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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Just went into QC...went to fight against SE5a Viper..got following error msg Unable to load SE5a Viper ace_RFC60_1918 CS Charlie Hall...default aircraft will be loaded Not seen it before..thought I'd let you know
  2. *HELP*..I need a BIG Goldfish Bowl!

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1309880/Fisherman-Raphael-Biagini-catches-massive-30lbs-goldfish.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Clucking Bell!!!
  3. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    LMFAO! :lol:
  4. Flames Roar in San Bruno, California

    Is it a Plane then?..any more news? Oh...Gas explosion!.....
  5. Say hello to my little friend!

    Awww Creaghorn...what can I say?...He's wonderful!! Mum looks positively glowing, with little Raphael lying there!...how old is he now? If he's very new...ie:-Under two weeks...enjoy the peace and quiet!! I think Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, makes Babies nice and quiet for two weeks, to give their mum a bit of R&R...So mant parents say "He's lovely and quite..never cries"....and then Baby finds out how much fun it is to make lots of noise!! Loved the 'Benny Hill' bit..where you left the Wife on the doorstep!..hahahahahaha Let me be the first here to wish Little Raphael, a long, happy and healthy life...and all the best to his proud mum and Dad! Well done :drinks:
  6. What do you fly?

    Good Poll...and so far..pretty much the answers one would expect
  7. It's gone so quiet here...

    I've really enjoyed Mafia 2...good storyline...great fist fights and gunfights were good fun!
  8. Hubba hubba pig!

    Yeah, SWAT 4 was quite cool (especially the Co-Op Multiplayer)
  9. It's gone so quiet here...

    Yes, It has become a bit quiet...of course, gamers come and go..I am playing Mafia 2 at the moment..so dont come here quiet as often...but the guys are no doubt working hard! I was amazed to have Winder tell me about the Snipe...I am sure that was not a hugely high priority for them, which might suggest things are moving on well?
  10. Hubba hubba pig!

    I quite fancy that!
  11. Oopsy Microsoft....

    The world has officially gone mad. Am I allowed to say 'Mad?'
  12. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    Wish people would just leave the Sharks (and other creatures) to live their lives as nature intended
  13. Women were tougher back in those days

    Thanks m8 Yeah...fits like a glove!
  14. Devs: possible little bug?

    Thats not remotely funny!!
  15. Women were tougher back in those days

    Trouble is of course..that Men have grown soft too!
  16. Devs: possible little bug?

    Not an end Scouse old chap!...merely the beginning....Now I need to start on the Pfaltz DXII (just kidding Devs....The Snipe is more than I could have dreamed!..at last, RB3D will truly be removed!) I cannot wait to recreate Barker's famous Dogfight....and doing a personal skin...and, of course...finally sending the Kaiser and his mono-wing monstrosity a final message, that for them.. Ze Vaw ist Over! And Herr Olham...I will enjoy having an aeroplane that will out fly, out manouver, out gun and out class anything the German Air Service has to offer! MUHahahahahahahahahah Now Gentlemen...If you will excuse me...I'm going to neck a couple of Pints of 'Hen'....stick my tongue down the throat of that Lassie... climb aboard my trusty Snipe...and go give Harry Hun a damn good thrashing...six of the best...Trousers Down!...Hussah!!! For God, Harry ... and St George!
  17. Devs: possible little bug?

    This sin't just a cruel joke is it?...I am really getting one?..I mean REALLY??? If true..I want to say thank you SOOOOO much!...my constant nagging has paid off!...And with no little thanks to my friends here, who have been most supportive of my manic Snipetopia
  18. 3 questions.

    actually..good point..is there a target lock option (like in RB3d?) Ah yes...Targetting commands
  19. Women were tougher back in those days

    If women had Balls...she would be unable to walk!....amazing
  20. # sigh # If Only

    My new desktop wallpaper and OFF Forum Signature!! thanks Lou...you old Rascal! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. Hmmmm! Crumpets!

    You have too much time on ya hands bud!
  22. Hmmmm! Crumpets!

    I'm a sucker for Hot Crumpets (MUST be hot)...with Butter..and a large spoonful of Honey!....delicious!
  23. OT - my latest model

    wow!...very nice!
  24. Huricane Earl coming

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/7977509/Thousands-evacuated-as-Hurricane-Earl-prepares-to-hit-US-east-coast.html Stay safe anyone who lives there!
  25. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Oh right...yeah, they were'nt brilliant I agree But Hells Highway is a work of pure genius

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