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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Happy Birthday to Quack74!

    Best wishes uber-skinner!
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11996936 A sad day indeed!...one of the best British Aircraft of the 20th Century!
  3. Animal Voiceovers

  4. Skin Download reorganization

    I have been championing this with Dave for some time..I have also asked members opinions on how to lay it all out..with, sadly a very poor response!! It is indeed a lot of work, and if OFF members would be a little more forthcoming with ideas, we might get something sorted
  5. The Royal Wedding

    I'm not anti-monarchy per se...not bothered much either way tbh
  6. The Royal Wedding

    Well, Dave..WE will make a stand against all that's s**t!
  7. The Royal Wedding

    I know you're clearly not interested in their China..and neither am I...but lots of American's love that s**t!
  8. The Royal Wedding

    I have to agree with Slarti... I though am not a monarchist, and am only interested in the wedding because it gives us all a day off work!...which will allow me to crawl into the Countryside and go Fishing for the day! The worst of all was when Diana came a cropper in the Paris Tunnel!...I never thought we would here the end of that!....all those people (including men) blubbing in the street and on the news, week in week out...made me wanna chuck up!....nauseating to say the least!...but the great unwashed love this sort of polarising drivel!
  9. The Royal Wedding

    At least you dont have to live in the UK m8!...spare a thought for us..it'll be 100 times worse here. But, to be fair..we had a load of your daft Presidential Election Stuff here!...when we really don't care if a Chicken is elected to the Whitehouse!
  10. An OFF Holiday Card To All Of You

    Have a good one people
  11. 20 minuters...

    On a 'slightly' off topic note..apart from the infamous Fokker Scourge'...were the German's in a similar boat?...I can only assume, that survival rates were equally short for them?
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright_brothers and the rest...as they say...is History
  13. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    In the interest of a fair right to reply
  14. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    Lovely to see a good citizen using his right to self preservation!
  15. Harrier Takes her final Bow

    Indeed...and without getting too Political..this is what happens when the Liberal Democrats get a foot in the Door!!
  16. Harrier Takes her final Bow

    Bloody Yanks
  17. Tough old Xmas

    I don't disagree with you at all m8... but democracies are just a money-go-round...The Bankers rule the economy,and therefore the Country... it's always been the same for decades
  18. RAR FILES and thanks

    hear hear!
  19. Harrier Takes her final Bow

    Macelena?...it would appear that the UK's Armed Forces in the Future, will be run by the French!....
  20. Beaten for wearing Trousers

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338479/YouTube-video-Sudan-shows-woman-flogged-laughing-policemen.html What is the matter with these people???
  21. Tough old Xmas

    You can certainly try what I do m8...be a self employed IT nerd!....do an advert, stick it in a few shop windows, get sorting home PC's...easy money Been doing it for five years myself now...I will never be Bill Gates...but it keeps the Wolves from the Door. Sorry about the Job...Public Sector was always gonna be hit hardest...Labour spent and spent and spent...and now, we have to pay it back! The days of paying 1% into your pension, and sitting on a Gravy Train working for the Government is over!...Yes, it's harsh and tough...but that's what the Private sector has been like since year dot
  22. RAR FILES and thanks

    Yup... 7-zip is the one to use
  23. Surprisingly good gaming...

    MOHAA and Spearhead are worth another look too?
  24. Remote PC shutdown help please

    Hi Techie dudes Need a bit of help please. I have a teenage son, and like most teenagers, he's a pain in the the ass at times. His PC is running windows 7, and I was wondering if it's possible to switch it off remotely, from an XP machine on the same network? If it's possible, and I can stand the tirade of abuse...it would be useful to do..for when it's bedtime, Homework time..or indeed..Father's revenge time!! Any help gladly recieved, though you may risk becoming public enemy number one!...But I promise to keep your identity a secret!

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