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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Dont mess with Marines

    Well, I think it was very Public Spirited of those Marines, to help the poor chap up, after a Nasty Fall
  2. Are Pit Bulls Misunderstood?

    Before you're too quick to slag Dogs off..there is increasingly strong Scientific Evidence, that without them..Civilisation would never have happened. Cats (much as I like them, have apart from keeping Rat populations down) done nothing for anyone except themselves...they are utterly selfish, and don't care whether their owners live or die
  3. For Classic Gaming Nuts

  4. Are Pit Bulls Misunderstood?

    Well, Pitbulls are banned in the UK..along with four other Breeds (mostly Japanese Fighting Breeds)...and I have to say, I agree with all the previous Comments. The trouble is of course, it's like Banning Guns. It doesn't get to the root of the problem, which is, of course...Guns and Pitbulls are not inherently dangerous of themselves...but when mixed with an idiot..are (potentially) Dangerous. Now of course, we have the situation, where Staffordshire Bull Terriers are replacing the Pitbulls, as the Dog of choice for the moronic Minority...they're legal (for now)...but what happens next?..More Dogs added to the Banned Breed list?...knowing the UK...possibly Yes!...... The media are most to blame...in the 1980's the German Shepherd was the 'Killer Dog'...the 90's saw the Doberman as the 'evil one'..... the Noughties, the Bull Mastiff. The Dangerous Dog act serves only to appease the Middle Class hand wringers I'm sorry to say
  5. We all know someone who deserves this song

  6. New WW II terrain....

    Just had to pinch that for my facebook page!..hope you don't mind?...and thanks for the laugh!!!!
  7. For Classic Gaming Nuts

    The list is growing all the time (guess it will be bad news for GoG)...though a lot are demo's I've just noticed
  8. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    I wasn't making the comparison between the two sims on a playable level. The thread is about 'value for money'
  9. A peaceful, and Joyous Christmas to you all. (and remember, if you're having a Beer...leave the Car at home!)
  10. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    It certainly wasn't free when I paid through the nose for it!!!! I bought the DVD when it first came out (y'know..support the devs) then a few weeks later, they bring out the Iron Cross version at half the price, with more planes...and now it's f*cking free??? Sod 'em
  11. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    If you think WOFF is expensive..try buying RoF and all the addon planes!.... and then, make your own skins..cos the default ones are bland
  12. No,No, NO...this cannot be real surely?

  13. Hope they Rot!

    Dirty, filthy Vermin http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25450555
  14. Arrrgghh....Avangate!

    Same as Olham here
  15. I think my current medical record, may cause 'Rumblings Higher up the Command Chain! (though that may be the Sausages)
  16. Ok, so I fancy the Nurse

    Well, my QC pilot has a charmed life! (as in never dies)...but that doesn't stop him from appealing to Frau Gladys's 'softer side....I'm sure the Whirlwind romance will be short-lived however..as he cannot compete with Manfred!
  17. Beware: Naughty Boys and Girls

    While Saint Nicholas may bring gifts to good boys and girls, ancient folklore in Europe's Alpine region also tells of Krampus, a frightening beast-like creature who emerges during the Yule season, looking for naughty children to punish in horrible ways -- or possibly to drag back to his lair in a sack. In keeping with pre-Germanic Pagan traditions, men dressed as these demons have been frightening children on Krampusnacht for centuries, chasing them and hitting them with sticks, on an (often alcohol-fueled) run through the dark streets. (Now THAT would make for a FUN Christmas!!! ....where do I sign up?)
  18. Instant Karma...it's a beautiful thing :)

    Perhaps she shoulda taken her little Canine companion on the Porch's advice.... never f**k with a Kitty!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-oVhu2fu20
  19. Instant Karma...it's a beautiful thing :)

    Often see this, with Cats and Dogs...people too daft or ignorant to read the signs of Body Language. This Cat was quite clearly getting rather 'Miffed'...She didn't read the signs...and paid the price :)
  20. But, WOFF really does sort the men from the Boys!... if OFF was getting a bit 'easy'...then you're in for a very nasty..very Rude awakening!!!
  21. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    This is what happens if Uncle doesn't get the Hornby Train Set that Kim asked for when he was a Kid
  22. Pesky Chinese push US around

    HMS Google
  23. Bet you'd love to get your hands on some of this stuff? http://www.pinterest.com/rafmuseum/100-first-air-war-objects/

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