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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. For You And I

    There is still some really good, young talent out there today as well guys! It is an 'age' thing...we all just become our Parents eventually
  2. Ah, Empire yes!...It has a shedload of Maps, which is good!...and there is an extremely good American Civil War mod for it too!...makes it worth having on it's own Personally, I'm waiting for the Zulu mod for Napoleon...looks good too :)
  3. *WARNING* Bad language and extreme Violence
  4. Need a favour if possible.

    If you fly the Albs...you 'seem' to get more damage...here's one I just flew! (it did have Wings originally..but the screenshot 'removed them')..but you can see the bullet holes in the fuselage!! I therefore retract my statement about p1 and 2 being better
  5. Need a favour if possible.

    Indeed!...but you have to have a little bit of imagination and some artistic licence regarding Damage...It is a game after all
  6. Need a favour if possible.

    It would be nice to see a little more eye candy damage in P4. The Bullet holes in P1 and 2 were better (imho) (this is from P2)
  7. P4 pics

    It most certainly would my friend!....However, would we toast the end of the War?...No more Flying?...hmmmm
  8. I want to get this film

    Nice one Jessie Very patriotic...... You obviously never had kids then?....and of course, she'd never get her little hands dirty would she? She should stay in the damn Kitchen where she belongs!
  9. Do you mean Napoleon Total War? It's great!...not enough maps for skirmish battles though
  10. The question is...Will P4 keep it's original Haunting, melancholy filled composition..that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. everytime I play the game? Or Will our own Musical Maestro Matt Milne be composing something else? The Soundtrack to a great game like OFF is vitally important to get right! The theme to Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Battle of Britain etc...are forever a part of those films! And the Music for OFF will, for me at least..be forever tied with it. (I have also requested the theme to be played at my funeral...morbid I know..but there ya go!!) (and I'll be sent off wearing my Flying Helmet and Goggles too!)
  11. P4 pics

    I wear Beer Goggles!
  12. OFF's Haunting theme

    You sure did Olham...RB3d modded was a superb game
  13. I'm a bit of an Iron Maiden Fan..and stumbled across this. Good, well made Video (turn your speakers up or down..depending on your age!!!)
  14. I want to get this film

    Good lads...thanks for the headsup Off to Tesco's
  15. P4 obviously..But looking forward to Shogun Total War 2 as well Apart from Flightsims..The Total War series Is great....There's been no mention, but would love to see another Brothers in Arms release too
  16. Question about Aces

    Just wondered something. If a personalised plane was damaged, or not serviceable for some reason..Did pilots with personal aircraft fly a standard one?..or if no plane, no flying?
  17. I want to get this film

    I have to agree with you Olham..
  18. OT- Iron Maiden - Paschendale

    It was great!...thanks m8
  19. Voices in Flight

    Whether we wear Green or Grey...we're all the same underneath
  20. My action photos from the Royal Navy

    Glad you were in a Sub rather than me!!...wonderful pics though..That Buccaneer looks like he's going for it!
  21. Nice Toy

    Not often..we're a very insular lot!...
  22. Duke Nuke em... possibly ?

    The level editor on the original was fantastic fun...almost better than the game
  23. Almost a Great War Bomber

    Not sure Olham..One was shot down over Germany..the other, Turkey...thats all Ive got Great read though http://www.aviation-history.com/airmen/alcock.htm
  24. A funny one

    I wouldn't put anything past the Military!

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