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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Heretic!! How can you even mention an EA Game as being anything but sh*t? Bad Company is just plain awful!....you might as well have a 50 foot crosshair!..you only have to fire in the general vicinity of a poorly animated Commie...to shoot him! And of course, the usual EA thing...go up to a dead body you've just put 50 rounds of 50 Cal into..and he looks like he just dropped off for a kip, after a hard night on the Fairy Cakes!...utter s**te! And I can't see where you're coming from on the trigger bit?
  2. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    I agree Hasse Wind...but when you 'take out' a group of Nazis with a charge, and a burst of MG fire..I found myself with a little time to take a deep breath...look around at the Carnage..and take in the experience. If WW2 combat was anything like COD...Everyone would have died..or gone mad!!
  3. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Which is why BIA Hells Highway is a squillion times better than COD
  4. Out of Action

    Hope you feel better soon mate!... I'm sure Nurse Ethel will keep you going in the First Aid tent!
  5. Entente aircraft losses

    Someone pass me an SE5...might stay alive longer!!
  6. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Yes, HL2 should be made a compulsory buy for all FPS fans!
  7. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    in one word DRM Free to use..and one of the better ones I spose..on the plus side..you can pay for the game directly...Steam downloads it for you, and you play Via it. and HL2 is under £7....bargain!! http://store.steampowered.com/
  8. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Good suggestion Von Paulus Half Life 2 is great, and is LAN compatible too! (and a budget price now as well) (though you may need the dreaded 'Steam')
  9. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    There are so many FPS LAN shooters to chose from Olham. My personal favourites are the early Call of Duty ones (1&2)...which my son constantly kicks my butt on!
  10. What would you like to get in P4?

    Really good Poll Olham...thanks One other thing I would like, is the need to start engines and taxi out..rather than start on the runway
  11. Should the new MOH be banned?

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11056581 So, you can play as the Taliban, and shoot seven bells out of Coalition forces. Is this a step too far?...or is it merely a 'game?' You decide!
  12. RIP Xbox 360

    X-Box whoosies! LONG LIVE THE PC!!
  13. Chilean Miners

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1305350/Chilean-miners-alive-trapped-rescue-months.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Wow!.....months underground before they will get out!...I hope they get on ok with each other!...and where is months worth of human waste gonna collect?...I would hope it will be bagged up and sent to the surface!!!....A fascinating story of human endurance will no doubt come from this!...can't wait to see the documentary that will no doubt be forthcoming on NatGeo!
  14. GHOSTS of the Great War

  15. My Scottish Holiday

    Had great fun..weather was smashing!...made this little vid...glad to be back flying though
  16. My Scottish Holiday

    It's heartening to see that the Welsh Collie is being protected in it's own right!...Borders have tended to 'take over' somewhat..and there were fears that the Welsh Collie would disappear..but that won't happen now The main difference between the two, is that the Welsh Collie has a 'Loose Eye'...and the Collie 'Fixed' when herding...They can be quite intimidating to some people, the way they stare right at you...I however, find it most endearing
  17. Should the new MOH be banned?

    I would have voted for Stalin, just to get Brown out! (oh...hang on!...One and the same!....bugger)
  18. Another type of headgear

    I wear Glasses...and went to see a 3D film a while ago...the Glasses provided where just like large sunglasses...luckily, I just put them on over my glasses (Glad it was dark, cos I probably looked a right twat!)...worked fine. I would love a pair of these..they sound great!
  19. RIP Xbox 360

    I have a question re:-XBox please? The one thing I have never liked about Consoles..is the Controlers!...I hate them, after 30 mins of gameplay, my thumb is agony! Is it possible to use a Mouse and Keyboard? (probably a daft question..but still)
  20. Chilean Miners

    The trapped miners have been told to sing and play games to keep busy. Call me pedantic but, can't they just do some mining?
  21. Why did you Yanks keep him away from me?

    I thought I had seen it all!...I'm 48 yrs old, and have only JUST discovered George Carlin! I have now ordered every DVD and Book I can find!! The man was a freaking genius!!! America has given us many things....But George Carlin tops the lot!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: May he rest in peace
  22. Why did you Yanks keep him away from me?

    In this world of Political Correctness gone mad..he is a refreshing watch
  23. GHOSTS of the Great War

    No Snipe either
  24. My Scottish Holiday

    Thanks chaps. Yeah, Border Collies are my Life!..I just love them!..So intelligent, Loyal...the true 'One man and his Dog'

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