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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. A new year..A new Beginning

    Many thanks guys...I will still visit all I can,,,maybe just weird times of the day!..haha
  2. Caption Competition

    hahaha coot
  3. Caption Competition

    lmfao!...all excellent!!
  4. Caption Competition

    hahaha..nice ones guys
  5. Caption Competition

    Dog in the middle looking over his shoulder... "Don't look at me Dude...I never invited him"
  6. OT Best free software

    Nice one m8...bookmarked!
  7. Happy New Year...

    Happy New Year
  8. OT Best free software

    :lol: :lol:
  9. I would quite like it if mission's started at dispersal..and you had to all taxi out to take off, rather than sitting on the runway. And of course, everyones wish..a video replay option...but thanks to MS kicking it out of cfs3..not much chance of that
  10. OT Best free software

    My Pleasure Davy-Wavy and Parky-Warky
  11. Tough old Xmas

    One thing I have learnt...never trust the Money Moguls, The Media, any form of Government or anyone who protects the interests of them. To thine own self, be true My Brother in Law is a self confessed 'Author' Never had anything published (probably because his books are more about lavishing his own ego)...The world of writers is full of self opinionated twats....But if you can stay true to the subject matter you are writing about, believe you have something to give, and stay modest about what you do...plus write a damned interesting book of course!...You can do it!...though rejection is your main enemy...you'd just get used to. Politics?..well, Vince Cable..the one man who was on a crusade to hit the Bankers square in the Nuts, foolishly also said, to undercover Journo's, that he was also after Murdoch...and now he's been stripped of power!...the Journo's responsible were merely looking after their own interests...because they would be affected. The Coalition (imho) is merely history repeating itself...Labour comes into power... plays it's part in f***ing up the economy...covered up by lies such as "The end of Boom and Bust"...this shower we have, come in on the pretence of "Hard, but Fair Cuts"...just like Thatcher did...and the whole cycle starts again...nothing changes...one lot borrows too much, one lot cuts back..same old same old
  12. Have to say I wont be sorry to see the arse end of 2010
  13. Tough old Xmas

    Moving away from IT myself...bored sh*tless with it now
  14. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLQ3mXqAq_Y&playnext=1&list=PLD87C078C11E9DA89&index=41 I guess the message is...don't f*** with a veteran!..even if he is kicking 70!...haha
  15. Hi All

    It's still dirty, violent and Muddy here!..welcome back
  16. Its Chrrrriiiisssstmasssssssssssssssss....

    You wont find it here
  17. A real good samaritan...

    That's a good story Slarti...I too have a story to tell..I'm going to send it..if they don't publish it..I'll post it here
  18. Its Chrrrriiiisssstmasssssssssssssssss....

    I'm hoping my Christmas present comes early in the New Year That is a new job in Airfield Ops at Newcastle Airport Yes, a happy Christmas to one and all

    Then you shall meet the same fate as the others!..Muhahahahaha Seriously though..have a Merry Christmas Morris, and a happy new year!

    I agree Dave..the scenery is FSX addon quality!..amazing, cows, fences Trenches...just awesome It's almost criminal to litter the Countryside with German wrecks...when I have the Snipe..those Fokkers aint gonna know whats hit 'em

    And there she is!!.... The first picture of the Sopwith Snipe!!....fantastic!! :good:
  22. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827921.900-border-collie-takes-record-for-biggest-vocabulary.html Quite amazing!....Makes a Chimpanzee look like the thick kid in the class!!
  23. Tough old Xmas

    Best of luck m8 in whatever path you take
  24. It's Official..Border Collies are the Smartest Dogs

    Here's to Dogs...whatever and wherever they are!...Our true Best Friends!

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