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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. SPAD VII RFC Dec '17

    Great Skin there old Chap!
  2. SPAD VII RFC Dec '17

    Very nice skin! :)
  3. This is more than an FSX Video

    This is a masterclass in movie making!.... Jaw-Dropping eh???
  4. The UN...

    UN = 'Useless Numpties"
  5. What sort of Moron?

    Lexx has a strangely true, and fascinating take on things! I would love to buy you a beer and have a chat...if you're ever in Blighty!
  6. I'm all for the Police.......But

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8015022/Mark-Saunders-wife-says-she-could-have-defused-seige.html Seems to me, these 'Trained' Police negotiators need to go and get 're-Trained' They failed to take into account, the impact speaking to his wife may have had on this, obviously disturbed individual. And this isn't the first incident by a long chalk! Two months ago in Rothbury (near where I live) another crazed Gunman shot himself after Police again failed to allow people who knew him, to attempt to talk him round. They bandy about 'Public Safety' as an excuse all the time....but with mobile phones and other technology, it's not like these people's family/friends are in any danger. It sometimes feels to me, like it's more about professional egos, than it is about bringing these incidents to a peaceful conclusion.
  7. I'm all for the Police.......But

    A man after my own Heart!
  8. Aw Man!..God bless you George!

    Sheer Genius!
  9. Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics German, the lovers French and it is all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss and it is all organised by the Italians.
  10. OT A ring of truth perhaps?

    Thats really nice! I think we should make Olham an `Associate` Englishman!
  11. Just Completed my Engineering Degree

    It's been tough, but below is a list of all the things I've learned
  12. OT A ring of truth perhaps?

    Ah yes..but we aren't a part of Europe in the UK...we just let you guys 'think' we are!
  13. http://www.moddb.com/mods/ww1-source Downloading now...will report back
  14. Chrome (IMHO) is the best Browser ever! Fast, secure, trouble free...brilliant!
  15. WW1 mod for Half Life 2

    Certainly looks very good...but no-one on the servers. If anyone has Half Life 2 and fancies a bash..let me know?
  16. OT - Virus, Spyware, Malware program

    Hmm...Microsoft can't get Windows right half the time..not sure I would trust them to do Security properly either!
  17. OvS I trust you have cleared your Internet Browser Cache.. and cleared your Cookies? The amount of sh*t I see caused, just by not doing that!
  18. Hi Carrick Yes, it's quite easy to do. When it's doing it's thing..it does exactly what it would if you had formatted!...but don't panic, although it looks like it's wiped everything, it hasn't...but it can be a bit scary first time! http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/helpandsupport/learnmore/tips/doug92.mspx good luck
  19. Show off your Desktop!

    It's bloody awful here in the UK. if we reach 75 degrees mid-summer the country grinds to a halt! (thank god we have Ale!)
  20. This is more than an FSX Video

    I've just noticed it's FS2004!...which makes it even MORE impressive!
  21. I'm all for the Police.......But

  22. Show off your Desktop!

    Hey Ruggbutt... 108 degrees on the temperature?...where you live?..Mercury?
  23. Damn right!...get skinning my Snipes please!!
  24. Fifteen Years of Trying

    Strike Commander was an Origin Classic (as well as the Wing Commander series) The Company was years ahead of its time

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