Pips...I suppose it's cos I'm an SE5a / Camel flyer usually...and the visibility is not brilliant in the Nieuports...I have probably neglected the Spad as well for the same reason
  7. N17-Bis Campaign

    My Dad Olham
  8. I want to be this Teddy bear

    That was a lovely video Olham...My son really enjoyed that! (and so did I )
  9. Harrier Flypast

    The RAF sent a special message to the British Government, on the news that the Harrier is being withdrawn from service (blur your eyes if you cannot see it)
  10. Soundtweak II

    Excellent...thats me and 499 others enjoying your work
  11. Britain says goodbye to Nimrod

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/defence/8285013/Analysis-Russia-will-be-delighted-by-Nimrod-decision.html more cuts
  12. Short...but probably very accurate
  13. I Made A Mess Of OFF

    Not a fan of registry editors..there are so many baaaaad ones out there...That said, glad it worked for you
  14. Hi Gang Haven't done a skin for a while, and thought with P4 coming at some stage...with pics of Gotha's attacking our Green and Pleasant land, perhaps we should muster a defence! So here is D3459 an SE5a Viper of Number 61 Squadron Home Defence... circa 1918 (available soon in Downloads) The Huns will never get through!
  15. SE5a Nightfighter Skin

    The three huns in their Hannovers I just sent home in a box, probably wished they'd thought twice before flying over our Airspace!
  16. SE5a Nightfighter Skin

    Thanks Lou....Let's not forget...They WILL lose!
  17. SE5a Nightfighter

    File Name: SE5a Nightfighter File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 29 January 2011 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is an SE5a of Number 61 Home Defence Squadron circa 1918 Original Model and Skin by OBD Software Click here to download this file
  18. SE5a Nightfighter



    This is an SE5a of Number 61 Home Defence Squadron circa 1918 Original Model and Skin by OBD Software
  19. OT - Flightradar

    yup..Use it a lot..great app
  20. OT MAW addon-Help please?

    What was the other great addon that Winder was a member of?...Battle of Britain one I believe?
  21. Off topic I know..but quite fascinating nonetheless (also click on the header called "Decoding the Note") http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12266109
  22. If it doesnt have a German Campaign..I'm not gonna bother!...Flying Just Spits and Hurri's gets a bit boring
  23. Skin format for P4?

    I'm pretty sure it will be the same DDS format. Can't see how they could /Would want to, change from that format
  24. OT MAW addon-Help please?

    It's ok thanks Lou...Ive sussed it
  25. Duke Nuke em... possibly ?

    If it's as big a dissapointment as Doom 3...they can keep it

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