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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Cool (and a little Disturbing)

  2. Nine Years Ago Today

    You missed out a couple Lou http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE
  3. Slowly getting back into Skinning for fun (in preperation for the Snipe fiesta!!) This is a French Triplane (haven't forgotten about yours Ras!..it's next on my todo list!) Should be available to download soon in download section
  4. Thank you

    Indeed thank you..glad you're having fun
  5. An Ode to the Halberstadt

    That's actually a little bit misleading Olham. Vast areas in Green are practically uninhabited..if the landmass in Green, was swapped for the landmass in grey, it may give a more accurate representation?
  6. Nine Years Ago Today

    I don't think I could add a full stop or Comma, that would improve anything in this statement!!! Thank you
  7. Thank you

    Well, without OBD...we are nothing! (Glad you are enjoying them though, and thank you for taking the time to mention it)
  8. My first skin for a while

    The French Navy had 17 operational aircraft (wikipedia) based at Dunkirk. The Russian's had one.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/battle_of_britain#p0095vws I love it when he tells the other chap to shut up!..hahahaha
  10. French Triplane

    File Name: French Triplane File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 13 September 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Loosely Based on a French Sopwith Triplane used in the Dunkirk area during 1917 Install to: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins Thanks to OBD for the Original Aircraft...and Quack74 for the idea Click here to download this file
  11. OT Douglas Bader interview

    Oh..sorry guys..must be because it's a BBC clip?...
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11107561 Interesting
  13. My first skin for a while

    Thank you WM Yeah Slart...must be a real bummer not being able to fly OFF!...Still, you will enjoy it again soon!
  14. Nine Years Ago Today

    Agree You cannot justify demonising an entire race/culture If you do, you are no better than Adolf Hitler..or the Bombers of 9/11
  15. French Triplane



    Loosely Based on a French Sopwith Triplane used in the Dunkirk area during 1917 Install to: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins Thanks to OBD for the Original Aircraft...and Quack74 for the idea
  16. Ho Lee Crap

    You can request Google to remove your house if you so wish...Personally, I find it quite useful, when returning home after a night drinking Old Speckled Hen!!!
  17. Nine Years Ago Today

    Weirdly too..The pentagon construction was completed 60 yrs earlier...on September 11th! Something about this date?...who knows
  18. NK Army Tribute

    Aww bless...at least they're having fun! (not too much of that in North Korea I suspect)
  19. # sigh # If Only

    All I would need is a bottle of Old Speckled Hen..and I would think I had died and gone to heaven!
  20. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    Ah yes, Coffee...hmm Can just about manage instant...but it's when they start putting Chocolate and pencil Sharpener contents on the top, that I move away!
  21. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    It was an absolute classic!...A real 'Choke on my morning Tea' moment!...thanks bud!
  22. This day in 2001.

    I was driving a delivery Car from the depot I worked at to a customers house..before I left, a work mate mentioned that a 'Light Aircraft' had crashed into the WTC in NY By the time I delivered the Car, the customer had told me, that it was a Jetliner...and when I got back to the depot..all the guys were glued to a portable TV...I arrived just in time to view the Horror of the Collapse! A day I will never forget
  23. Nine Years Ago Today

    Certainly a day that will live in Infamy. But lets remember too, the innocent people killed in Madrid, London, Bali..and other places. Terrorism affect's us all. We had the IRA blowing the crap out of Innocent people for 60 yrs prior to 9/11...funded (I'm sorry to say) by 'certain' members of the Irish community in the United States. The Isreali and Palestinian people need to come to some sort of peaceful settlement, as this is the real heart of the problem (IMHO) Terrorism will never be laid to rest with Tanks....eventually, it is ended by sitting around a table, talking...often making painful concessions (such as releasing the Bombers held in Custody...which is what we had to do in Northern Ireland) 9 years ago to this very day, Thousands of people lost their way, Across the world with disbelief, We watched those people scared with grief, And so today we remember you all, We all saw those buildings fall,......All the stars that shine from Heaven, Are the life and souls from 9/11. RIP
  24. Possible Terror attempt in Copenhagen today

    Yeah..I can see where you're coming from Nesher
  25. Hi Wallaroo, Ah yes...The City of Durham...a majestic place!!! Ok m8...If you can find any of these Beers around Durham...you won't go far wrong!! Brewed in Northumberland, and very nice too http://www.highhousefarmbrewery.co.uk/thebeers.asp Ferocious Fred is a personal favourite...but make sure you don't have an early start the next day!!!

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