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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. My Scottish Holiday

    Hi RC...No, the Fishing was poor to be honest...I hooked a fair sized Pike, but It came off...Only run of the week
  2. My Scottish Holiday

    Hahaha...yes, it was a biased lean towards the pooches...I did another video of the humans, but I didn't want to bore you with that!
  3. Welcome Home Olham

    Good to have you back old bean!
  4. This will open a can of Worms

    Yeah, I totally agree with you PD. Although I play FPS games online, I have never been a fan of Sims online (no idea why)..just how it is for me! Good to hear Canvas Knights is still being worked on..I was a big fan once I saw it
  5. Woods to Divorce

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5hSJbPbgWEc0eCgFrflwHQ28UuK2w No surprises there!
  6. Ouch!...wonder why only one ejected?
  7. Tornado

  8. Should the new MOH be banned?

    Hahaha...can just picture the scene!
  9. A General's Honor Restored

    Good point. I had a conversation the other day with a friend, about the difference between a Freedom Fighter and a Terrorist (slightly off topic perhaps)...but although it was stated that the only difference was whose side you were on..it's more than that...and the boundaries are blurred. Soldiers have a job to do..and that is, whatever their government tell them to do..same as it ever was. I too want to steer away from Politics, but most people agree that Nixon was a nob-end
  10. # sigh # If Only

    And that's my Helmet! WOOF WOOF!
  11. It means that P4 is gonna blow our socks off methinks! I have never known the devs to be so quiet! (and I go back to P1)...it's all very optomistic!!
  12. Welcoming home the Boys and Girls

    This is great!...get your Kleenex ready
  13. Pakistan floods

    http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Pakistan-Floods-British-Public-Donates-29m-To-Help-Pakistan-Flood-Victims/Article/201008415702605?lpos=World_News_Top_Stories_Header_2&lid=ARTICLE_15702605_Pakistan_Floods:_British_Public_Donates_%3F29m_To_Help_Pakistan_Flood_Victims come on Germany!...pull your socks up!!...and where are France????
  14. Should the new MOH be banned?

    I agree
  15. Don't Be this guy....

    What a sad little man! I know that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery...but this is ridiculous! He probably really believes he's a decorated War hero!...obviously has severe mental issues
  16. Yes, you should! I loved fs2004...but with a decent rig, FSX blows it out of the water (imho)
  17. Britain's most disgusting woman

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7956593/Cenotaph-outrage-woman-flees-court-as-veterans-stage-guard-of-dishonour.html Hope the Judge throws the book at her!
  18. 70 Years ago... Battle of Britain

    God bless them all. They will always be National Treasures here in the UK
  19. What happened to the crash effects?

    It would be nice to see something in between. It's a bit of a dull affair now!...some flames would be nice
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZdZsFZ1mW0 my favourite
  21. 10 days leave

    Off to Bonny Scotland for some R&R (and a spot of Pike Fishing) Much as I love OFF, and other Computer Games..I will not miss getting square eyes for a few days!...and look forward to some peace and quiet! Have Fun dudes
  22. What OS are you running OFF on?

    Ah, sorry m8..misunderstood you

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