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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT - What's wrong with this picture...

    How did that guy get on the roof?
  2. Of course, with XP you can do a 'Repair' of windows, with the XP disk...deletes and then reinstalls Windows, leaving programs intact. Dunno if there's a similar option in W7?
  3. Very good point!.... Have had a similar problem in the past!...well worth checking OvS
  4. Very Funny-ADULTS ONLY!

    Heehee...yup, Classic! He so reminds me of my Late Father
  5. OT Canvas Knights

    Is it officially dead in the water? (cannot find any news on it)
  6. Night Fighting with Jasta 73

    You're a better man than me for getting a Kill like that!...I have trouble finding the enemy in broad daylight!
  7. Fifteen Years of Trying

    The fact you could pan was quite a revalation! I liked this game...but 'Wings' on the Amiga was my prefered personally
  8. Yeah..it's a real pain in the a$$ isnt it m8? I hate when a call comes in, and it's the dreaded 'Lockup'...as it means a lot of time messing on!...nightmare!...good luck
  9. Show off your Desktop!

    I change mine regularly...this is my latest one, in memory of 'The Few'
  10. Don't worry about System Restore..Ive used it a squillion times...and although it doesn't always fix the problem..it's never done any harm
  11. EAW

    Tumbleweed exits stage right!
  12. Spawns

    Well, 'Spawn' means that if you shoot down enemy aircraft in Quick Combat...they will reappear (respawn) to attack you again ad-infinitum, until you come out of the Game. It's normally unchecked, so say you are fighting 5 enemy aeroplanes, and shoot them all down...then no more will appear As for Labels...well, I prefer to turn off Labels..makes it more realistic! HTH
  13. But I am sure you have a version in your Country
  14. OT Aimed at the Brits

    Well guys..I have posted this in the Pub earlier on last week. Firstly, I can assure you, the Fish is very much alive...she was safely returned to the Water Secondly....the Fish is very much real...not a fake...she weighed in at 60KG (just over 30LB) The photo is however slightly misleading, insomuch as the fish is thrust towards the camera. This photo of me, is of a Carp of a similar size (32lb 4oz)...they are quite common on Continental Europe (I caught this one in France in the 1990's) As you can see, I didnt thrust it at the Camera...wish I had though hahahahaha As long as you handle them properly, they will stay still long enough for a photo or two..and then you can return them to grow BIGGER!
  15. New Rise of Flight Release

    Well, good luck...I have both Sims you mention... All I can say is, "Hope you don't find you've wasted your Money"
  16. Well Done Prince William

  17. AAA practice, or way too much free time

    I think I'll go with the 'Much too much time on their hands' option
  18. Secert P-4 pics of Snipe and Albatross s

    Well, the Albatros isn't exactly a 'Golden Eagle' is it?
  19. In Cockpit Pilots

    Well, I voted No...not to be negative or controversial...just that it doesnt bother me either way
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00ttjz0 Can't wait
  21. Hey Brits..don't miss this BBC2 tomorrow!

    Glad I recorded it...fell asleep half way through (not because I thought it was boring) I was just knackered!
  22. yes, knew about the two Belgians, cos I was going to do the Thiery skin originally..but it was already there. I never mentioned it at the time, because I thought they were campaign or mission aircraft, and I didn't want to spoil the surprise for people..(before I learned how the Sim works)
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=nKU0uQki5Dc
  24. There are a handful of Belgian skins in the Download section Red Dog, Lou and myself have all done some

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